the academic assignment writing by uk
Effective Strategies for Academic Assignment Writing in the UK
Introduction Assignment writing happens to be a challenging task for students enrolled in educational institutions in the United Kingdom. There is a strong reason behind it, as the universities in the land emphasize the development of argumentation skills because they believe it is a crucial tool to prepare their students to become suitable professionals in their future careers. The job market is already competitive, and graduates need to be skilled and efficient. So, it is one of the valuable responsibilities of educational bodies to make sure that they encourage the students to develop the traits required for the same. Since “assignment writing” is considered key to ensuring the development of the skill (overlooked during the exams), the universities should ensure that such activities are never put on the back burner.
This paper is divided into four sections. The first section, “Introduction,” provides an introduction to the paper. It also highlights the characteristics of the constructions of the study to follow and introduces the research question. The second section, “Academic Writing and Assignment,” begins by examining the general definitions of academic writing and assignment. It also discusses the dilemmas of assignment writing and the requirements of writing the same in the context of the UK. Later, it discusses the dynamics of writing an academic assignment. The third section, “Effective Academic Assignment Writing in the UK: A Review of the Strategies,” discusses in an effective fashion a set of strategies that help to use in and out – essentially understand the nuts and bolts of writing good academic assignments in the UK. The final section of the paper concludes.
An academic assignment is an important part of academic life at any educational institution nowadays. Students have to produce high-quality, meaningful pieces of work in order to achieve academic success. There are some important parts to consider while writing a successful assignment as student need to consider different elements to make their assignment effective, producing a successful piece of scholarly work. Keep in mind the following three important aspects to be taken into consideration while writing an assignment:
Students must be aware of the purpose of your assignment in order to produce relevant outputs against the requirement. Think about why you are writing the assignment, what you want from the assignment? What would be the overall aim and purpose of the assignment? Normally to inform, to persuade or to present an argument. These three aspects are important in order to know what the assignment is focusing on, and what to discuss and explore in your assignment in order to achieve the purpose and to get the desired outputs. Each of these aspects requires to think critically and to generate and select vital pieces of information, and create logical, coherent, structured, and easy to read and understand pieces of work. Keep in mind that academic writing does need in-depth research and analysis, and thinking of the purpose of your assignment would be a great help for the assignment writing. The purpose of the assignment could be to inform, to argue or to persuade.
In UK academic writing, research is hugely important. You will get higher marks and better grades for your degree. Your effort researching the topic should show in your assignment. It is the same with referencing. Accurately referencing your sources (showing where you got your information from) is very important. The accuracy should be from the actual research. Research should be a continuous process and not just when you are doing an assignment. ‘Research’ includes different sources to writing and not just books. It also includes magazines, journals, newspapers, websites and, in some cases, TV programs. You need to show that you have read around your subject. However, be careful about the sources of information that you use. Always use reputable and reliable sources.
Here are some best practice tips to help you carry out research for an assignment:
– Keep your sources of information well-documented from the start of your assignment so that you can identify your sources easily. – Be clear about the purpose of your research from the beginning to help maintain focus. – Make sure your research is broad enough to include a range of sources but narrow enough to avoid being overwhelmed by too much information. – Be cautious about referencing too many websites in preference to books and journals. Not all websites are reliable and suitable for use in academic writing.
Structuring and formatting. Assignments should follow certain guidelines and normal conventions set in the United Kingdom. This means, unless otherwise stated in the details of the assignment, that the piece should have:
A title page.
The assignment should be structured and should follow a particular title. This is usually a threefold division. They could also assume the following format: introduction, discussion, and conclusion. In every case, there should be clear indication in the document that a new section is being addressed. Each section must adopt a standard referencing format which includes a list of all the references numerated in order of citation.
Parts should be labeled with Roman numerals, while chapters should be named and labeled as Roman numerals situated at the left margin. Each assignment should be stapled in one corner and in the back. The first page of the assignment should be the title and page abstract, headed center aligned and should indicate the date the assignment was written. Usually, it is not necessary to include a table of contents, but if the piece has several chapters then one should be included. Spacing should be 1.5 to 2 points and EOFs are expected to write the assignments in Times New Roman if they are written using Word, and this should be the size 12. Language should be formal and correct sentences with good grammar, spelling, and punctuation. In addition, personal pronouns like ‘I’ and ‘me’ should be eliminated. It is a good idea to include simple word or phrase definitions, which will help the reader to understand the concepts. Use in-text citations in the form of name and year, and include the full reference at the end of the assignment. The assignments must be fully referenced using the Harvard system.
Think critically and analyze. There is far more emphasis on critical thinking and analysis in British education than almost everywhere else in the world. Succeeding in the UK is much more likely if you develop excellent critical thinking skills and the ability to present theories and concepts clearly, and place them into an analytical framework. Creating a well-written piece of academic work demands these abilities, providing evidence and convincing the marker of the validity of an argument or point of view, and referencing material. The ‘answer’ to many questions in academic writing is often a careful weighing up of different competing pieces of evidence. Academic writing must include carefully sourced evidence to back any claim, and it can be hard to find space for one, let alone two different views. Without these skills, you will not be able to progress effectively in the UK.
This approach simply does not satisfy the standards expected in the UK, and you may well be penalized heavily. It is important when evaluating an assignment question to be able to clearly show the link between the data identification that is required of the student and the analysis and discussion more typically found in UK assignments. Simply copying data that has been found from a source written for business people does not satisfy the requirements, unless it is clearly used to back a point in an argument that is made and justified through the use of critical thinking and analysis. Data copied and presented without a reason will be marked low because it represents a lack of critical evaluation. Data and ideas are not self-standing items; they are the raw material that needs to be used within an argument or discussion.
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