what is sociology essay

what is sociology essay

Exploring the Significance and Relevance of Sociology in Understanding Human Society

1. Introduction to Sociology and its Key Concepts

The term “Sociology” therefore simply means the intellectual product of the philosopher and philosopher who thought about and wrote about society and linked the love of wisdom with human happenings. However, just as there can be no birth of a child without a parent, so also could we not give birth to sociology without a conscious parent who made an effort to construct it.

As a child cannot but belong to a mother successive to the process of conception (procreation), so also sociology was or evolved from the mother social science. The mother science in this equation is ‘philosophy’, from the Greek word for ‘love of wisdom’. Philosophy was the mother science in the sense that it was the first body to engage in the investigation or explanation of the human mysteries.

One of the main goals of the social sciences is to understand society. The search to understand social life is common to all social scientists. It is what makes them ‘social’. One of the methods used by nature to study his environment is ‘understanding’ through the use of what he already knows of the phenomenon and then building new knowledge on this foundation. This basis has developed over the millennia into the various sciences and sub-branches in his quest for knowledge.

Sociology – The Mother Social Science

2. Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

Sociology provides a variety of theoretical perspectives, each of which, in terms of its intended scope and complexity, produces a more or less complete map of an entire social world. Early European sociologists and American theorists who studied European society and social processes contributed dominant theoretical perspectives that greatly aided in the development of sociology. The historical uniqueness and distinctiveness of a variety of other societies, as well as the differences in their social processes, resulted in the uniqueness of various American sociologists and the development and articulation of theoretical perspectives specific to the United States. Over the years, as has been noted, sociological theory has expanded its scope to include the study of societies and social phenomena in a broad and inclusive sense.

From the very inception of sociology as a discipline, sociologists have developed various theoretical perspectives to understand the complexities of human societies, their various components, and cultural processes. Sociological theories and perspectives are used to systematically examine the social world, and together they assist in more clearly understanding what appears to be a confusing and frequently changing environment. All societies have members who fulfill certain types of expected functions and are reciprocally dependent on each other. Functional theorists suggest that all parts of society are functional; that is, they contribute to the survival or stability of society.

3. Research Methods in Sociology

A sociology method, empirical in nature, cannot operate like a simple science added to the already complete philosophy and deductive. Sociology has the particularity of having to turn to its object. From there stems a methodological requirement: to seek in a theoretical dimension the means of access to empirical reality. The scientific ideal demanding to search and to present “as it is,” sociologists can no longer base their investigation on common sense if underlying these methods we find values and ideas. This requirement to seek the theoretical tools available to the scientific world is often analyzed using the terms “quantitative” and “qualitative” methods, two modes of apprehending the empirical present throughout the collection of texts which this manual is composed. The relationship of complementarity and opposition between these different approaches is fundamental in Sociology, even though sometimes these two terms are presented as irreconcilable. A better knowledge of these different methods often becomes an essential basis for the methodology of the research in sociology. The precise choice of a method must be reasoned and not be left to the field of evidence or ideology. There is no generic method to capture the empirical defined beforehand, and sociologists can only enrich themselves with a practical epistemological reflection if they are able to compare their methods and accumulate diverse experiences. The circle then closes and proves that the cognitive pretensions of sociology no longer hold. As one surveyor can recognize the gravity of his errors and act to minimize it, the reflexive sociologist does not seek to isolate himself to study the collective but rather to reduce his reflexive effect.

As a field of study, sociology has come to apply a scientific method. Why? If the nature of human beings and human societies brings sociologists to the heart of social organization carried out by human beings who, in turn, can be aware of the social significance of their own actions, they require some methodological guidelines to determine, on a scientific basis, what these actions are. This empirical dimension at the heart of the human and specific sciences requires relativizing the philosophical distance between them, which is itself not a barrier to recognizing the specificity of the human sciences. The empirical dimension of any science depends on experience, especially on the object but also on the methods constructed to approach it. The constant leading theme of this section is thus how to build a research method in sociology and why such a method is necessary.

4. Applications of Sociology in Various Fields

The study of sociology does not mean that one is pursuing and interpreting a large collection of facts about human society. It involves the application of one’s method, which may be used to identify cause-and-effect trends within a society. The sociologist is concerned with understanding society in an environment that includes personal situations. It can be used in a number of fields and social institutions. Social institutions are a significant livelihood of human society. They are there for a good reason, to help structure social life. The higher the social institutions one has, the greater the foundation of the system of social life. A society is a complex organism.

The sociological study of education also helps to guide the principles and functions of education. The study of sociology helps the individual to overcome sordid economic problems. In the field of economics, the sociological study brings out proper solutions. The subject of sociology helps the individual to adjust themselves favorably to the existing environment. Sociology may have made a valuable contribution to enrich the literature of various social sciences such as Political Science, Economics, History, etc. The study has shown that it collects a larger number of academic policies. It does not mean, however, that sociology intrudes in the field of any social sciences or is inferior to any of them.

Sociology not only deals with conformity and deviations in behavior, but also focuses on social relationships. The study of social relationships is crucial in various fields. In the field of medicine, the study of sociology helps the doctor in the diagnosis and treatment of various mental and social disturbances, which helps to improve the physical condition of the patient. The study of sociology also helps to deal with disputes and politics. It is the best guide in setting up a political system and helps in policy-making. In the absence of social consensus, it helps in conducting work in a planned manner, ensuring smooth social life. The study of sociology is also helpful in the field of education in one way or another. It not only makes the teacher conscious of the role of the family in the life of the individual, but also acquaints them with the values and attitudes of broad social groups.

5. Conclusion: The Importance of Sociology in Modern Society

Sociology is the best window through which we can peep into the dynamics of modern society. The understanding of complexities goes a long way in making our life rigid and adjustable. The present book presents various contributions made by pioneers of sociology and measurements of major tools of sociology. It also exposes the nature and impacts of an ideal society and social change in the society, culture, power, or conflict and extent of interventions. The present book provides a brief and succinct view of classic sociology, and it is restricted to the goals and contributions of attitudes of modern sociology. Though there are various books available on general sociology, those are regular in nature. But our book concentrates more on modern sociology and also provides more details in each section of the contents. This can be more useful for undergraduate students who are doing it as a paper of their degree.

Sociology is the science of society. It has made a great influence when sociological knowledge is applied in practical affairs. Sociology not only helped in social reformations, but also stimulated other sciences which are closely associated with society. Modern society is giving profound value to the study of sociology. The nature and importance of modern society have attracted the attention of both sociologists and the public.

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