response to literature essay outline

response to literature essay outline

How to Write a Persuasive Response to Literature Essay

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response to literature essay outline
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1. Introduction

To construct your first paragraph, show that you understand the content, give a clue about what to expect, and provide a road map. The starting sentence should have a link to the end of the passage. It is important to remind that you should think before, during, and after reading. When you begin an assignment, check to make sure the phrase or word is written correctly and in place. If the topic indicates a name or poem, build on this form. If there is a passage, try to move quickly to the place that comes first. Remember the phrase or word of the prompt or other phrases that you noticed in an assignment. This piece of information, according to A. L. Dawn French involves information, Axe, 2011, p. 44. When you finish the prompt, remember exactly where it was written and different groups of words there. Then they can help you understand how to start an assignment.

There are a few things that you have to know before you start writing your response. You need to assess the assignment, evaluate the content of the passage, begin your response immediately and develop your ideas based on the passage. This article explains how to write a persuasive essay on a response to literature. For example, if you are responding to a novel, write a format that close up to the end and explain how there is solution to the beginning of the novel. If you are responding to an article in a newspaper, you can follow a reflection approach and evaluate the writer’s depth of insight or expressions of opinion. If you are responding to a poem, write a persuasive essay and provide up to 3 reasons to explain why you believe the theme is strong.

2. Analysis of the Literary Work

Contemporary works are known to be difficult to understand because you have to be aware of the situations and customs of the time. It is very important that you show your persuasion before the subject. Remember to make some interesting questions regarding the work, they will make the teacher see that you were interested in that book. When students know how to analyze literature, success is almost assured. Before you write your essay read the book again, and then conduct a literary research. After your readings, you will definitely be ready to demonstrate your opinion about the text before your subject.

Keep in mind how to relate the work with other works that you have previously read. Relating the work with other authors’ texts is very important because it shows that you like to read and that you know literature and other educational books. Remember that it is of extreme importance to cite the novels and texts you have read, because otherwise the point that you are a person who knows how to analyze what he/she reads will not be scored, given that only simple summaries of novels are reflected.

Remember, there are several ways to learn how to analyze a literary work. Today a lot of information about writers and their works can be found using different sources such as the internet, the library and reviews, among others. Twitter can give you a lot of information about the novel and its themes. Another way could be by listening to literature professors’ lectures; they are people who have dedicated their lives to the study of literature, so they know what they are talking about.

You must learn to analyze the literary work. One key factor in your success is knowing how to analyze the plot, symbology, and theme and be able to articulate your opinion in a clear and understanding manner. This will display to the faculty that you read and understood the concept that the author gives us.

3. Developing a Thesis Statement

Using an assertion that relates to a work’s concept: In Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, the main character’s relationship with the Commander reveals Atwood’s concern with the moral atrophy and the negative power relationships in society. After you read the sentence, ask yourself, “What is the main point I am trying to make?” If your answer is something like, “This paper will discuss the topic” No thesis; “In this paper, the theme will be analyzed in depth, and it will be found to be true based on the author’s use of various characters throughout the play” or “Some people believe that the theme is…” No thesis; you know your thesis statement is undiscerned. If the sentence directly answers the question, you have the thesis back.

Thesis statement: An original and focused thesis statement lays the path for a persuasive essay. It guides you, as a writer, through your essay; it helps keep you on the right track; it ensures that no ideas in your essay move forward without support; and it prevents you from including information in your essay that doesn’t relate to your thesis. A thesis statement is like a road map for your letter. Developing a thesis statement is important to the paper’s success, especially when it’s standing alone as the first sentence in your introduction paragraph. A thesis statement should be specific and focused. It could take many forms: The Parental Guidance thesis: In Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart, the main character, Okonkwo, develops from an ambitious, hardworking man into a paranoid and violent man because he wants to avoid being looked at as weak. Using an assertion that relates to a work’s theme: In Hemingway’s classic Old Man and The Sea, the sea represents life and the older man’s unwillingness to relinquish his struggle to maintain a youthful spirit are emphasized.

4. Providing Evidence and Examples

Although some people think that Amir ran for himself, he actually ran for Hassan to repay his friend for all the times he betrayed him. Therefore, Amir did not run for the trophy, but to relieve himself from the guilt. Several years later, Sohrab helped Amir prove these statements correct. Now, I will show evidence from The Kite Runner that proves that Amir ran for Sohrab, even though he was not there. For Jason’s thesis, explain, or reasons. you find parts of the quotation that support your answer. Let’s keep going with this response.

Let me show you how to provide reasons and evidence for this question: Based on what Amir did for Sohrab, are you convinced that he ran through the alley to get the kite for Sohrab, or for himself? The following thesis, reasons, and evidence come from a sixth grader named Jason:

If you’re trying to persuade your teacher to grade the essay fairly, don’t tell the teacher, “You should give me an A on this.” Instead, provide reasons or evidence to convince your teacher that you deserve the better grade. For a persuasive literary response, provide evidence and tell why that evidence supports your answer. Provide at least one specific example for any persuasive response. For an expository literary response, provide evidence and possibly examples. Use correct parenthetical citation.

5. Conclusion

We can establish that the simple application of these can develop effectively knowledge around literacy with works from different authors that are recognized. This type of reaction that is generated in an evaluation, whether in the classroom or in a written context that is formal, is an improvement in which people who have developed knowledge about the subject are involved. Persuasive Response to Literature is an issue that has two facets: to generate a conversation about the work or works studied, and at the same time, to explore the thought, the emotions of the readers, without prioritizing one above the other.

Lastly, writing is not about having it perfect on the first try, it is about revising your draft to improve and say what you truly want to say, for that take advantage of all the elements that are available. When writing about persuasive response to literature, you must be able to make a clear connection between your thoughts and everything else. With all these elements at your reach, it would be beneficial for you to form a concrete essay about this issue. Ensuring you have a well-written essay that is formed correctly with these elements can help provide your essay with robust and valid facts.

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