the assignment help online

the assignment help online

The Impact of Online Assignment Help on Student Learning

1. Introduction to Online Assignment Help

The increasing level of study completion has been accompanied by a much greater concern with the quality of the learning that students obtain. This is partially expressed in terms of increasing student fees, as students become seen as customers in education markets. There is also an argument for the need for higher participation rates, requiring a greater level of comfort in existing learning institutions. This may include increasing the chances of success for potentially ‘at risk’ students, such as those from culturally and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. This quest for improved quality has focused considerable debate on educational processes, such as curriculum content and delivery, teaching methods, and what are called support facilities, such as libraries and learning centres, for student use. However, what has been less formally recognized is the potential educational benefit that could arise from the provision of more efficient and effective student support facilities, particularly in relation to individual assessment tasks.

2. Benefits of Online Assignment Help

Flexibility: Online assignment help services offer students the ability to take classes when it best fits into their schedules. Otherwise, they might be juggling jobs, extracurricular activities, and life in general. This means that sometimes your class is taken at times of day outside of the normal time frame, and sometimes they are taken in very compressed time frames as well. This type of scheduling flexibility would never be possible without assignment help resources. Sometimes, students attend fewer classes on campus when they know that they can access the class lessons in only a few hours.

Online Availability: Unlike instructors, online assignment help websites can be available 24 hours a day, allowing students instant access to online help. If an instructor assigns homework to complete by the next class and the student needs extra help, he or she can log into the assignment help website and “listen” to tutors. Even if there is no live chat, there are often millions of solved problems in which to look for assistance. Furthermore, a question addressed today may be utilized for years to come by any student who has that same question.

Low Cost: Textbooks are costly. Instructors could recommend from one to six books for each course; each can cost more than a hundred dollars. Some textbooks help to offset expenses. Any book will help very few, if any, students to master the topic they assign and grade. They demand a large time investment for a small reward. Lines of textbooks: those which are easy, useful, cheap, and effective. Helping assignment help services will be the object on this site. With the help of a good assignment help site, you may need very few of the other lines of textbooks, but you will need the textbook itself. These benefits provide valuable access to the multitude of students who require these services. If we need to reach the other learning groups, we need additional points of access.

3. Challenges and Criticisms

It is not, however, all good news. There are challenges and criticisms attached to the provision of legitimate, ethical, and professional help for university work. This chapter presents these challenges and criticisms in the form of a series of questions. In the remaining chapters, we address both the theoretical and research evidence and the pragmatic implications, in order to provide understanding and show how both students and those who support their learning can benefit from legitimate and professional help. First, the chapter lists general issues that have been raised around commercial and non-commercial teaching and learning resources. Some of these will have direct relevance to the provision of assignment help; other concerns will be specific to particular features of the latter. In no particular order, the following issues have been raised.

The main issue of concern is that work prepared for students by others may translate into a reduction in learning for the student who submits that work as his or her own. If an assessed piece of work is not the student’s own work, he or she may receive an unmerited mark and so receive unmerited credit and feedback on the required topic or academic skill. Therefore, the student cannot possibly benefit from the unique structured thinking that each assignment is meant both to require and develop. Such unmerited credit may also mean that someone else’s student goes through a system equipped with skills and knowledge that he or she does not own. The main concern for some is that if students learn little and earn their degree or qualification on little more than empty packaging, the value of tertiary education is threatened and so too is the wider culture as the gainers in the hands.

Another relevant set of concerns that may be raised relate to the legitimacy or ethical nature of commercial or educational resources. Although most students seek and pay for help in good faith, they do so expecting that it is legitimate to do so where the help consists only of facilitating their learning. Some will nevertheless primarily concern themselves with issues of legality, while others will attend wholly or primarily to ethical matters. Topics of concern are whether it is okay for any kind of third party to help students through an assignment (some people have reached personalized or institutional conclusions about what kind of commercial help, if any, is okay); whether the business of providing such help poses inappropriate risks to consultants or agencies; and whether it is acceptable that some students can afford help while others cannot and therefore may be unequal or advantaged in the degree class analysis.

4. Best Practices for Using Online Assignment Help

Many students have learned to procrastinate, assuming that online tutoring and assignment help will bail them out. There is often a very fine line between seeking homework help and having someone write your paper. Helping students understand and evaluate the right resources and use them effectively is crucial. Students must be encouraged to check the validity of sources they use, and to question content with which they disagree. The use of instructional sites, online dictionaries and thesauruses, educational games and activities, and user-friendly subject directories might be good uses of assignment help.

There are multitudes of models for providing online assignment help. Learning differences among students and the diversity of online materials, accessed through individual learning styles and abilities, necessitate a menu approach for best results. The more one knows about the student, his or her learning style, strengths and weaknesses, and support system, the better one can choose online assignment help strategies that encourage student learning. Allowing students choices based on their group configurations can help decrease work in some group configurations by creating flexibility about when the work should be reported. Group dynamics for academic projects present challenges that are different from in-person communication. A moment of clarification or cajoling can significantly speed progress or repair conflicts in the physical classroom community.

5. Conclusion and Future Directions

Online education is an ever-evolving topic with new advances in technology and the move to more student-centered learning. There has been limited education research on learner characteristics and how students learn through online environments. In this study, we provide new results using a larger population of students collected from an online accounting subject. The data indicate that the student group settings were significant for the majority of the number of navigation and time measures; this effect appears to be present regardless of whether grouping uses grade or self-selection. Gender also played a significant role for a number of time and learning approach variables, while prior academic performance was found to be a significant influence on performing well in an online environment.

The present paper has implications for the delivery and design of online subject delivery. As online enrollments continue to grow, it is important to develop an understanding of online students’ learning approaches and navigation behaviors, and their subsequent interaction with the subject content, delivery, and assessment methods. The present study adds to the increased research on the different student characteristics that influence other student outcomes and behaviors in an online environment. We find that indeed gender and academic performance are important, and the role of student grouping remains significant for some variables used to assess subject interaction. Our findings allow us to view the role of learning preference, which exists irrespective of delivery method or GPA, as being one that the subject design should expect, support, and accommodate.

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