political machine definition us history

political machine definition us history

Understanding the Political Machine in U.S. History

1. Introduction to Political Machines

In the old way of ruling a neighborhood, a (white) boss would have needed a physical presence to organize and maintain support for his operations: academically deprived constituents who left school at a young age (the basic army of the machine) would be easy only to educate when using representatives of the same ethnic community (often the only competent ones to speak instruction and support in English) who led them along the way through work, family (hopefully future generations of political workers), and at leisure.

Between the Civil War and the early 1930s, the various political machines that existed inherited political power and maintained it, so much so that power went from corrupt leaders who once freely manipulated their followers to reform leaders who did the same but in the long run for the people and not just for themselves. Political machines were not static organizations. Their in-depth understanding of the ethnic population they represented allowed them numerous opportunities for flexibility and pragmatic policy changes, allowing them to survive and prosper. However, these machines could only transform themselves by adopting work practices and management models while maintaining and nurturing their political function.

2. Key Characteristics of Political Machines

Competition for public offices rapidly increased with urbanization. The resulting fragmentation within parties led to the development of political machines. These consisted of individuals and organizations that gave directions for citizens’ activities in return for political and financial support, weakening factions within the party. Mass mobilization was mostly caused by industrialization, urbanization, and immigration. Consequently, open political competition and easy access to ballots led to the development of machines that built supporter coalitions within the party as a way of removing internal factionalization. In general, political machines solved one of the major dilemmas of political reform and reduction of electoral participation after civil service reform and the introduction of competitive elections: the problem of party fragmentation. Small cliques of influential power brokers substituted these party factions in the late-19th-century electoral contemporary cycle.

In U.S. history, political machines were government-linked corporations focused on getting elected representatives into power and controlling political organizations. The historical setup required a hierarchical network to be in place during the 19th century and early 20th century in order to carry out the changing rules within cities and states. During this time, there were key characteristics that defined political machines that included the following: eliminating fragmentation within parties, generating local community support, and creating strong organizations to allow for the changing rules.

3. Impact and Influence of Political Machines in U.S. History

A political machine does not necessarily seek to do so, but instead it creates a check and balance, though sometimes annoying by the count of the opposition, in a political unit to its opposition. It gives the people from all extremes an opportunity to have their needs represented. It is quite a rigorous systems approach and for the most part allows for the social unit to be successful because of it. The subcultures of a social unit subscribe to the needs of the people and address public opinion which always makes a force to be reckoned with, much more probable that the public and the social unit will be in agreement and that they will take the legitimate course of action.

Despite their negatives, the political machine and boss have left several positive landmarks on the American party system. The impression that has been left by a political machine is still visible when it is seen that a long run of a political party in power of an American political unit is harmful to the political syntax and may merely current to the disadvantaged in it. Contrary to the modern-day belief in the single-party system and the belief that the Democratic Party of the 1930s should have been allowed to have its way in all of its programs, without the Republican influence that was in the House and the Senate, the United States at the time might have resembled the totalitarianism of the 20th century.

4. Reform Efforts and Decline of Political Machines

As a consequence of these disclosures inside the city walls, after much murmuring and fits and dabs of suicide when opportunity presented, the machine is now expiring rapidly. The politicians who once bartered with its muscles, soon will swap offices for and receive difference from the last ions floating on the pool of dry public equity. But, more of the machine and its fallacies anon.

The ghosts of the corrupt bargain and extortionate tax remained. The workingmen, seeking a redress of governmental favor without bothering to labor for it, retained their temper for political disorder. Local affairs drifted more and more into the hands of shady schemers who had vision enough to distinguish the ballot-box as the ballot-pocket, and the increasing percentage of illiteracy in the community afforded an even more favorable ground for the noxious seeds which were to be sown there. These rascals were much more open and hardy in their dishonesty; too few had or cared for the courage or skill to resist or expose them. The source and center of party strife began to vary as the wandering citizens, with partners and bag, transferred their allegiance from the rigorously managed pub-mill in the Republican department to the Salvation Kitchens in the Democratic, where pie—’cookey’—followed the saloon.

5. Legacy and Continued Relevance of Political Machines

The machine’s main function is now one of ensuring continuity for the local bureaucracies and industries by providing funding, by printing votes in exchange for support of private business interests. This becomes a continuation of America’s main form of government (bipartisanship within a one-party system, as manipulating the people to support it) when ideology and issues seen unresolved by one-party business-state machinery. Can empty shells of political machines exist? They can, because the electorate needs to exercise its vote, and politicians need the people’s vote to legitimate their rule.

One result of the Democratic and Republican political machines was high voter participation. As different interests were incorporated into the parties through their respective machines, the machines tried to deliver to these interests a vulgar form of government aid. Citizens were given say, through patronage jobs or other perquisites. Voters and their interests were recognized, and politicians and their parties supported these interests in a time when progressive issues were not high on any agenda. This, as a basis for participation, has long disappeared as an aspect of parochialism.

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