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rewrite my essay for free

The Importance of Rewriting Essays for Free

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1. The Benefits of Rewriting Essays

When you have an essay that is written extremely well, spending time to rewrite it will most likely be a waste. The primary objective when you rewrite your essay is to fix major problems and to increase coherence and impact of your writing. The reasons for doing this are dependent on the ultimate goal for the essay. Rewriting can help you ensure that each sentence is formulated as you would like it to be. In addition, it can provide you with a strategy narrow enough to adhere to the essay’s topic. For example, in an essay which proposes a solution to a problem, using a definition or a quote to open the essay may be a great way to get the attention of the reader. The writer may often feel it necessary to add more insight to the content of their essay, so rewriting is a very useful tool. This can help strengthen your essay and comparing it to the criteria sheet will confirm that it accomplishes this. Rewriting can also be very useful, particularly if you know that the structure of your essay is weak. Going back and restructuring an essay can often make the difference in a B paper and an A paper. Often, an essay with a direct and clear thesis statement with logical and coherent paragraphs will receive a better grade compared to an essay that lacks these things. During the writing process, it is not uncommon to come up with new ideas or points, and it can be very frustrating when you realize it does not fit in with your current thesis. In this situation, it may be a good idea to rewrite an essay starting from the introduction. While doing this, the essay can be tailored to accommodate the new point, and there may be a change in the thesis itself. Any new changes can be saved for rough draft of the essay and can be compared to the original in order to select the best version. This will prevent too much confusion from reflecting on the two different versions. Rewriting your essay according to the above suggestions can make a dramatic difference to your essay and can often help you obtain a higher grade. High level of improvement can often replace the original draft of an essay and in the case of free rewriting, still be considered a valuable result.

2. How to Rewrite an Essay Effectively

First of all, a student must understand the assignment. Often, when students write an essay, they fail to read the assignment. Instead, they write what they think the assignment should be. This can be a problem because teachers might have different requirements. If this is the case, a student will have to adjust their essay to fit the teacher’s requirements. Thus, the student should begin by reading the assignment in order to understand what is required. This may involve rereading the assignment several times until the student has a clear understanding of what is required. This will enable the student to establish the essay in terms of the assignment. Once a student has a specific understanding of what is required, they can then begin to research. Take the assignment, and if possible, try to break it down into specific sections. For example, if the assignment is to write an argumentative essay on abortion, the student could break the assignment into the different aspects of abortion, trying to explain each topic in terms of what is said for or against that topic regarding abortion. A student should take this time to brainstorm about the assignment. It might be beneficial to make an outline, or at least make a mental note of what they will be writing about before they actually begin writing. Prompting themselves with questions about the assignment will help establish a narrowing scope. It will help direct a student to find answers to those specific questions. This, in turn, will help a student begin to write the essay.

3. Utilizing Free Online Essay Rewriting Tools

However, article rewriting services are not the answer! The problem with content is not on the creation end; it’s on the syndication end. If a content piece lacks in the search engine optimization (SEO) department, then it’s the equivalent of a train taking the wrong route. The content needs to do a better job of pointing users toward or getting them excited about the website. If the content is all clumped together and there’s too much on the page, then it’s likely that your visitors will turn away. If you feel in any way that you’re hitting the second scenario, the answer is to do manual article writing or hire a professional to do it for you!

Many websites typically run out of fresh content. It’s quite easy to understand why utilizing an online article rewriting tool or paragraph rewriter service is so tempting. It’s a quick way of getting content. It also seems like a perfectly legitimate thing to do. After all, it didn’t take you long. It’s not like you copied someone else’s work and tried to pass it off as your own.

4. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Essay Rewriting

Mistake # 1. Skimping on the rewriting process: Even if time is short, it is important to rewrite. Leaving it to the last minute, that is, rewriting the night before handing in the assignment, will not give the essay enough time to take on a new form. For some, this is not always possible, as they may have left an essay to the last minute, in which case a rewrite within a few hours may be an alternative. In this case, the alternative form will be merely a slight amelioration of the original. Mistake #2. Failing to make a new outline: The first thing to do before rewriting an essay is to make a new outline. This will make it easier to see where the essay is going and what it is trying to accomplish. An outline can make the difference between an essay that has been rewritten and one that is fresh and new. It is a bigger mistake to start rewriting without a new outline, which might mean a new thesis and new argument structure. Mistake #3. Modifying the original: If the original essay is on the computer, avoid modifying it when rewriting. Remember to save the original so it can be compared to the new rewrite. Open a new file and begin typing the new version. This is the best way to ensure that the new essay is completely different from the original, which is the purpose of rewriting it.

5. Conclusion: Empowering Students through Free Essay Rewriting

My essay correction and rewriting system bears these principles out and can serve as an example to other teachers. It is a web-based system that allows me to assign writing exercises focused on specific fragments or stylistic errors, provide immediate automated feedback, and assign multiple submissions with a grade penalty only on new errors. This type of assignment is easy to create with my system, because the teacher can create a custom error category for students to revise, and pre-written or personalized feedback for every error category. From the student end, it enables many revisions, as students can revise and resubmit an essay multiple times before or after the due date. To preserve the best draft and ensure that the grade penalty is understood, students submit their final draft in a separate location from the earlier drafts. This system was used as the basis for scaffolded instruction and practice in a first-year composition course at ASU that led to significant reductions in errors; and based on teacher feedback, system features were later added to facilitate multiple draft formal papers in content courses.

Throughout the essay, we have seen that teachers understand that students need meaningful writing practice and timely feedback. We have also seen that students get meaningful practice when they need to focus on specific grammar or stylistic issues as they write. Consider the student who wants to avoid fragments, and can use the search-and-replace feature to highlight every period on his computer, because he knows that every red mark on his essay is not necessarily a fragment, but every fragment generates a red mark. If he can submit his essay multiple times, between drafts he can underline each fragment and rewrite it. With traditional assignments, relative success in finding and fixing problems is well-rewarded, as it results in a higher evaluation and no loss of full drafts; but relative to using a search-and-replace feature and submitting multiple times, the marginal benefit is too low. As a teacher, analyzing opportunity costs for students at various stages of writing can help you craft assignments that maximize the impact of your feedback. These concepts are not changed by the automation of feedback and rewriting, but they are essential for teachers in understanding how to guide students through the process.

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