the psychology essay writers

 the psychology essay writers

The Role of Psychology in the Creative Process of Essay Writing

1. Introduction to the Intersection of Psychology and Essay Writing

In this chapter, the role of personality in essay writing is also illustrated and examined. After all, the aspects of personality or specifically, the creative personality, include the darker and the brighter sides of one’s behavior and predispose to creativity. Accordingly, in addition to the application of psychological principles in the creative process of essay writing, a third objective of this chapter is to examine the role of psychological needs and to introduce their relationship to basic tools as well as to the rhetoric of essay writing.

Undeniably, the process of essay writing may not be an easy one, and as a result, the role of psychology in the creative process of essay writing may provide valuable guidelines for assisting writers in this regard. This chapter has a two-fold aim. Firstly, it aims to illustrate the relationship between creativity in essay writing and some important principles of psychology. Secondly, it aims to pinpoint the role of creative essay writing in the broader domain of creative writing in general and, more specifically, to inform educational institutions and teaching staff of the importance of essay writing within the creative writing domain. As reading about creativity does not guarantee creative essay writing per se, a summary is admitted at the end of the chapter in order to provide guidance to both students and lecturers.

2. Cognitive Processes and Decision Making in Essay Writing

Like writers of all genres, essay authors write in response to tasks that require specific cognitive functions to be activated. In essay writing, authors map an argument based on different literature in the writing process. The first priority seems to be the pragmatic approach when selecting the background to present scientific writing strategies to facilitate the writing of a literature review. The second important point is more related to the topic of the paper and not to the content writing process. Regarding topic selection, comfort from ideal to resist may be an impediment that needs to be dismissed. The third important point offers a new perspective on the content writing process. The paper describes how to recognize common patterns and negotiate the fit between content and writers.

In the essay writing process, authors must use language effectively, think about sentences, and employ the grammatical processes appropriate to the genre. It is important to relate ideas consistently to express their arguments and emotions in the chosen text structure to receive effective feedback.

In essay writing, selecting words is a focus of emphasis. In other words, language is an important concept that dictates meaning. The psychology of language helps in identifying the implications of words that are used in essays. By using different words in the writing process, the author presents a unique style to the reader. Synonyms stand for the same meaning yet differ in not only the number of times they are used but also in the strength of affective response to them. Readers scan passages of text differently according to the strength of words being used in each sentence and the amount of information presented in them. Words that are used in relation to other words make an author’s style unique. The process is constantly changing to link the semantics of the writings.

3. Emotional Intelligence and Self-Regulation in Essay Writing

Despite the body of research on academic writing in higher education institutions, it is necessary to analyze the writing process skills from a general perspective, from associated psychological factors. In light of the above exposed, the result of this study determines that it is important to get a broad perspective of all those psychological components that can actively intervene in academic writing. In addition, it also has to be considered that we are mainly committed to the development of educational improvement. Only when we become aware that students are also motivated by the departure, only then can they develop approaches that motivate beyond the end itself. Finally, we have to consider how students fail to approach knowledge and control of the written composition, so we have to put the accent on their rights in the teaching-learning process.

In an educational context, psychological research is devoted to the study of variables that may intervene in the process of quality teaching. Essay writing can be understood from a creativity perspective because it involves cognitive processes. In this sense, studies that address the teaching of creative writing relate some variables as emotionally intelligent. Likewise, other studies have considered the role of self-regulation in a written composition because the ability to process control and reflection during writing potentially develops cognitive strategies and metacognitive rules to perform better in the end. Self-regulation and the emotional intelligence of university students have shown high predictive value of success in the writing of academic texts.

4. Motivation and Goal Setting Strategies for Essay Writers

If he has a general knowledge of the conditions at the task, the writer usually finds specific data to pursue until he has something definitive to say. And there are always things to say. Every thesis has an antithesis. If the writer had nothing to do and no moral qualms, he would probably not write. Count well your chances, and there are practical, professional reasons why the data may be helpful.

With these five constraints in mind, the writer has many valuable things to do. If the writer is given real data to portray and interpret, the task may rightly be more difficult. But in some assignments, the data are phantoms; the writer has been given an idea to represent that has never been tested or thought through. Still, every essay provides instruction. When confronted with an essay task, the writer must look into his resources and into the available data. He must do some real research, exploratory in nature, before any line is typed.

5. Conclusion: Harnessing Psychological Principles for Effective Essay Writing

As education moves further into an online arena, students are increasingly writing emails to their professors, making comments on online forums about course content, and adding posts in different social media spaces. While everyone may be able to write a tweet, not everyone can effectively write an essay. To capture an individual’s attention and communicate with them in a meaningful way so that they are more likely to read and understand our message, essay writing needs to harness the use of psychological principles. By discussing how psychological concepts can be used at different stages of the essay-writing process to create a more effective output, this chapter provides an overview of these principles, seeing them through the eyes of different stakeholders, such as the writer (student) and the reader (educator). By viewing the essay-writing process in this way, educators may be able to provide better guidance to their students, and students may be able to learn more effectively. This, in turn, may build increased confidence with the writing process for all those involved. Throughout this activity, a better form of written communication may be established between all the stakeholders involved.

The essay is a commonly assigned form of writing that every student will encounter during their schooling. Essay writing, in and of itself, is a form of communication and an essential aspect of education. Effective essay writing, though, is not only a goal for tertiary level students; it is also intrinsic to their success and the increased probability of achieving desired outcomes in the long term. While every student needs to master the specific writing framework that directly aligns with their course of study, they also need to understand more general principles of effective essay writing which can help them throughout their study journey. This chapter posits that the process of essay writing draws on specific psychological processes that need to be understood if the writer wishes to effectively communicate their desired message to their audience.

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