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The Ethics and Implications of Using Cheap Custom Writers in Academic Settings
The growing phenomenon of custom writing, usually referred to as custom writing websites or “essays for sale” websites, has been a major trend for students in the United States and has been discussed at length by many. Low costs and price transparency, combined with the ease of use, prompt more and more students to use these custom services to “manage” their studies. Consequently, a large section of college and university-based tutors, administrators – and to a certain extent students – have decried the use of the services offered by custom writers as wrong, unfair, and unethical in that it is an unacceptable form of cheating. This paper proposes that the nature of the student body, the lack of a facility to communicate complex ideas in an international setting, and the discipline-based expertise of the tutors create an environment where the use of cheap custom writers should be supported.
These custom writing websites are evidence of a wider trend for companies attempting to make money by charging someone for carrying out a particular task. Ironically, this reflects a world where levels of caring about doing the right thing among individual team members is falling. The proposal is that because cheap custom writing services are making a contribution as a springboard towards both learning and effective communication in higher education settings, the potential benefit of such services outweighs the downsides. The first section is a description of the tradition of custom writing. The second section lists and discusses the main criticisms derived from the literature on the custom writing websites. In the third section, the proposal presented is contextualized by attention to the future of work.
Many people equate the price with quality, but this is not always accurate. A cheap custom writer might indeed produce some exceptional work, and an expensive writer might provide less quality than anticipated. This means that consumers who need to access no-name cheap custom writers to get assignments completed might not actually receive a low quality writing experience. However, the quality of the work is not the only aspect that requires attention in this unique relationship.
Utilizing a custom writer can become an ordeal for both the student who initiated the business relationship and the writer who proposed their work in the first place. According to the criticisms, using a custom writer is academically fraudulent, as it is the student who is obtaining the degree and should complete the coursework out of their own motivation—not due to disinterest in the work or failure to complete it properly.
There are also other ethical considerations to contemplate when utilizing a custom writer. For instance, if the student and proposed business writer are both from the same state or university, is this academic dishonesty? Does using a freelance student from another university to complete the work for a fee make a difference in the argument? Using a custom writing source is not unique to college or university level education. High school students are also attempting to find help in a similar manner. Is the increasing need for all types of editing or custom writing a sign of laziness and lack of effort on the part of the student, or is this trend occurring as a result of the decrease in the quality of education in the world in general?
In extreme cases, the relationship between the writer and student can actually be a hazardous one if the student’s actions should jeopardize the writer as a result. Ethical academic standards require each individual both access and supply the help that is needed. Just where the ethical guideline sits continues to be debated.
The major concern of academic content produced by the custom writers is not the reason behind their dismissal in schools and institutions of higher learning across the globe. The plethora of ills associated with papers produced by these writers, especially the cheap and available on-demand writers, has overshadowed their silver lining. While most school administrators fear to admit it, the very essence of schools as desired by parents and students themselves is for learners to acquire the essential life skills and knowledge. Academic content production is seen as a platform to challenge the learners, provide the necessary knowledge through a curriculum and activities that may or may not necessarily be interesting.
The call to action and the solution to the current quagmire associated with the availability of the custom writers is much broader in scope than the existence and presence of these writers. Therefore, this paper will seek to discuss the negative impacts of using the cheap custom writers and other essay producing writers in the field of academic content production. A focus will be laid specifically on the ethics of using these custom writers in academic settings, the intrinsic concerns of the quality and autonomy of an individual’s written work. Furthermore, the paper will explore the legal and procedural implications when learners are caught utilizing writing services to produce their academic papers. The essay will conclude by providing the necessary recommendations to curb the malpractices associated with the custom writing industry.
The risks associated with using cheap custom writers or contracting online include being dropped from classes with no refund. If a professor suspects a student has used a cheap custom writer, they can also contact the dean of students for further action because you are accused of academic dishonesty. If everyone found out, the risk of social embarrassment is also significant. But in the end, the biggest risk of contracting with cheap custom writers is that you receive a pirated, low-quality thesis that can destroy your reputation. You don’t want to receive a custom work that surprises others because you feel inferior.
The academic rigor in the university is what guarantees that the title you are about to obtain has value. While the universities and, in general, any educational institution realize that it is the students who represent their greatest source of income, I have always been rigorous in terms of accepting all kinds of practices that could muddy them, making it unprofitable to obtain the title. Therefore, it is very common for the academic authorities to organize committees that review the behavior of possible students who disobey the rules during a previous course. On many other occasions, students try to help each other in an honorable manner, but it is also true that when we talk about practices that violate academic ethics, the existing regulations have to be applied with full rigor. Like a driver who uses a speed camera detector, although ethical consequences may not seem as obvious, violating established academic rules also has its set of prevailing punishments.
Ethics and moral obligations are not immediately recognized matters in securing academic integrity, particularly ones from institutional responses. High quality content posted at article repositories may better send messages about community ideals. However, forums must spontaneously self-monitor, and professors and administrators have duties to raise students’ capacities and awareness about maintaining the highest fundamentals of academic integrity in setting up appropriate terms, conditions, and expectations. Instructors can contribute to academic integrity in important ways when they involve their students directly in the structure of their courses by allowing them to take part in the layout of the course (e.g. developing course objectives and designing assignments), by involving them in the application and evaluation of ethics, or by discussing ethical issues.
The growth and maturity of a student is important and occurs in a variety of settings: the home, the school, and the neighborhood. Each of these can provide negative or positive experiences. The support structure for opposing lack of commitment to ethical conduct is critical for the development of children and the maintenance of quality, caring communities within educational institutions. These two demands are what make students so vulnerable. The good (teaching and learning) and the bad (using cheap custom writers) and behavioral patterns developed and established in one situation may spill over and significantly affect behavior in another situation. The use of cheap custom writers, particularly by students, is unethical and should not, in the short or long term, be used as a means to supplement or develop a student’s abilities to think critically or to research what is mandated for degree completion. The negative long-term consequences of accessing these services include: unrealistic self-evaluations of qualifications, inadequate practical or analytical skills, constant academic misinterpretations, inadequate communication skills, and low interpersonal or organizational skills. By contrast, instructors who value academic integrity and integrate it into their courses control the overall climate of a classroom by arranging and reinforcing, through ethical constructs (e.g. core values and character building). Instructors must become involved in encouraging and supporting social and ethical responsibilities in situations beyond the classroom (e.g. in the communities abroad, research, the workforce). With an undergraduate student population of at least thirty-two percent, promoting ethical stability for future employment relationships is crucial. Promoting academic conduct that is both ethical and morally persuasive will facilitate the long-term attainment of higher ethical standards and consolidate the learning process as a whole.
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