why can’t i do my homework

why can’t i do my homework

The Importance of Homework and Strategies to Overcome Challenges

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1. The Benefits of Homework

At this point, let us assume that the student has done some notes of his own and is prepared to complete an assignment which the teacher has given him to assess his comprehension of the material. This can stem from practically everything that has been done in class, whether it be a learning activity of some sort, a worksheet, or even a previous homework assignment. The student in this case will need to be able to use his best available resources to tackle the assignment competently. Once completed, the student can assess himself whether the job was done adequately. If so, then he has learned that topic. But if not, it is the student’s opportunity to try and correct the mistakes so that the teacher will see that he now comprehends. This is the primary importance of homework.

One excellent way to do that might be to take some notes and jot down the significant points while he reads. Afterwards, if he should come upon a portion of the material that he does not fully understand, he can refer back to the text because it is highly likely that the homework assignment will be centered around the material that was covered in the class.

Homework, as stated in the previous chapter, can serve to help the student to reinforce the comprehension of the material covered in the classroom. Now when the student is in the process of learning the greater details of the events in history, for example, he is doing so by reading and studying from his textbook, and also quite possibly from additional sources. It is at this time when he is attempting to commit to memory the dates and facts in order to pass a test that he will seek clarification of the subject matter.

2. Common Challenges in Doing Homework

Students avoid doing homework if they cannot see the point in doing it. Often there is a direct relationship between the level of enjoyment people have and the amount of value they hold. Therefore, it is pertinent for teachers to make homework enjoyable. It should be interactive and have a purpose. Duration of the content is also important. If students think it is busy work, they will resist it. If students can see a clear purpose, they are far more likely to complete it.

3. Multi-Media Practice changes brain function. The brain has plasticity, which is the ability to adapt and change. Changes occur with practice. Homework provides the practice needed.

People with a growth mindset, a belief that dedication and hard work can change ability, solve more problems than people with a fixed mindset, a belief that ability cannot be changed. This is because they place a higher value on doing the work. Children can be taught to change their belief systems to the more influential growth mindset. By doing so, they will believe putting effort into their work is more important and attainable, resulting in higher quality work.

Introduction Homework is set on a regular basis and is an important part of the education process. Multiple research studies have shown that homework and academic achievement are highly correlated. As a student, it is a good idea to set a time each day to concentrate on your homework, and with time it will become less of a struggle. It’s a good idea to prioritize your work. There are many reasons why students do not continue with their homework. It ranges from being too stressed out or not having enough time to motivation. There are several things to avoid when doing homework that can help increase the quality of the time spent, such as multi-tasking. This is more than one activity at a time and it divides a person’s attention, ultimately resulting in lower quality work.

3. Strategies to Stay Motivated and Focused

Postsecondary Students Can students with disabilities prepare for the changes in learning environment and curriculum demands? This is the question posed by Learning a Strategic Learning (LSL) for Students with Disabilities. Their training programs and products aim to improve motivational beliefs of persons with disabilities and result in confident self-regulation of learning, allowing for increased academic achievement. Before improving learning strategies, LSL assesses student motivation by examining expectancy, value, and affect. Self-efficacy and intrinsic interest in the subject affect perceived capability, which in turn affects utility value and cost. LSL then teaches its students to adopt a mastery approach focusing on increasing ability as opposed to performance and avoiding helplessness with maladaptive thoughts. This aims to increase the value of the task by instilling the belief that it is important and worthwhile. LSL aims to increase positive affect towards learning by teaching students to focus on the pleasurable aspects and to avoid anxiety of failure with task persistence and regulation. All of these concepts enable improved self-regulatory learning.

Exercise Physical activity increases blood flow to the whole body, including the brain. The Association for Applied Sport Psychology states that in the short term, exercise can relax the mind and in the long term enable the ability to disengage from work and relax. It allows for an improved ability to take in and process information in addition to enhancing mood. In a study completed by Jim McKillop, it was found that people in different states of physical fitness have lower memory function than those who are fitter. He also discovered that some improvements occur after just one session of moderate activity. This proves that even low and moderate exercise can be very beneficial to learning and memory functions.

Some of the strategies suggested by NIDILRR to enhance memory and focus have been summarized on the next page. These practical exercises to enforce the concepts being learnt, reduce stress and resist environment restrictions are designed to benefit people of all ages and abilities. An explanation is offered after each title to ensure comprehensive understanding.

4. Time Management Techniques for Homework

There are some specific techniques that can be helpful in the instance of taking a big assignment and breaking it into smaller pieces. Make a list of all the small pieces of the homework: Make a list of all the small assignments that come from the larger assignment. It is much easier to tackle a small assignment one at a time, rather than tackling the whole assignment at once. Also, identify how much time each assignment will take to complete. Small assignments can add up quickly, so it is important to keep track of how much time it will take to complete them. Schedule these small assignments and follow the schedule: Once the small assignments have been identified, it is possible to figure out how much time it will take to complete each assignment and them on the calendar. It might be useful to create a specific time slot for each assignment on the calendar. Can use myHomework, an iPhone app that allows you to store your homework and schedule into a calendar. myHomework is a simple, free and effective way of keeping track of your assignments. Another strategy to take a big assignment and break it into smaller pieces is to do just that – take a big assignment and break it into smaller assignments. Whether a mental or physical list is made, this strategy is useful for giving the assignment form and making it less overwhelming. Once the smaller assignments have been identified, it is important to decide which assignments should be done at which time. This depends on the due date of the assignment and the amount of time it will take to complete each one. It is useful to make a schedule at this point. This schedule should be a form of a simple list or a calendar. My mother, a clinical psychologist for children, has taught me a strategy called “Time lines” which is very effective for visually oriented people who are challenged with planning and organization. Draw a line on a piece of paper and fill it in with the dates of the mini assignments all the way to the due date of the assignment. Show the time it will take to complete each mini assignment (in the form of how many days), and the due date of the assignment. This is effective for creating a big picture in the mind about the time plan for completing the assignment.

5. Seeking Help and Support for Homework

Every student needs help with school or college assignments from time to time. It is most important to know where you can find such assistance. Some will come from your teacher, while others will come from your classmates. However, a great deal of help may come from your parents. Long ago, before the invention of the computer or television, parents were more involved with their children’s education. In modern society, the role of parent involvement with homework has become a question of great importance. School districts across the nation are now implementing parent involvement programs to help strengthen the learning skills of students. A common program that is becoming a trend in education is “homework hotlines.” This is a free service provided by the school in which students can call for help on assignments, understanding lessons, or check to see if they have completed the assignments correctly. Telephone calls are directed to a teacher or paraprofessional at the elementary, middle, or high school level who is proficient in math, science, English, or social studies and is available to speak to students in their native language. This program is designed to reinforce learning in the core subjects by providing assistance with homework in the evenings. It is a great program that allows students to have one-on-one time with a person at home, while not having to pay for expensive tutors.

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