research writing

research writing

The Art of Research Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Introduction to Research Writing

Research is an essential part of most undergraduate and graduate studies. It plays a unique role in the curriculum. It allows the practice of important literary, interpretive, and analytical skills, and the generation of new knowledge. The amount of time spent on research activities, credits earned, and the opportunities for dissemination may vary for each program or institution. But whatever is the time, amount, and opportunities, it is essential for research writing to be a course requirement. The purpose of a research course is to assist students in navigating and synthesizing the academic landscape. Such a course must be taught organic to the pedagogical identity of the research writing professors.

Undergraduate and graduate students who are in the early stages of their research training are faced with a bewildering array of unwritten rules and conventions as they make the transition from writing term papers to producing research. Research has its own set of writing conventions, and a research paper is different from a term paper. The former requires an original argument and analysis and has a formal structure, stylistic process, and logic. In undertaking a research project, new scholars are participating in the work of a research community, and it is important to deal with terminologies and theoretical strategies that will help students develop a participatory identity and thus interact within that community.

2. Key Components of a Research Paper

Before reading, reviewing, or preparing a traditional research manuscript, individuals need to predefine the manuscript name, its aims, and the main objective. When looking for problems to be solved or subjects to be further investigated, the abstract and introduction can offer brief but useful synopses. Afterward, interested readers can be provided with relevant background or context in a more comprehensive manner. At the beginning of the discussion and conclusion sections, data from methods and results can then be synthesized, analyzed, and prospected. Other components include a declaration of ethics, the immersion of considered researchers, mega-journals, notes, and retrospective considerations also beyond the bounds of basic submission assistance.

In general, the main sections and components typically included in research papers strongly overlap but also have unique characteristics and special considerations. Intriguingly, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), an organization composed of international peer-reviewed medical journals, has recommended that all drafts and submissions of research manuscripts include three core elements: background, methods, and discussion. Even though this central component of ICMJE is quite rudimentary, the vast majority of journal publishers and education professionals in the biophysical, biological, and even social sciences maintain broad consistency by also requiring other components such as an abstract, introduction, materials, results, conclusions, references, and acknowledgments. In addition, other components focused on transparency and reproducibility may also be necessary. Many academic programs also provide checklists to help grade papers or to help students during the analysis and publication of research.

3. Research Methodologies and Approaches

A considerable amount of literature and body of knowledge has been generated on research. Philosophers and realists in the academia have often engaged themselves in activities involving similar methods of interrogation and scientific procedures such as data collection, collation and analysis, and fact verification to verify whether or not particular observations, if subjected to similar experiences, would provide the same outcomes. This chapter explores some of the general approaches and issues which you must always take into account as you go through all the stages of the research process, up to and inclusive of the stage where you derive the findings of the outcomes of your investigation and append the outputs onto the intended blueprint or research document.

Research is an umbrella term which involves a systematic or series of systematic scientific procedures and techniques applied to a problem statement or hypothesis in order to unearth profound knowledge and understanding about it. Members of the academia and professionals in related fields usually engage in research activities or tasks on a daily basis. To the academia, research means scientific and systematic investigations aimed at adding original knowledge to the established existing stock of knowledge or investigation aimed at testing the validity of existing postulations and statements to determine if they are tenable or not. To professionals in the fields of legal and market studies, for instance, research means a detailed investigation or study of a particular subject, an area, audience, or a group of people to identify the needs or service gaps that can be met by offering particular services and service packages. Data or information or knowledge about the problem area and the research methods and procedures contribute to the hallmarks of the following six features of a scientific scholarly research process. They include rigor and structure, critical thinking, contribution to knowledge and theory, investigation, process and dichotomous nature, and the scientific approach or procedure of articulating an investigation aimed at solving or addressing a specific problem or hypothesis.

4. Writing and Organizing a Literature Review

Here are some steps to help you develop a literature review. The most important of these is a clear and explicit set of procedures. Writing the literature review is not a set of isolated steps; it is a complicated process that can be ongoing throughout the entire research process. You read them and react to them. You summarize the results and you deduce what you can learn from them. When you are finished, you will have a lot of printed papers. Once you have done some thinking by triangulating your own results with other reports in the literature, it begins to develop whether your process and results are interesting or worthwhile. The literature may tell you why you are finding what you are finding – is that why what you are finding is important? When you have digested the literature so your thinking is developing concomitantly with your reading, it is time to write a first preliminary report at the beginning of your project. This report will be very important as a prospectus, a precursor to the final literature review. Write here what you think and what you feel. What is the meaning of your study? What is at stake? The best literature review allows new work in economics to be placed in proper context, and roadblocks are often encountered and can be easily overcome. When things flow logically, the connections between the pieces of literature seem simple and natural. Your task is to make these connections apparent. Even if the eventual arguments may indeed be weak, the early development is essential to understanding fully the literature and the various possible applications.

In a research paper, you use the literature review to put your topic into perspective and to justify the questions you ask and the methods you use. The literature review is the first section of your paper and is the most important part of a paper because here you need to show you understand the other research that has been conducted. The last three functions should be part of your introduction. The final overall function should be in the conclusion of a paper. The literature review connects you and your work to the broader academic world – to other scholars writing about your topic. To get a picture of the academic world of your topic, you need to create the context by showing the relationships between the existing work. Bring the reader up to date on the best independent research on your topic, showing your study’s relationship to significant writings, important controversies, unanswered questions, significant trends, and methodologically related studies. You write a literature review to show your audience that you have done the necessary homework and that you are qualified to understand, interpret, and build upon the work of others.

5. Effective Strategies for Drafting and Editing

The first three steps are the prewriting phase of the writing task. It is necessary to complete each step very carefully before going on to the next. Only when each preceding step is completed can you expect to follow through with a successful end result. Reviewing the steps in a systematic order will help you write with greater confidence and skill. No writer need be without rules for writing. Good guides are available in the programs of composition texts, reviewing those written by The Modern Language Association, the MLA. They establish uniform criteria for correcting papers. Follow each one of these rules.

Step 1: Begin drafting Step 2: Develop the draft Step 3: Edit the draft Step 4: Revise the draft Step 5: Prepare the final copy

When your pre-writing activities are completed, you will be ready to begin working on your writing task. The task can be accomplished in several steps. Let’s review each step individually. In the sequence suggested, the six steps in drafting and editing are as follows:

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