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rewrite my essay to not sound like ai

Writing an Authentic Essay

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1. Introduction

It may seem strange to begin a serious essay with a lighthearted or conversational tone. But the dawning of this new millennium increasingly points to some of the fallacies that Taguba’s generation had accepted as gospel. This may be due to the virtual nature of information in today’s society. The bombardment of TV and media, the get rich quick drive of modem day business, and the increasing pace of human interaction. We live in an age when all of man’s problems seem to be answered with “This should be fun” or “There should be a game for that.” Nowhere is this more evident than in today’s educational system. As educators scramble to find teaching materials and methods to make learning more enjoyable, the students continue to seek more and more ways to avoid the act of learning. This is a gross generalization of course. Not all students hate to learn. But the overlying trend of such mindsets cannot be ignored. And while it is true there are many good-natured teachers and well-meaning educational video games out there today, there is still much to be questioned on the effectiveness of their messages.

2. Understanding the Importance of Authenticity

An authentic essay accurately represents the writer’s thoughts, feelings, and insights on a particular subject. To write an authentic essay, you will need to write about a subject that you personally know well or care about a great deal. This will be easy when the subject is important to you and you are familiar with it. When you think of a time when you are most happy or being yourself, the very moment brings a smile to your face. This small example shows that after writing something, be it for studies or work, if the task or activity made you happy even after you are done, shows that the task has been done with authenticity. So there is also a direct relation between authenticity and happiness which cannot be ignored. Writing about something that interests you and that you are knowledgeable about makes a person happy and this happiness is reflected in the writing, which in turn makes the writing more lively and enjoyable.

3. Techniques to Avoid AI-like Writing

The overuse of generalizations and leading sentences can result in writing that appears ‘artificial’ (common to student essays). Consider the following sentence from a free trade agreement involving 7 Asian and Pacific countries, Australia, China, Japan, S. Korea, NZ, this agreement is commonly known as the TPP. ‘The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a significant trade agreement.’ To make its claim more powerful, one of the participating countries could specify what it will mean for them and the effects it will have. A bad generalization could be ‘TPP is good for NZ.’ These types of sentences might avoid confronting a complex issue or sound too sure of themselves, it’s always better to qualify your claim with information and to remember to stay neutral. A leading sentence or generalization can be fixed by applying the ‘so what?’ test. E.g. is it good or bad that a major defense partner of the USA is altering its defense policy? ‘This represents a major shift in the direction of Japan’s post WW2 pacifist constitution.’ So what? Well actually say that. Another problem which results in bad writing is lack of clarity. Good writing should be easily understood with clear expression and simple explanations. If a piece of writing does not make sense and it’s required the reader go over it multiple times to attempt to decipher an explanation the writer has failed to communicate effectively. Usually this is the result of the writer having a vague understanding of what they are trying to communicate. A major cause is a failure to plan essays before writing. Make sure you have a point with an explanation, don’t expect to wing it. Aim to be clear, concise and “readable.” One example of confusion in writing occurs when a type of writing is laden with jargon, abbreviations and acronyms that will have multiple meanings. It’s important to explain things and avoid assuming the reader knows what you are on about. This is still a problem when addressing the common acronymization of words in modern day English. E.g. language teaching professionals accepted the norm about CALL without giving it a second thought.

4. Enhancing Human Touch in Your Essay

Crafting an essay around human elements and experiences adds a layer of consciousness to your writing. If students can express vulnerability and their innermost thoughts and feelings, they will be practicing a skill that will benefit them in a job interview, a court room, or a therapy session, to name a few. It is crucial for them to learn now that it is often through expressing fears and failures, thoughts and emotions, that they can truly connect with another human being. Because students often dismiss their feelings or fail to examine them, writing personal and heartfelt essays can be both challenging and rewarding. However, we must tip the balance more toward the latter. Here are some ways your students can focus more on the human element in their writing. Practice what you preach by sharing your thoughts and feelings about incorporating the human element in essay writing. a. Journals and Letters: Suggest that students begin with journals of their daily experiences or letters to relatives or friends. Entries can be episodic and are thus a low stress means of getting something down on paper. After a number of entries, students can go back and read over the whole and consider the topics that are recurrent. This is prime material for personal essays.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, we must accept that writing is simply an act of communicating. We are not trying to impress our readers with big words, we are aiming to persuade them, be it to adopt our point of view or to agree that our solution to a problem is the most effective. We clear a path to our goal by constructing an argument. Each sentence should propel the reader to the next; so should each paragraph, and each section of the essay. This is the ideal essay. But to create this ideal is a tall order. Too often, writing is approached as a fearful task to be disposed of as quickly as possible. This attitude is wrong, and it stems from a poor understanding of the requirements of the task. There are many reasons why we are not sure what to write, but they almost all boil down to this: the idea is incomplete or it is not clear. We should never start scribbling an essay we have not fully formed in our heads. By so doing, we are setting up an unnecessary struggle between the thought and the word; and very often the word will win. The result is that we do not fully understand our own meaning. The right approach to the task is a craftsmanlike one. Once a mode of attack has been planned, we are ready to capture thoughts as they occur to us. And by thoughts, we mean full complete ideas, not half notions. At the back of one’s mind there should be a tight schedule. Full understanding of the task enables us to divide it into a series of small jobs, and to attach to each a definite time.

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