strategic management services

strategic management services

Strategic Management Services: Innovations and Best Practices

1. Introduction to Strategic Management Services

This chapter is based on advocates joy using one of the tools of choice utilized by industry and academia, which is case-based knowledge. Two case studies hyperlink the core of the generic findings which have been developed and can be uniformly found in the lexicon of material on the website. Refreshingly, real-world evidence is abundant, and users of the research tools provided are encouraged to validate the conclusions which are documented; present both new strategic management concepts and reiterate and reinforce concepts developed during the past 3 decades of the 20th century. During the 19-year development effort, detailed studies conducted of the relational processes of engagements with client companies, organizations, and agencies, industry personnel, technologists, and academic institutions, professors, researchers, their business school students, and research centers found ways to “mine” and collaborate in partnership methodology with research personnel from more than 50 industry-leading firms.

Strategic management services are changing with the times, providing a broad range of services focusing on new technologies, globalization of client initiatives, human resources, business innovation, and leveraging technology. Innovations provided are the product of many years developing “best practices” in the tough decision-making processes of merger or acquisition, capital investments, turnarounds, large-scale technology development, realignment of real estate holdings, and the use of energy resources. The development of case summaries and “lessons learned” has helped to create these services by bridging the gap between academic offerings or the more theoretical domains of college, university and business school classrooms and the more pragmatic and reality-based, knowledge-driven solutions employed in industry, for-profit and non-profit organizations.

2. Key Concepts and Theoretical Frameworks in Strategic Management

The paper looks at studies that discuss the application of strategic management as a formal discipline in specifically designed repositories and the implications of such knowledge infrastructures which harbor and make available real-life business data and that of actual strategic problems. Rather than an exclusive repository of quantitative data, strategic management knowledge depositories often incorporate large chunks of qualitative data and tacit knowledge, as well as experiences, skills, and heuristics from individuals not traditionally identified in organizational charts, such as those of the lead entrepreneurs or simply the “outside champion” who is so important in the successful implementation of strategic management projects. Strategic management is also characterized by the assisting theories that surround its disciplines, both management and non-management in origin. Indeed, because strategic management only exists through its integrating of these separate disciplines, in the absence of the integrating impetus, each discipline within strategic management may act as though they exist independently where their research questions are only commonly addressed.

This paper aims to provide an executive audience with an overview of strategic management thought trends, methodologies, and best practices by outlining the key concepts and research trends. It addresses the question: What are the theoretical foundations and the current research ideas that guide strategic management in a dynamic business environment? The authors also consider the graphical and visual presentation of strategic management problems in such a way that a decision maker might have a more effective comparison and judgment with respect to different reference points, both external to the firm and across the firm’s internal components.

3. Innovative Tools and Techniques in Strategic Management Services

In strategic management services, management consultancies create shareholders’ wealth by assessing firms’ strategic competence level pertaining to the desire for vaster influence, richer thinking, talents actions benefiting others, and the coping strategies at evolving managing in systems as a whole. Changing hubris-driven organizations into purpose-driven organizations, organizations with a growth focus, generating value through atypically unique referencing to teamwork systems. Ensure that the global workforces implicitly absorbed overwhelming business focus on maximizing competitive benefit in a holistic way, holding those in charge (leaders and managers) accountable for the un-stare-able, antistare-able moral issue. The ultimate purpose of a corporation does not rest in “eat what you kill” profit maximization, increasing the purchasing power of the stakeholders. Enhance corporate status by giving gravitas to the creation of medal-winning global companies in particular prevalent matters.

This chapter discusses services by management consultants providing strategy and governance for corporate socially responsible investment, transformation, value maximally competing in and from Nigeria, theories on appreciative intelligence, and the Nigerian regulators’ perspective on management consultants.

This chapter presents management consultants’ innovations and best practices in strategic management services. They are compared with selected best practices representing management innovations and the consulting industry standard custom. We explain four management consulting innovative tools that are applicable functions using experiential input, assessing investments in risk and uncertainty, and innovation and technology management. However, the tools appear to be relevant primarily in certain sectors like oil and natural gas and may be included in the consulting industry standards licenses or developed further into dynamic capabilities through intellectual property.

4. Best Practices and Case Studies in Strategic Management Services

Business units at Xerox supporting corporate-level strategic management services have developed innovative, comprehensive, and efficient processes that have generated highly visible and valuable contributions throughout the organization. These results have positioned the corporate business units as valuable partners with the activities they support and have encouraged other management services that they offer. The senior managers of these business units created the initiative and required development of specific expertise. Then they ensured that there were enough skilled people to use benchmarking and reengineering methodologies, to learn from all levels of the business unit, and to build the necessary stakeholder partnerships.

This paper identifies best practices through existing methodologies for the strategic management services developed and used by several corporate business units at Xerox. Frameworks and blown-up flow diagrams based on the best practices and case studies illustrate how the models are used.

Business units in many organizations have established processes to undertake strategic management services for various levels and areas within the organizations. Business units that, considering their mission, gather and assemble information from various sources to understand the main strategic requirements of the organizations, put them into an integrated perspective, and develop actions and measurements needed to fulfill the requirements. The missions vary according to the roles of the business units and the strategic management services performed.

5. Future Trends and Implications for Strategic Management Services

1. The shifts to information and knowledge-based economies and societies and globalization of the marketplace. 2. The growing sophistication of the external marketplace for research, university and related financial and community service products and services. 3. Emergence of joint research, marketing, and commercialization partnerships among universities and other research organizations. 4. The dramatic change in the funding base for America’s research universities. 5. The challenges represented by the increasing cost-sharing and accountability requirements associated with extramural sponsored research. 6. The increasing complexity of university and research organization cost accounting systems as tools for managing operations and assuring federal compliance requirements. 7. The emerging perspectives regarding the strategic commercialization of university-owned and governed intellectual properties and technologies. 8. The impact of distance training and education on traditional higher education. 9. The significant impact of strategic planning on university and research organizational development and decision making in strategic areas, and the emergence of a growing array of services to assist in strategic organizational planning, design, and implementation. 10. The implications of e-government, convergence, and ERP (enterprise resource planning) public administration for publicly supported academic institutions.

Several trends in management practice have had or are likely to have significant impacts on university organization and administrative support services. These trends, discussed next, include:

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