why i chose psychology essay

why i chose psychology essay

The Importance of Choosing Psychology as a Field of Study

1. Introduction to the Field of Psychology

By choosing the field of psychology as most students of psychology do, a career in research, education, service, or practice is also eventually embraced. As a college student poised to choose your life’s work and psychological science as your field of study, countless doors have been opened. You may find being a psychology major curious, fascinating, challenging, fulfilling, and rewarding. As you investigate the endless field of psychology, you will develop a comprehensive, holistic perspective about human behaviors and why it occurs. You will develop a number of skills, and you will gain knowledge about scientific methodology as well as about specific areas of behavior that interest you. During the first experiences of studying psychology, many colleges and universities present beginning psychology students an opportunity to experience research, education, or service in order to assist them in developing a clearer sense of how these areas of psychology enhance your personal and professional life. These preliminary experiences also provide you with opportunities to put theory into practice and develop critical skills. These topics will be discussed further in chapter 16.

Psychology is the scientific field of inquiry that focuses on the study of behavior (in its many forms). It encompasses concepts and approaches that vary among various theoretical perspectives. An individual who chooses the study of psychology as their field of endeavor is referred to as a student of psychology. By choosing the field of psychology, students are provided the freedom to explore and think critically about human behavior; additionally, they are able to help others explore and critically analyze their behavior as well. So many aspects of psychology, the understanding of another person’s behavior and thinking are regarded as valuable.

2. Personal Motivations for Choosing Psychology

My passion for learning makes constant learning a big, big driver for choosing psychology as a field. Psychology just makes me learn more and more and more, no fatigue. It just drives me to get it. I like to ask or ask. Keep asking and asking. Probably, it’s just my major again, to study good questions and good things, so that people would listen to you, so this is just no fatigue. Keep asking. Not to mention about reading, reading on these questions. Just loads of readings, and again, no fatigue. I like to more and more seeking the answers. I do enjoy reading now. In the past, no way, no reading for job. Now, no, I do enjoy this. All kinds, not only academic kinds, even some, so-called popular kinds. I really enjoy reading. And really, really happy to help people. Some people told me I’m naturally a helper. I like smile. I like to make smiles on other people’s faces or bring happiness to them. But just to reach the truth. I do not want to comfort you or comfort me unnecessarily. For the benefits. Not only you might benefit but other people might benefit, society might benefit, humankind, future kinds, minds.

I came to the U.S. in the fall of 2005. My first degree was in computer science. I’ve been in IT for a few years, doing software development and other IT-related things. I’d been considering a change, considering what to do. I’d been thinking maybe I want to be a computer science professor, or not professor but teaching, which teaching something. Then, I ended up in social psychology when I was choosing my elective courses. I enjoyed it so much, and then I took another course of psychology, which is industrial and organizational psychology. And again, I enjoyed it so much. I really think I wanted to learn all of those things. I like the people, psychology people, very friendly, very nice people.

3. Career Opportunities and Growth in the Field

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, a psychologist is a person trained to guide others to understand, predict, and alleviate pain, work with people whose behavior is maladaptive or neurotic, and help them regain their normal function. A psychologist is someone trained in the scientific study of the mind and its functions, as well as human behavior patterns. They also look for patterns of behavior or personality trends, and they sometimes test people who are thought to be too ill for personal interviews. The work field of a psychologist is often categorized by several areas of specialization. The U.S. Department of Labor recognizes the fields of clinical, counseling, educational, forensic, industrial/organizational, cognitive, developmental, neurological/neuropsychological, and sports psychology. Other areas with additional psychologists are the military, media relations, regulatory agencies, and community mental health programs. A professional psychologist is someone trained in the practice of psychology. These individuals have acquired advanced degrees in a school of psychology and typically have undergone numerous hours of specific training.

A degree in psychology opens up many career opportunities. It generally prepares individuals for other professions such as law, medicine, education, and business. Therefore, many fields have developed to accommodate the various sub-areas of psychology, such as clinical, counseling, forensic, industrial/organizational, biological, and neuropsychology. The American Psychological Association, for example, recognizes sixteen different areas of practice for psychologists. According to the Occupational Outlook of the past decade, many of these areas are expected to have superior growth as fields for psychology degree-holders. The starting salaries in the field of psychology for those who have obtained a Ph.D. degree have risen faster than those in many other professional fields.

4. Impact and Relevance of Psychology in Various Sectors

People are concerned with internal peace, particularly when changes in life occur, such as difficulties developing in relationships with the outside world, work problems, exams, deficiencies in achieving personal and group goals, assistance with welfare relations, or parental anxieties or fears. Automatically, the search for solutions begins; yes, this is the role of psychology. They are present in all areas of life, offering ways of understanding oneself and the things around them in the best way. With this academic experience, people can develop in a healthy way, contribute to others’ personal and professional formation, and establish possible successes according to the society they live in. Providing a trustworthy, quality learning environment is essential for serving in educational organizations. The primary mission of educators qualifies students for work experience by fulfilling increasingly powerful technical developments. It creates a modern society from an active workforce that demands well-qualified members. As a science, psychology is responsible for this duty.

The famous author, Peter Halley, has once said that Islanders are thinking about land, merchants are thinking about customers, healers are thinking about patients, educators are thinking about students, and nurses are thinking about frightened and suffering people. Psychologists are thinking about human behavior, and when it comes to medical care, who deserves more attention than the patient? Psychology is primarily concerned with understanding, evaluating, and solving the most feared problems in human life using research techniques. On the one hand, it seeks the answer in the subconscious and unconscious of people and endeavors to explain their thoughts and behaviors. Psychology helps people lead a healthier and more peaceful life by identifying, understanding, and treating maladaptive and negative factors. Not just in healthcare, but in all areas of life, adapting to society and its requirements occurs with the decisions taken in light of their guidance.

5. Conclusion: The Fulfillment and Rewards of Studying Psychology

Whether or not students pursue academic studies in psychology and ultimately become professional psychologists, this knowledge base will serve them well all their lives. Free from shackles, beholding glory-hazard everyone willingly who wants to succeed. Aspiring to become a mature and resilient human being who understands other human beings and wants to apply this knowledge for good is an important, noble, and rewarding educational goal. Seeking psychological enlightenment is a never-ending and rewarding challenge for anyone at any point in life. Psychology is the key to understanding the human condition so that one might meet the challenges as well as profit from the opportunities in life. Study of psychology provides an invaluable liberal arts dimension to the university experience. Psychology is the key to understanding the human condition so that one might meet the challenges as well as profit from the opportunities in life.

An education in psychology is especially rewarding because it allows students to understand themselves and others better, from such a rich and varied base of knowledge about human behavior, personality, motivation, mental illness, brain processes, and change and growth within individuals, interpersonal relationships, families, and in institutions. Students gain perspective about the conspicuous and the hidden, the irrational and the rational, the meaningful and the trivial in life, and how these coexist in both healthy and unhealthy individuals and societies. A psychology education strengthens every profession and vocation. It is well-functioning individuals in society who need to solve the complex problems we face.

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