rewrite my essay without plagiarism free

rewrite my essay without plagiarism free

How to Rewrite an Essay Without Plagiarism

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1. Understanding Plagiarism

Understanding what exactly constitutes plagiarism is essential if you want not to take part in it. At Temple, “plagiarism is the use of someone else’s words, ideas, information, or language without citing the original source” (Student’s Rights and Responsibilities). In other words, if you use anyone else’s work or ideas and declare it as your own, it is plagiarizing. This can take many forms such as not providing proper citation for quotations or paraphrasing someone else’s idea using different words, and so all of this should be avoided. I know that this may sound ridiculous since plagiarizing is taken very seriously, yet it still happens to be the most common form of academic dishonesty. This means plagiarism is not only performed by dishonest or lazy students and is often a result of carelessness or lack of understanding. Another important aspect of plagiarism often misunderstood is self-plagiarism. In a class like CIS105, there are only so many ways you can describe certain simple computer functions, and an unknowing student might end up paraphrasing themselves from the previous week’s homework and not providing citation. This would also be considered plagiarism. This gets even trickier because many class assignments are also meant to help students gain understanding of concepts and will even encourage students to come to the same conclusions. If you are unsure about whether or not properly citing something falls under “Common Knowledge,” ask your professor because even what is considered to be common knowledge can vary from person to person.

2. Strategies for Rewriting Essays

– Take the time to understand what the writer is saying. – Set aside the source material and write your own version. – Ensure that you have not used the same words or sentence structure. – Compare your work with the original to avoid accidentally using the same phrasing or words. – Utilize a thesaurus, dictionary, or content/idea map to make the material your own.

Below are some strategies and techniques that can be helpful in rewriting without plagiarism:

Rewriting without plagiarism is particularly difficult when dealing with lengthy texts. Often, the rewritten article ends up being shorter or the same length as the original, but with the same ideas. This indicates that the writer has not fully rewritten it, only using a few synonyms and altering sentence structure. The focus should be on completely changing the text, not just the sentence structure. Typing quickly and copying the original text can contribute to this issue, so it is recommended to type slowly and use your own words without referring to the original article. However, in highly technical articles with critical word choices, it may be necessary to refer to the original. A simpler approach to successful rewriting is to read the material multiple times until you fully understand the author’s intended message, and then write it in your own words. This ensures that the concepts and original structure are clear in your mind, resulting in an article with the same ideas and better word choices. Changing ideas and writing an article that is not present in the original text is a significant achievement, but it requires a deep understanding of the topic and more effort compared to simple rewriting.

Paraphrasing text content, excluding topic and comments, without mentioning the character count, can be a challenging task. It requires effort, careful word selection, and maintaining the original structure while changing the wording. Even experienced writers find it difficult to paraphrase without unintentional plagiarism or feeling like they are stealing ideas. Questions like “Is paraphrasing legal?” and “How can I rewrite without plagiarism?” often come to mind.

3. Tools and Techniques for Avoiding Plagiarism

Cascade method (Changing the syntax): Take a paragraph, sentence, or phrase from the original text and write a simple straightforward rendition of the information. Now using your first rendition, change the words and the sentence or paragraph structure. Compare your second rendition with the original. This method works for particular phrases as well as entire paragraphs or sections of a paper.

Change the words: Create a sentence-by-sentence outline of the original text. Carefully review your notes and the outline for the assignment, looking for key terms or ideas in the original text. Now re-write the original text using your notes and outline. At this point in time, it will be easy to rewrite your sentence or paragraph without looking at the original information; however, be sure to check your rendition to the original to make sure you have not inadvertently used the same words.

Start with source information: Take notes in your own words. This means write down the information you understand from the original source and then come back to the notes at a later time. After understanding the information, write in your own words what you now know. This will assist you in determining whether you have misunderstood or misconstrued the information from the original source.

If you find yourself unable to paraphrase another’s sentence after three or four tries, you need to do something different. This might involve talking with the instructor about the assignment, learning more about the assignment’s topic, or brainstorming ideas at the Writing Center. The following methods might help you move from this impasse.

4. Importance of Proper Citation and Referencing

Even though it is very advantageous in giving respect and do credit to others’ work, but there are several advantages in terms of rewriting an essay. In order to clarify, paraphrasing will be done by changing some words to synonyms or antonyms, and changing the order of words or sentences. In addition, making changes to the sentences while keeping the same ideas and the same meaning. Proper citation and referencing can avoid accusations of plagiarism, which can lead to very serious academic penalties. Moreover, the original author may not feel comfortable with the work of others using his ideas with changing the original meaning. By rewriting an essay, you can avoid using other people’s ideas and start being more creative using your own ideas. This will definitely broaden your horizons and develop the creativity within you in doing something. But of course, this does not mean you were to keep on avoiding using other ideas. The best way is to provide credit to those whose ideas have been used by showing it is a more effective way. Last but not least, by rewriting an essay, you can train your student skills because by doing a rewriting task, meaning has to be understood and then written with your own insight. This certainly can prevent the writer from using the wrong contextual content.

Citation is a means to give credit to the people whose ideas you have used in your writing. It also helps to avoid and prevent plagiarism and instead of that you can use someone else’s idea as a backbone to support your own original idea. Citations are what makes the whole essence of using other’s ideas can be done effectively and lawfully. Thus, a proper citation always required to show respectively what the writer has gained from other previous work. A citation can be in any form according to the style of writing. This can be in the form of quoting their words, summarizing their ideas or paraphrasing what have already been told by others. Whichever the form, you must always provide a note in text and write in your own words that can help avoid being twigged stealing other’s work.

5. Finalizing Your Rewritten Essay

Final steps. After you have reworded your essay, it is helpful to read the entire document again. This will help you ensure that the entire paper flows well and make sure that no information seems out of place. This is also a good time to compare the assignment to the paper to make sure that you have met all of the requirements. When you are positive that you have properly paraphrased the information, Gibbs and Eaton suggest that you ask a classmate to review your work. Have him or her compare the original with your reworded material. This is a helpful way to verify that you have effectively communicated the information in your own words. The last step in the process is to check your paraphrased essay for any spelling or grammatical errors. It is important to eliminate any minor errors, as doing so will show that you are professional and committed to producing high quality work.

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