the history essay help

the history essay help

Exploring the Impact of Historical Events on Modern Society

1. Introduction to the Historical Context

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1950s America or the 24th century) To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee (1930s America) “Why the Leaves Turn Colors in the Fall” (traditional Native American literature) Macbeth by William Shakespeare (11th-century Scotland) Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (Victorian England) Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (1930s America) Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare (50s B.C. Italy) General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer (Medieval England)—Beowulf is an epic poem of the same period Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory (Medieval England) Of course, there are many historical contexts, but we only have so much time. What events or conditions in the time during which the work was written do you think had the most impact, and why?

In this lesson, you will explore the historical context of various important literature through class discussion. Consider the context of these important works:

2. Key Historical Events and Their Consequences

_Key Historical Events and Consequences_ Above, you noted that much of the world assists on a sort of global management system that helps coordinate action in such areas as climate change, human rights, and global financial stabilization. Such an oversight process arose gradually in the context of the twenty or so decolonization processes. These processes typically involved much more than a simple transfer of domestic rights from the distant empire to the local colonial residents. Instead, serious reflection lay behind the choice of which territory might proceed along the path of a fully independent nation, while others might accept a different, commercially oriented status. In some instances, nation-building efforts were effectively confined to commercial enclaves tied firmly to the former metropolis. In others, movements showed that nationals sought to form independent countries under their own rule, over which the empire had little control. At the final extreme were the few regions governed as if they were integral parts of the former metropolis.

The start of the 21st century has seen what would once have been inconceivable changes in the international environment. A divided world has moved towards cooperation, including agreements on climate change and development goals. The dynamic economies of China and India represent an ongoing transformation of the balance of economic power. Information and communications technology are reshaping many aspects of life, and considerable concerns have arisen about the impact of ongoing technological change on employment. You will explore the extent of these changes, their significance, and their potential impact on the welfare of people and societies. The knowledge of how the world arrived at its current position is crucial to addressing ongoing transitions. The ability to read the future rests on an understanding of the past and how different forces and events may interact to shape coming events. Indeed, what we today describe as the sovereign entities of nations, relations between them, and public policy share both short histories and pedigrees that extend deeply into the past.

3. The Influence of History on Contemporary Politics and Culture

History gives contemporary political institutions their legitimacy. The task of historical struggle is seen as defending such institutions. The symbols of a society and its rituals are seen as key ties that give such institutions legitimacy and gain the obedience of contemporary citizens. Although the political structure can cease to represent the true interests of the majority of society, the presence of history in the symbols and rituals allows all members of the community to believe that protection is provided for national and community sovereignty. Society can become disillusioned with the actual performance of particular political institutions, rejecting the political group currently at the helm.

The story of the impact of particular historical events on the development of a society can be supplemented by the impact of the whole set of past events. Countries are built on the past that they have accumulated. The discussions and struggles of the past determine what a contemporary society looks like. Historical events build up the social structure and the political heritage of nations. This heritage determines what choices contemporary political leaders can make in terms of particular public policies. Society also inherits the rules of the game for the struggle for modern power.

4. Case Studies: Examining Specific Historical Events and Their Relevance Today

The final case study involves the overthrow of the Nigerian government by the military and the subsequent civil war. This history relates to the rise and fall of New World slavery in the Americas. The emergence of powerful groups in European societies provided a significant impetus for the rise of New World slavery and the passage of legislation that supported the slave system in the New World. The rise of capitalism contributed to the decline of New World slavery and why and how the rise and fall of New World slavery may still influence American society today are specific topics that scholars who continue the discussion in the book apply the framings.

The four chapters of Part I demonstrate the significant ways in which history can be applied to examining societal issues and problems that may appear to have little or no connection to historical events. Each of these historical events is paradigmatic in that their study is helpful in arranging and discussing a wide range of issues. The first historically significant event, the rise and fall of New World slavery in the Americas, provides a case study; the second, the outbreak of modern war in Europe, also provides a case study; the third case study concerns the impact of colonization on the New World.

5. Conclusion and Reflections on the Continued Importance of History

The current state of world governance reveals top-down intrastate and interstate power struggles shaping world orders, a condition not experienced for several millennia. The de facto end of the ‘end of history’ discourse in the last 10 years presents historical findings as rich systemic inputs to help us address and resolve existing akin epidemic problems. There is a dearth of world governing systems that can contribute towards an unimaginable and faraway global governance process. Their accordingly significant work demonstrates that historical analysis of international relations offers a way to uncover and expound the subterranean DNA of what might inhabit a world governing system.

The looming question that one faces when looking at the arms race or history is why care? Why should modern-day society pay attention to historical events and how they continue to shape regional policies and perspectives? This paper has built the case for why it is important to reflect on and examine historical events and their outcomes – no matter how large or small they are – using the arms race as an example to show it. This section will further argue why the case is yet relevant to the contemporary world and why, in comparative political science, it is more significant now than before. It will also address and respond to those who argue that history does not present anything new, but simply repeats the never-ending type of history that can be found in Pollyanna.

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