research proposal powerpoint

research proposal powerpoint

The Importance of Research in a Proposal PowerPoint Presentation

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research proposal powerpoint
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1. Introduction

The chapter begins by articulating the rationale of the research. The purpose of the research is clearly stated by the authors. The writers quite explicitly have stated that the sole purpose of conducting this research was to identify the problems and weaknesses of their current proposal writing practice. Once the research problem was identified, the next step for the researchers was to find the best possible way to solve it. The consequence of this was a comprehensive analysis of the various elements and factors which revolve around the problem statement. The writers also state that they had to go through a bulky amount of literature to identify the areas of interest. The early stages of the research consisted more of gaining an understanding of the problem instead of looking for tangible solutions. This was predominantly because the main aim of the research was to improve the current proposal writing practice and in order to do so the researchers had to immerse themselves into an array of different subtopics which all revolved around the central theme. This was done through researching each different area in a systematic manner i.e. it was started of with a general browse of a certain topic area and then more and more focus was applied onto a more specific area until all aspects were understood. This process of understanding the various topic areas was quite time consuming and one topic often lead to another in a butterfly effect type manner. But despite this the researchers felt that this was an essential part to build the substance for the recommendations that. Finally we come to the identification of the decision to use a case study methodology to research into the problem. This was concluded to the study’s findings that there was not enough direct evidence of problems within the current bid proposal practice within the IT organization sector. The objective was to find out the cause and effect of various issues within the bid proposal practice and it was believed that the case study would provide the best environment to do this through an in-depth study of the problem area.

2. Research Objectives

Research is about systematic inquiry and investigation, which will help us take steps in understanding the problem in a more appropriate manner. Research objectives, in general, serve as a direction that will guide the researcher in the research activity. It can be concluded that research objectives are one of the most significant things in research, as without them, the research will seem like an aimless activity that only consumes time and energy without benefiting from it. The most common mistake in research is doing an investigation without clear objectives. This can direct the research anywhere without a focused plan and waste most of the time in unbeneficial activity. Thus, without research objectives, the researcher will not be able to limit the target of research. With the restriction and limitation that is wanted, every step taken forward will be the exact and accurate step to achieve the goals. In fact, the findings of the research will not be satisfactory unless the research is able to achieve the objectives of the study. This is because the achievement is the result and measure of its success in obtaining the research findings. A research will also be able to identify a problem, analyze it, and obtain the findings to solve the problem by objectives. This kind of research is a more focused research in which the problem that is tried to be solved is the main attention of the research. This is due to an unsatisfied feeling regarding the current situation of the problem, which is the cause an objectives was made. Usually, research like this is the most successful research because of the clear goals and the research dealing with the real situation of the problem that is happening.

3. Methodology

The methodology of the research is perhaps the most crucial step in the entire process. It is when the research begins; up until this point, the researcher has only a vague idea of what is to be done. The methodology is the plan of action. It outlines the research problem and purpose, establishes the research focus and explicates the research design. Any deviations in the research plan due to unforeseen circumstances should be documented. The methodology should also anticipate and address the various methodological issues that may arise in the research process. The research design is a strategy or a plan of action that involves a blueprint to enable the cause of the research question or hypothesis. It involves a framework for collection and analysis of data. There are different types of research design, some are more effective than others relative to the nature of the problem. For example, a correlational study or experimental study are effective research designs for answering cause and effect questions. Other studies, which aim to simply describe some phenomenon are best studied by way of a case study, survey or content analysis. After establishing the research design, researchers can anticipate and address any potential methodological issues. This is invaluable for the reliability and validity of the study. In many cases, an issue that arises during research has the potential to completely change the direction of the research. Failure to satisfactorily resolve such issues can lead to wasted resources and a flawed study. Anticipating issues allows a researcher to avoid potential pitfalls and safeguard the quality of their study.

4. Expected Results

Analysis of the possibilities or results that may be obtained from the research study is usually the final and most critical step in the research process. It is the point at which the researcher makes explicit his estimations regarding the truth-value of the hypothesis or expectations that should be tested. It is the logical outcome of the reasoned process by which the researcher matches the appropriate research strategy or design with the problem at hand. It is the final link in the chain of reasoning, which begins with an ontological assumption and finishes with inferences concerning the substance of what is being studied. Results can be assessed in terms of internal or external validity of hypothesis tests or the ideas by which the research was guided and the extent to which causality can be inferred between the independent and dependent variables in the findings. Usually the primary concern is assessing the degree of causality between the program or treatment analyzed and its effects. The most common thinking regarding research results is that they are dependent on the type of activity that produced them. As a result, the best way to assess probable outcomes is to engage in a thought experiment where different types of research designs are played out as though they were actual. The simulated findings that are obtained can then be compared to the real state of the findings gathered through the project to give an assessment of the success of the research study in its various stages. This method is effective if there are sufficient resources to turn back and conduct research again using different methods, but it is of limited use to most applied researchers.

5. Conclusion

A well-prepared proposal should be thoroughly researched and well written. The better your research, the more effective your proposal is, and conversely, the less research into your chosen topic, the less effective your proposal will be. This is because research makes the difference between a ‘yes’ and a ‘no’ answer. If you can provide a solid claim that your proposal is worth the time, money, and effort, there is a higher chance in a positive response. Therefore, the research will then justify your words and decisions. Research also provides credibility to a proposal. Without evidence and backup, a proposal is just a lengthy opinion and very few come into fruition. By providing statistics, facts, and examples, your proposal can become more convincing, therefore giving it credibility. This, in turn, makes it more worthy in the eyes of the responder. In today’s result-oriented world, people are looking for solutions. On the other hand, there is nothing available towards the solution as people are not ready to take risks. If risks are taken, then there is a possibility of getting a solution. So, in such particular scenarios, a proper proposal becomes helpful. As it is just a detailed initiation of the solution to the problem. Without a proper proposal, no one is ready to take risks. Now research forms a base for the proposal and gives strength to move forward. The significance of the research in proposals is understood by an example. If a farmer is planning to cultivate a crop, he is keen enough to know about the quality of the seeds, its comparison with the alternative seeds, availability, cost, and gain. The farmer will not go further unless he is convinced about all these questions. Similarly, a person will not jump into a business unless he is convinced about the quality of the product, cost, availability of the resources, and benefit. So in both above situations, people are desirous to know whether their steps will lead to the solution of the problem and will it be worth taking those steps. This can be answered affirmatively if there is a good proposal with proper research.

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