what is literature essay

what is literature essay

Importance of Literature in Essays

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what is literature essay
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1. Introduction

Literature delves into the extraordinary behavior of ordinary people, and the reverse. Literature does not deal with people’s actions or intentions, but with what brings them to action or what must ensue from them. Shakespeare’s Hamlet broods and avoids confrontations; a modern prince will not hesitate. The former cannot help but be torn apart by contradictions; the latter should only take them into consideration. By Alexis is the profoundly sincere desire to tell the truth and nothing but the truth that inspires the bleak stories of Argos second: ‘If I were asked what the difference among fables lies in, I would only be able to think that it is human experience without any meaning, with poor people’.

By investigating, reading, and then writing an essay based on one of the three types of literature – prose, poetry and drama – one can, in such a way, improve one’s knowledge of the chosen work, that is to ‘delve deep’ into the essence of it by examining important elements of its structure. The paper explores features of a few chosen piece/literary work/fragment in more detail, concentrating on significant elements of structure: the narrative, the events, the characters, the setting, the symbols. In that way, the chosen piece might become much clearer to our perception, widening our imaginative frame, aesthetic pleasure and expression. A growing awareness of literary expression, figures, symbols, techniques and also of its subtle suggestions, which are often not clearly understood, helps us acquire the language. And finally, such an experiment inevitably leads us to the discussed work’s merit and an ultimately, literary art becomes more recognizable and accessible.

2. The Role of Literature in Essay Writing

A good essay, in its usual form, consists of three major parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introduction must be appealing. A quote or an anecdote would be best suited to commence the essay. The actual discussion follows in the body of the essay. The most important part of the essay is this important part; it consists of examples, quotes supporting the viewpoint. Whatever quotes, examples, or evidence we quote from the lives of great men. In the concluding part, a summary should be made, and a punchline should wind up the essay. To feel the strength of evidence in support of important quotes, stories, etc., is very important. The importance of literature in this case is to cover up this lacuna.

The essay is, undoubtedly, one of the most creative literary forms of expression. It appeals to our intellect and delights our aesthetic sense. The essay opens our mind to new ideas, motivating the reader to think at a deeper level than mere words can convey. It is no wonder that the creative essay stands as the alpha of the literary group of distinctive creative writings. Before we start analyzing the nature of essays, we should first know what an essay is. The word “essay” is derived from the French word “essayer,” which means “to try” or to attempt. The characteristic feature of essays is that they consist of an attempt or an effort at reasoned argument. Herein lies the importance of literature. Essays are the mirror of reality, and essays should reflect the reality.

3. Analyzing Literary Devices

This novel is truly one posed with astonishing events and wisdom that was staggering. The literary devices depicted in it allowed me to learn about the story as well as reading skills. Specifically, the idioms and religious allusion in the story taught me the importance of taking lessons from “killing two birds with one stone” and flourishing into an “oak when they could be turned into a mockingbird,” in order to use that wisdom and apply it to my own thoughts, decisions, and actions in life.

Miss Maudie Atkinson, my beloved neighbor, has been unjustly convicted of a crime she never committed. Her cherished home was destroyed by the one thing she loathed most: fire. This was truly a tragedy but Miss Maudie chose to focus on the good by saying, “Always wanted a smaller house, Jem Finch. Gives me more yard.” This helped me to see that positivity can be found in even the most painful of situations.

4. Incorporating Literary Criticism

Ways works of literature interact with their environments is Marxism. Although many perspectives are marginalized or dismissed as insignificant to Marxist’s views, Marxism makes a valuable contribution to the existing dialogues of literary criticisms and the university, which have resulted in related fields of literary theory. Regardless of this field’s unpopularity or its contributions to theory, Marxism is generally a simple approach to works of literature, focusing on political motivations. Such politically driven literature is considered oppressive by those in power and often radicalizes a social perspective against the ruling class. Ultimately, this view addresses the power imbalances in the literary world but only focuses on the relationships of people with power, leaving much to be explored. Providing this one-dimensional view of literature does a disservice to literature and invites criticisms about marginalized perspectives and negative contributions to the existing strands of literary theory that better serves the study and appreciation of literary productions.

Literary scholars benefit their field by considering the ways works of literature interact with their contexts. Works of literature are not written in vacuums; they are authored by persons, who were influenced by their backgrounds and experiences. These backgrounds and experiences contributed to the works’ contents. Recognizing that the works themselves don’t exist in socially constructed vacuums, literary scholars have realized the benefits of considering external factors when interpreting literature. Literary interpretations include attention to details of the work, audiences, publication, factors, historical context, contemporary context, authors, and cultural environment.

5. Conclusion

It also accentuates that the student has made citations as required and the paper therefore abides to the levels of plagiarism permitted. It also accentuates that the student uses high modal verbs to provide a critique of what they have read and in doing so, states an understanding of the vocabulary used, how the text is associated with the topic being researched and gives merit and relevance to the text just read. Shakespeare’s literature as shown to be evident in creating the student’s creativity works towards quality works. Indeed, everything relevant with academic papers. If a paper contains grammar, spelling, punctuation mistakes, it is more than evident – student has not read much literature and therefore opted for of the student’s work compounded by serious fines. The need for a plagiarism inspection software to fit properly in their work and school environment.

In conclusion, writing essays does not just involve simply putting pen to paper. Students need to read widely and pre-write before getting down to actual writing. Reading widely exposes them to different writing styles. Additionally, pre-writing helps students not only to come up with ideas but even decide what to include and which facts to ignore. This aids in quality and saves time for them during the writing process. It is more than evident of how literature has been incorporated in every paragraph of the essay. Enough evidence has also been provided to back up any given argument. Literature becomes paramount in any essay writing. It shows the teacher that the students went deep into the subject area and meandered through many texts to gather facts that matter in a given topic.

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