what is the purpose of government

what is the purpose of government

The Purpose of Government: A Scholarly Examination

1. Introduction to the Concept of Government

Government is a system of social control under governance and the process of decision making within that system of social control consists of a variety of institutions that are created and operated in order to develop and implement laws and regulations for the society as a whole. These institutions also interpret laws, adjudicate possible conflicts, and administer the rules of conduct that have been enacted. Authority is key in the system. Governments make the rules and enforce them. Citizens living in the society are allowed to make decisions only as much as majority require on rules and laws, and they are forced to follow them as well. Government is the mechanism that makes and enforces the rules of a society and ultimately resolves conflicts. Socialization helps provide the legitimacy needed. Socialization is what occurs as people learn the ways of society (in this case, how to be an American citizen) as they grow through childhood into adolescence and adulthood with the training needs being met by the family, schools, churches, and other institutions.

The concept of government refers to the primary means by which modern, civilized nations are organized and function. It begins with an understanding of the meaning and concept of government in general and then examines some of the functions and activities carried out by modern government. The purpose of government is best understood through two important documents: the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. A working definition of government for this book is as follows: a system of social control under governance and the process of decision making within that system of social control to maintain order and to accomplish worthy goals, such as developing and protecting a civilization and its cultural and natural environment.

2. Historical Perspectives on the Purpose of Government

In their successful attempts to influence the populace, government advocates have suggested a variety of reasons for government to exist. These reasons are founded on authority unanimously deemed to be beyond reproach. They are those of religion, purpose, custom, and, above all, absolute necessity. Personal safety is the most demanding and apparent of all human needs. Personal and social security has traditionally been government’s most valued provision to humans. At minimum, a government was held to have the responsibility of providing national safety for which the social group accepted it as a leader. It was the rationale on which many plenary powers have been granted, particularly in wartime. At best, a government was the collective agent for the entire people, spinning and winning the web of social services.

History records numerous attempts to explain why governments exist. Many of these were constitutionally based, designed to explain to courtiers and underlings why a particular person occupied the throne – that he was ruler by divine right, for example. New explanations were provided each time the throne changed hands. Many of today’s claims, such as those that public policy must be based on the will of the people, are themselves timeless. Others have provided the intellectual and statutory base for social, legal, and political structures that have endured for prolonged periods. Still others have been intellectual bridges to new social constructs. Republics have used these same arguments to justify the installation of new governments when the old one became unacceptable, so compelling arguments often were needed. Commonly, the replaced regimes were held to have lost the necessary element of consent of the governed and were replaced. Presidential systems then sought defining characteristics mandating their replacement.

3. Modern Theories and Philosophies of Governance

Acting through the Constitutional procedures gives the officeholder credibility. This is a form of “Mandate.” Many people around the world view the President of the United States as a “leader.” Wars, for example, are more credible when Congress declares them via the Constitution. The U.S. Constitution requires a 2/3 vote of the Senate, the body representing state leaders, to approve a President’s treaties. This simple requirement encourages the Executive Branch leader to serve the states’ own interests. It’s always a good idea to allow “a cooling off” period. The Constitution allows groups of states to convince Congress to delay actions.

Power comes from the office of government, not the individual who is serving the people. Technically, checks and balances and democracy should prevent a single person or office from growing too powerful. In reality, it doesn’t always work. The framers of the U.S. Constitution worked diligently to prevent tyranny. The Constitution they authored, when placed under the proper oversight of alert and informed citizens, guided the United States through war and peace without the nation having to succumb to rulers such as Hitler, Stalin, or Chairman Mao. The White House has only so much power because of the Constitution.

4. Case Studies: Governmental Functions in Practice

It is important before we proceed, however, to remember an important limitation in all such studies: the immense difficulty in finding reliable instrumentalities for measuring the efficiency and success of governmental activities. There are few, if any, possibilities for “ultimate” tests in this vital field. Researchers generally cannot employ direct measurements of the value which governmental activities produce and must rely, therefore, on the more dubious expedient of secondary tests, which may or may not be valid. Nor have they been able to develop reliable measurement of the cost of producing their subject utilities. Without an instrumentality for comparing costs and values of utility produced, they can provide little resolution to the simple problem of the ultimate success of governmental activities.

In this chapter, we now turn to examine the work of scholars who have undertaken empirical studies. Most of the literature of public administration indeed is good inductive research work. Scholars have studied and watched administrative government in operation to see what it does and how well or how badly it does it. If the conclusions of the scholars do not settle conclusively the questions of the philosopher, they at least give practical governmental guidance to the citizen and worker whose taxes support the administrative structure and whose activities help to carry it out.

5. Conclusion: Reimagining the Role of Government in the 21st Century

The implications of this inquiry are significant for the way we envision the proper role of government in the 21st century. It encourages that we reorient the way we think about what we hope and rightfully expect government can accomplish. Done correctly, the proper delivery of the results of the socio-economic environment that stimulates the progression of modern society will improve the image of government and enhance its role as a stalwart of decency and facilitator of organizational affairs. With proper development and support, we need not feel as adverse about the support of government activities as they are today. Similarly, those participating in the various activities that utilize or provide support to government need not feel so much as if their efforts dissipate the breadth, enthusiasm, and quality of people’s talents, output, and drive for stimulating the proper enjoyment of life.

This inquiry has explored the primary objectives of the actions of the government. Briefly stated, it posits that the primary objective of government, through its laws, regulations, and enforcement of them, is to assist in the organization, coordination, and governance of complex human and physical capital structure necessary to facilitate the ongoing provision of affordable, high-quality goods and services that facilitate the desirable enhancement of people’s enjoyment of life. This includes creating a conducive environment for enhancing good relations, generating good thoughts, and putting one’s talents, good fortune, and enjoyment of life to beneficial purpose. These actions complement the activities of daily living that individuals undertake in order to maintain themselves in desirable ways and contribute usefully to the citizenry.

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