why don’t i want to do my homework

why don’t i want to do my homework

Reasons for not wanting to do homework

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why don’t i want to do my homework
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1. Lack of interest in the subject

I’m not interested in the subject. When I start my homework, I’m reminded of how I don’t really enjoy the subject I’m doing – like why do I need to know about half of the things I’m forced to learn? Like why do I need to know about how photosynthesis works in a plant, and the impact of the industrial revolution on Britain? I absolutely hate Chemistry and Modern History, yet I’m made to do it. I find Chemistry boring and I have no interest in remembering the 100+ elements in the periodic table, let alone what they do. And with Modern History, I find it irrelevant to today’s society in the fact that I don’t need to know some of the things to become successful when I’m older. This lack of interest in the subject and why the work needs to be done is coupled with the idea that it is not worth my time. I would pass on doing homework to do something I would enjoy more, such as playing a computer game or playing basketball.

2. Feeling overwhelmed by the workload

Review of the teacher’s method and an assessment on its effectiveness can decrease the workload on students. Students who are overwhelmed by homework or have a difficult time understanding the assignment should feel comfortable consulting with their teachers. This can bring about a better explanation from the teacher or even possibly a change to an easier assignment. A teacher should be able to evaluate whether an assignment is too difficult or if it is too time-consuming. If this is the case, then a change should be made. In a worst-case scenario, teachers need to be considerate of students and their education. In the case of a student who has after-school obligations or employment, these students are striving to balance work with school. These students do not have the extra free time to complete homework. It is unfair to penalize a student with a lower grade due to an inability to complete excessive assignments.

Coming from a young student, this is some valuable advice to teachers. I find that education is constantly changing, and newer techniques are being applied to teaching students. Teachers are now using the internet and independent computer-based assignments to instruct and teach their students. This is a new method that students may not yet grasp. Assigning an excessive amount of homework is another added load onto a pupil’s time, resulting in insufficient sleep and a stressed mind. Homework should be directed at preparing for the next day or reviewing the day’s lesson.

Homework is an assignment that a student is assigned to do outside of the usual school curriculum. It is a task that is expected to be completed the next day. This assignment is given with the intention of students learning how to manage their time wisely, but having an overload of homework leads to incomplete sleep the next day. According to Duke University’s Professor Harris Cooper, it’s important to set a specific time limit on homework. He recommends following the “10 Minute Rule”. Multiplied by the student’s grade, the student should have that many minutes of homework.

Having too much homework can put the child under a lot of stress, and stress affects how a child acts, their mood, and the quality of their assignments. An overwhelming amount of homework can put a child into shutdown mode where they don’t do anything and just stare at their work. If they get too stressed out, they won’t be able to sleep, which will affect their mental and physical state the next day at school. A common complaint with too much homework is from parents who say their child is doing a lot of homework but not getting to bed until late, which is cutting into their sleep time. Too much homework can cause stress in a student and lead to health issues in the future.

3. Distractions and lack of focus

This is probably the number one reason why we kids do not want to do homework. Several different things can cause stress and lack of focus while doing homework. One would be when we have a lot of different things due the next day. Often, our teachers will give us a bunch of work to do all due the next day. This can cause stress from being overwhelmed from all the work we have to do. It can also cause us to not do any of the homework due to our unwillingness to do a specific assignment knowing there’s much more to do. Another cause for stress would be when a teacher is giving a new lesson while assigning homework due the next day. This can cause confusion which leads to frustration then stress to meet the assignment deadline using the new knowledge which is not yet solid. Another cause of lack of homework focus is insufficient sleep. High school students today are very sleep deprived. With jobs, extracurricular activities, family, social life, and the pressures of school, there is no time left to get the sufficient 8-9 hours of sleep. As any doctor will tell you, lack of sleep will have a negative impact on a person’s brain and their ability to function. A sleep deprived person will have trouble absorbing information and focus which is detrimental for doing homework. Though some may argue it is the student’s fault for poor time management, time management does not account for the overbearing stress and confusion from school lessons and is not an excuse for the education system to further neglect the health of their students.

4. Procrastination and time management issues

If the student falls into the cycle of postponing the work they need to do, it’s likely that they’ll feel even more stress as the due date looms. This can be a sign that the child is having difficulty starting the task. They may find it overwhelming and so will seek to delay and in essence avoid it. An alternate reason can be that the student feels they have the task under control and are able to finish it at the last minute. They may feel that doing the work now is a waste of time as they are able to do it later. This, in turn, will affect the quality of their work and as a result, is more likely to resort to last-minute cramming. Students who have a tough time managing work, whether it is because of a part-time job, extracurricular activities, or just having too much to do, can easily become overwhelmed and, as a result, will avoid the work. If they have several tasks, they may begin to feel that all of the tasks are too hard and will put them off for too long. They will then become stressed, which makes it even harder to start the assignments.

5. Need for relaxation and leisure activities

A further argument is that there is no clear evidence that homework has any benefits at all. Homework given too young increases negative attitudes to school. For older students, school work is an essential part of obtaining a good education, but for children play is also essential. Course work at school is very focused on academic work, and there is little time set aside for PE, socializing, or time with the family. Relaxing after a full day of school is better for students than forcing them to continue working; this is an important part of learning. School-related work should be done at school, and free time at home should be just that, free. Homework restricts the amount of free time a student has to play, and in turn takes away from the vital social, emotional, and mental development needed to form a well-rounded individual. On the whole, the amount of stress placed on young students because of homework is excessive, and is it really benefiting them in any way? A Stanford study found that too much homework can have a negative impact on student mental health. The study found that high school students are suffering from too much stress and that the stress can affect their well-being. Kids are developing more health problems such as weight loss, headaches, sleep deprivation, and stomach problems. High stress can lead to quitting sports, a passion, or a hobby, and avoiding things that could be beneficial to a student’s social and emotional development. Homework also takes away from the time a student needs to foster talents, skills, or just simply to discover new hobbies. All of these things are important to do, as a person’s character development should not be ignored in the face of academic writing. Character is formed throughout the entirety of someone’s life, and not just in their teens when they will do anything to get higher exam results. Homework is taking away from the real quality of life that a student should experience.

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