medicolegal case studies assignment help
Exploring Medicolegal Case Studies: A Comprehensive Analysis
Medicolegal cases are the mirror of the medical and healthcare professional values and also the society faces in day-to-day life. The court procedures are very lengthy, which most of the medical and healthcare professionals are not interested in and can’t wait for tangible outcome as it may take a few years to get clarity in judgment. Considering all these controversies and challenges, it is necessary to document medicolegal cases in society to make the younger generation learn and accept it from a pediatric level. This enhances the upcoming professionals to learn more ethical aspects, complications, hurdles, and conflicts during investigation and management of medicolegal cases in the future. Thus, in order to fulfill this query, presenting the medicolegal case studies are useful and they are in demand in the present and future regardless of futuristic impact factors.
Day to day in clinical practice, you could come across medicolegal cases. A thorough understanding of these cases is an essential aspect of a complete practitioner. Above all, medicolegal case studies are a paramount consideration for the academic community, and there are very few research studies available that analyze medicolegal cases. Analyzing individual cases provides a wealth of information which is valuable for improving existing services and avoiding recurrence of such incidents. The fundamental objective of exploring medicolegal cases is to analyze the events, detect the patient’s background, physiological body’s response, existing clinical condition, and medico-legal hazards. Medicolegal case studies are sustaining in nature and guide us to establish ways of recognizing and rectifying the adverse medical events. Further, it also rectifies the controversies in the management between the plaintiffs and the defendants. Thus, the present paper conveys a comprehensive introduction in medicolegal case analysis and its significance in academia. It also throws light over the international and national scenario about the medicolegal case series that are being conducted in the last ten years.
Forensic Odontology, Dento-Legal, Medicolegal Terms Used in Medicolegal Analysis There are lot of new terms that are used in the medicolegal analysis. “Forensic” comes from an Anglo Saxon word “Foren-sic”, which meant “pertaining to the forum”. Some of the concepts generally added in the Forensic odontology, in the present medicolegal analysis are as shown below. Forensic science, Forensic medicine, Forensic odontology, Forensic pathology. The details of these are discussed elsewhere in the exploring medicolegal analysis in a very detailed fashion.
This section’s topics may include, but are not limited to principles for the report of medicolegal cases; an analysis of the investigation of medicolegal cases; historical facts; medicolegal autopsy; medicocriminal deduction; forensic odontology; requirements of the oral surgeon; and the latest trends in the specialty. Concepts play an important and fundamental role in building the medicolegal cases. As such therefore, it is necessary to understand and appreciate these concepts, before one can take up medicolegal case analysis venture. Liability: Liability in medicolegal analysis means under what circumstances is one going to call the doctor of the department or the hospital to be guilty or not guilty. Standard of Care: It means what care a reasonable man with reasonable skill and knowledge would render. The law does not expect care by the most expert or perfect man in picture. If there is no profession, then the court’s view would count. If it is not followed, the law will hold you wrong.
This article provides a detailed analysis of medicolegal case analysis, offering guidelines that help in the investigation of cases. This makes the reader understand not only what goes into building a medicolegal case but also renders a basic background of medicolegal terms that are used in these cases. Do go through the article and submit their comments. All correspondence and enquiries must be directed to the editor and then to medicolegal section MSAI office also.
Real-World Medicolegal Case Studies Case Study #1: The Unmentioned Owner Tom and Mike decide to renovate their house together. They expect to make a fortune when they sell it. Excited about the prospect, they work through the summer, evening, and weekends. They expect the project to take four months, but a sudden time pressure changes that timetable. In mid-September, Mike tells Tom that his wife is pregnant after two years of trying. Mike wants to move out of the small fourth-story walk-up apartment and into the big new house before winter. They decide to fire the contractor and do the finish work themselves. To defray their costs, they buy flooring, cabinetry, windows, and doors on free credit cards. They plan to pay with the home sale proceeds. They end up splitting the doors and windows to keep separate track of who owns which ones. Except for Tom, no one stencils the doors and windows as to whom they belong. Four days later, the baby is safely born. By then, most of the doors and windows are in place. Just one weekend later, a huge September rainstorm called the 50-year deluge soaks through the open roof coverings to windows and doors. Tom is fed up. He unilaterally ends the renovation, leaving Mike alone to fend off the 50-year deluge. Tom returns to the house a month later, only to see the dry roofing materials from the back parachute off the roof and onto the backyard. Tom recruits some help and repairs the soggy spot in the roof. Then the duo formally list the still-unfinished house for top dollar. After a month of showings, Mike, in retaliation, withdraws the listing, not wanting to lose so much as a dime on the sale. Instead, Mike signs a three-year lease that includes an option to purchase the still-unfinished house. The paperwork is clear that Mike is leasing and not buying. The selling price is written into the lease in relation to the work to be finished. Will Mike have to buy the house after three years if he used his option money as a credit?
Introduction We are now about to present before you a number of medicolegal case studies, complete with personal and expert commentaries, in order to focus attention on those factors that enabled a given problem to be solved. The objective of this exercise is to digest the basic principles and apply the same for solving such problems more systematically. It is necessary to make clear that there may be more than one route to a solution to a given problem. We may present diverse variants of case studies with different medical and legal problems and social backgrounds to solve the same. We are thankful to the faculty of our clinical medicine department, who have given us continuous support and guidance in making this collection. We are equally thankful to our research and publication unit for perpetuating the laboratory findings into a presentable form. All the names of persons below are fictitious.
Confidentiality, integrity, and professional conduct are important ethical deliberations when publishing medicolegal case studies. A published case study often discusses the evaluated ethical considerations and issues with a reassurance that all recent human research procedures have been followed, and confidentiality was maintained throughout the process. As there is an important fundamental right to privacy, medicolegal case reports require numerous diversifications to ensure that the person’s identity is not disclosed. The Health Professions Council (United Kingdom) has codes of practice that guide professionals’ deliberations in all areas of work, however, the reports published act as an explanation to the professional codes, and only personal identifiers are not absolutely mentioned. Reviewed ethical principles include responsibility for the reporting of the specific area of work, the appropriateness of the condition or set of circumstances within the example to the applied area, the nature of the report itself and the integrity of its contents as well as the handling of the information by its readers. A number of professional bodies, such as the UK Health Professions Council, publishers, and their lay and editorial boards, should critically evaluate the way in which reports are reviewed and disseminated to the general public both online and via print.
The task of conducting or evaluating a medicolegal analysis with reckless enthusiasm is not only inadvisable but also ethically unjustifiable. Just as within the boundaries of the clinical and forensic evaluation, the doctor or the expert needs to maintain a good standing with regard to the medico-legal assessment reports. The assessor of a case should also declare if there is any conflict of interest or potential to benefit financially or otherwise from the conclusion that is reached from the analysis presented in the case. The best practice at all times is to rely on quality, hire quality and ensure that the examination techniques do not harm and that conclusions reached are robust in their determination. The reliance on the principle of the non-disclosure of the findings of alleged human visual perception research was to ensure that full and honest opinions could be received as experts’ evidence.
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