research proposal presentation

research proposal presentation

Importance of Research Proposal Presentations

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research proposal presentation
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1. Introduction

Before getting down to work on your research proposal, it is vital to think through the points. Presenting it in an appropriate setting, at a Research Proposal Seminar, is the most effective way of getting it underway. It is imperative for you to be well prepared and to have provided all the necessary documentation to the School Research Degrees Coordinator before the seminar is scheduled. Your supervisors will be able to give you an idea of when your proposal is well enough developed to be worth presenting, they should also be in a position to help you judge the appropriate timing for the seminar. Although many Schools have flexibility for timing, e.g. some may prefer you to hold the seminar as an initial part of the viva you would undertake to upgrade to PhD registration, it is expected that you will give a seminar within the first 18 months of commencing your research, even if academic staff from your research group are your only audience.

2. Background and Significance

So, though most research proposals will not have these top-level statements, the below pointers will still provide some valuable insight on the importance of an articulate and clear research proposal. With an already agreed research project, it is a timely guide as to how and why you did the study.

These elements may be described as a one to two-page rationale for the research. This section states what you did and what you found in relation to your research questions or hypotheses. It is important that the reader knows exactly what you have found and how the findings may be important. It may be the only section that the reader thoroughly reads. It is wise to take time and effort here, thinking about these five W’s.

Development of concise, powerful statements about your research: 1) What we need to know, 2) Why is the study important, 3) How does it link to what is already known on the topic, 4) What are you going to do with the study, and 5) What will be the benefits of your study.

3. Research Objectives and Methodology

Objective 1 is actually to determine the causative variable of the constructed problem. This objective is oriented towards the approximation of the rightness of the policy of using some resources. This objective also supports the improvement in the next step. By knowing the result, it can be known which parts must be repaired. Then, the problems found during the training, half of them can be solved by using the method of repetitive trial and error. Another half of them can be solved by using a change of resources. It is more efficient if the problems can be solved directly at the same time by knowing the best method. To be more effective in solving the problems, it’s better to switch the problems and the best method to the next training session. By drawing a comparison before and after making the change, the best strategy to solve a problem can be found in order to bring improvement. This is in accordance with Objective 3, which aims to find the best strategy. Considering the theme of the training, which is a training for preparing the national sport at SEA Games XXX, it’s better to record material that can be used as a guideline in the preparation of similar events. By knowing all the findings, a conclusion can be drawn in Objective 4 and then a model of the situation can be developed, which is described as the theme of the training.

1. Discover the factors of effectiveness and efficiency of the training. 2. Identify any problems that occurred during the training. 3. Investigate the best strategy to overcome the problems for the next training. 4. Develop a general model of effective and efficient training.

Research is not just about finding information but also achieving an objective in the investigation. From one objective, other objectives will appear that will be achieved step by step. The objectives are used to measure the success of the research. The research proponent found out that the objectives of the research are as follows:

4. Expected Results and Implications

Appropriate research proposals will include a detailed discussion of any and all possible outcomes of the research, and the expected results. This will pertain to the probability of results occurring under normal circumstances. Events on the causal pathway to the stated occurrence may have blocked the said outcome, and the researcher is aware of this potential deviation. In this case, it may be useful to explain the results expected under the alternative scenario. What is essential to the research proposal is that the student has thought through the various if-thens and has planned out what to do in each case. Usually, there is some data or result which will confirm the hypothesis, and it’s always nice to have the undisputable result, but often this can lead to the weakest research – the result which confirms the hypothesis isn’t always the first result, and in many statistical methods, there’s no association between a result and a cause. An incorrect hypothesis can lead to interesting results, and the best research conducted is the research which finds something interesting. Simulation of the research data is also a useful exercise and should be mentioned in the expected results.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

The credible research proposal presentation is reached out to a limited number of people in a long period. It is not only luck if they become a good scientist, good academic teacher or professor, good research institution officer, research institutions, and also a good society’s executive. This actually happens in many research institutions in Indonesia where those who are teachers (lecturers) or students undergo duty in past or private research institutions were very hard to get research financing from the government or private institutions. The financing obtained was not appropriate to their capability and there are some who have no capabilities to compete with others. This is where research proposals are really needed. With the presentation, this proposal has a high enough chance of obtaining research financing. In general, the presentation has been done face to face or in a forum with the financing organization. If we consider the statement from a friend, “The chance of a single opening door with the chance of a knocking door opened,” research proposal presentations have a high enough chance of convincing these financing organizations compared to the proposal itself because whether the proposal is read by the organization really depends on luck. It might be read as soon as it is received or a few weeks later to a few months later.

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