world history essay

world history essay

Exploring the Impact of Key Historical Events on Shaping the Modern World

1. Introduction to World History and its Significance

In order to understand how societies and cultures struggled within themselves and struggled as they exist in the present, we need to conduct a comparison by evaluating and understanding the direction of political, social, economic, and artistic changes dictated by the sociology of a political travel. Clearly, every social change is a part of the changes dictated by the acceptance and rejection of all values of all societies and cultures. With sociology, we will be able to evaluate the acquisition of today’s understanding of the civilization of the different societies that we consider as conventional, besides the understanding of the general framework of the society and the world and the understanding of the development. In this study, it was aimed to give information about sociology, one of the disciplines that can be examined in the context of the general framework of society and the world within the scope of world history. Social Change, which is the main subject of the sociology discipline, will be examined. After providing information about this discipline and subject, social change in which society and culture are considered will be evaluated. The impact of key historical events on shaping the general framework of the modern world and the political, social, economic, and artistic authority and dictation changed by values will be covered. Principles of Laïcism, the women of society, socialist elements, individualist and nationalist elements, modernization and traditional elements, art movements that hint at criticism and weaknesses will be highlighted.

Although there are many world history books written in our country, it seems difficult to say that there is a common work that covers the whole world on a platform and includes it in a general framework. The improvement of the discussions in the context of our country and the consequent reduction of the urgency of providing material on other societies and cultures in order to compare our country and other countries show that we generally evaluate every historical problem that we encounter according to the general framework of our own country and that we remain trapped in the walls of our country. For this reason, it is necessary to deal with world history comparatively and systematically to reach a general opinion. Because, without comparing, we cannot evaluate.

We cannot simply state that history is the study of the past. In today’s rapidly changing world, history is of great significance because it enables us to understand how technically and culturally advanced modern civilizations have been created by uncovering the origins and developments of existing phenomena in order to benefit from them. World history is enormous and contains the experiences of different societies and cultures on the face of the Earth at different times. This vast accumulation of experiences teaches us the causes and the consequences of major historical events that have changed society, rather than confined to a longitudinal analysis of a particular society. In addition to giving us a local perception, world history also enables us to evaluate the time-space interactions between different societies and cultures.

2. The Ancient Civilizations and Their Contributions

Mesopotamia saw the rise and great influence of the Sumerians, who developed extensive trade and commerce and developed the earliest known written language. A later group of people, the Akkadians, united the entire region under one ruler for the first time. They helped lay the foundation for all future Mesopotamian civilization. Eventually, the area was overrun by a Semitic group, the Babylonians, and they, in turn, came under the control of a non-Semitic Indo-European people – the Hittites, in the north, and the Egyptians in the south.

Numerous ancient civilizations played a major role in shaping the world as we know it today. They included: Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, the Greeks, the Romans, the Chinese, and the Jews. Mesopotamia, the fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, saw the development of one of the first complex societies in human history. The area has been kept deserted by evolution itself and at its very cradle, civilizations arose thousands of years ago. Foremost among all those in the cradle and assert its control. The two rivers made agriculture easy, the basic food base for all advanced civilizations, including today; as do the arteries her supply transportation networks, both of goods and people which made it possible for the different centers of civilization to interchange.

3. The Age of Exploration and Its Effects on Globalization

The long history, experience, and relative maturity of European seafaring had a significant influence on how European exploration evolved. It was the potential to establish direct sea trade between Europe and the wealthy Indian, Near Eastern, and African civilizations that lay to the south and east that drove Europe to explore “outside”, across the Atlantic and later round Africa to reach the East. This combination of Europe’s position as a land constrained geographical location and its need to obtain the material rewards of trade was one of the key factors that eventually led to it reaching levels of seafaring, navigational, and shipbuilding expertise. Additionally, the contrast in intensity of contacts, momentum of contact developments, and the cultural impact of Europeans with the societies that they encountered as opposed to other societies visiting these cultures was also rooted in this fundamental asymmetry. Not surprisingly then, the age of exploration had a profound effect on the societies in different regions, bringing about a convergence between the hemispheres both at the global and local levels.

Undeniably, the process of globalization has evolved long before the current period. Historical civilizations have been exchanging commodities, importing religions, and seeking out political alliances in various ways across seas for periods much longer than is often recognized. However, a wave that has affected important changes of a more comparable nature with recent globalization was the age of exploration. This period of exploration, carried out largely by Europeans, opened up a vast network of contacts between peoples that had historically been isolated or had had little ties with each other.

4. The Industrial Revolution and Its Socioeconomic Consequences

With the exorcism of destructive ends, technical-scientific knowledge has become the patrimony of mankind, generating synergy between fundamental knowledge and applied science, between original research and innovation.

Prospective studies were carried out and research and development were funded, determining their variable intensity, in relation to the strategic, military or civil need. Such support provided an important tool for peaceful conflict resolution. Technicians have developed ethical codes for the exercise of their role, with professional associations imposing professional responsibilities in the public interest. Scientists discovered the laws and principles that govern the world. Soon they found means to build objects of war and instruments of defense, determining the responsibility in the use of their discoveries. Retarding or refusing support to war machines, in favor of applications if possible for peaceful purposes.

In response, education for all at the expense of the state was adopted, given the recognition of the benefits that are derived from them in terms of the increase in income and the improvement of the quality of life. The entrepreneur’s task was also recognized, flanked by the function of increasing profits. Technicians had the same responsibility, in addition to making sure that technical and product innovations were transferred from the research centers, where the technology was conceived, to the production centers, where technology was used.

With the progress of technology, the skilled worker lost his place, facing competition through the machine. As an alternative to the violent revolution, where at best a redistribution of wealth would be achieved, he gave priority to the cultural revolution, seeking a remedy in the formation of a broad productive class, united in a single thought, which acted on the progress of science and on the need for formal education, calling the technical and scientific workers to take the lead.

A new social order, based on the fact that a large part of the population is supported by an equally small part linked to technology, was generated. The new dynamics stratified the population on the basis of this social structure. The entrepreneurs concentrated on technical competence, to ensure exclusivity of the process and success, generating large profits. Workers were used as machine operators, having no incentive to gain specialized expertise, preventing them from leaving because of competition from outsiders.

The Industrial Revolution, which first started in Britain at the end of the 18th century and spread to Europe and the world in the 19th century, saw the transition from hand production methods to machines, developing technological advances which over time have penetrated all branches of the economy, transforming it from agrarian to industrial, but not only. Also taking place was a breakthrough in the knowledge and techniques, which resulted in new materials and products and new processes and functions that moved human powers to new heights.

5. The World Wars and the Establishment of International Organizations

The Paris Peace Conference opened on January 18, 1919, culminating in one of the most severe reconstruction works in lost world history. The years following the First World War were significant in that they marked the end of a dynamic Euro-centered international system and the transformation of the European global political and economic system into an international system. The First World War ended with a weakened Europe, Canada, and Turkey struggling to overcome the war’s aftermath, a humiliated and collapsing China, and an ineffective state in Latin America. In this context, dissociating the territorial conflicts between the victorious powers became a very important issue. The first step taken in this direction was the first and second Madrid meetings. At the Ottoman Conference, the weakness of the Russians caused the Ottoman Empire to become ineffective. The attitude of the Ottoman Ministry, which was stuck on the Map of Forti, caused the ministry to adopt Armstrong’s attitude to change the direction. has been found. Japan’s influence at this conference has diversified its foreign policy and socio-economic structure.

(True grandness is) when people push back their chairs and talk, and the spirit of understanding, cooperativeness, and interdependence permeates the globe.

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