law coursework writing

law coursework writing

The Importance of Law Coursework Writing

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1. Introduction

The focus in legal education may be shifting back to smaller groups where the best outcomes are possible. Despite some recent cost cutting measures, numerous law faculties with the use of technology now have access to their own on-campus or off-campus facilities. These include recording studios, video cameras, microphones, etc. which can allow for digital and audio-visual record of role plays, moots, and other forms of interactive learning to be used as a teaching aid for future students. It can also be used in a conferencing environment for distance education students. Simulation and role play are an effective but sometimes difficult way to learn and time and cost-effective use for future generations can greatly assist in building student competency in the skills and subjects being taught.

Legal education has undergone great changes during the past few decades. Students are increasing in numbers but some of the teaching facilities and methods have not kept pace with the changes. In some subjects, students are now taught in large groups (e.g. 100 students) by lecture which is not an interactive way to learn. It is difficult for one lecturer to stimulate the same level of interest and interaction within the large group as compared to a smaller group. The best learning occurs when students are interested in what they are learning and are capable of critical thinking and analysis. However, modern day legal education in a large group, lecture environment by itself is not conducive to producing these outcomes from students.

The importance of law coursework writing cannot be underestimated. As a vital academic work of learning institutions, it can greatly affect a student’s understanding of the subject matter and final grades.

2. Understanding the Purpose of Law Coursework

Essentially, understanding the purpose of law coursework means understanding what is required of you as a student. It is important to differentiate between the skills necessary to complete the task and the knowledge required to do it. Failure to possess the necessary skills is a valid reason for seeking help, failure to have the knowledge at the outset is not. Note that often coursework questions will be set on a specific topic within a wider area of law. In such cases, it is tempting to essay the question and start the relevant material in the hope of learning ‘on the job’. This approach is not recommended. More often than not, the question is set on specific material with a wide application. Learning only that which is directly related to the question is usually inefficient and will quite possibly limit your understanding of the subject matter. It is often best to delay the question and come back to it upon studying a wider part of that area of law.

Understanding a concept usually involves a sense of purpose, usually in relation to why things happen the way they do. When considering the purpose of law coursework, it is easy to presume that it exists to test knowledge of the topic being taught. This presumption would be correct, but misguided. In reality, the purpose of most law coursework is to test the key skills in reading for the law, locating appropriate material, understanding it, and providing a reasoned analysis. Knowledge of the topic comes into it, but only to ascertain whether the student is capable of the skills listed above on material that will be unfamiliar to the student. A degree of this is only true for the exams and other forms of summative assessment, but it is something to bear in mind when tackling law coursework. This is also the reason that exam questions often give a very basic outline of a situation and then ask you to ‘Discuss’. This is a common task in coursework assignments too.

3. Key Elements of Effective Law Coursework Writing

A prominent feature of law is legal reference. Law students often find difficulty during their coursework on law separating what is coaching or mentoring from law lecturers and tutors to the actual delivery of legal knowledge. It is okay if lecturers or tutors want to advise their students who wish to seek legal careers, but coaching or mentoring is a generic activity that is not specific to law, and it will develop a student’s general skills and knowledge in some respect regarding their career possibilities mentioned in paragraph one. In order to be legal tuition or an actual teaching of law, there must be a clear and identifiable intention to be teaching law as an academic and a professional subject. The law to be taught must be actually law and not something else, and there must be a high degree of excellence in the teaching of that law. This will pose no problems for law students as they generally receive high-quality teaching, but it may be difficult to persuade a tutor to, for example, re-sit a contract concerning their tuition of contract law at £150 an entire sit. It is far easier to provide a clearer set of terms for a contract, as seen in the case The Priests of the English College, which would be an indirect help for future students of law attempting to ascertain law regarding the case on the contract itself.

Seeking knowledge with modulus-tuned tip in creative and career possibilities that refer to men and legal to guide you comply with regard coursework on law centred to gain contractual rights of tuition from the site. Briefing will begin with the fact that agreement can be legal binding between two persons, legal people or between a person and a legal person. A written agreement is the starting point, but it must show evidence of offer and acceptance. This can be seen in the case of Thornton v Show post, with the use of an acceptance that precisely mirrors the terms of the offer and a clear indication of this. Once an offer is made, it must not be revoked before acceptance has had a chance to take place. Failures to comply with this can lead to an action for damages, as seen in the case Gibson v Manchester City Council. If the agreement is to be legally binding, it must intend to create legal relations and must not be a contract to do something else. The only way to get around having a contract is to prove that it is legally unenforceable, and this will lead to a voidable agreement. If successful, void contracts have no legal effect and will usually result in restitution, as seen in the case Monde v Lloyds.

4. Tips for Successful Law Coursework Writing

Whatever method of coursework, the practice of writing law essays will be an essential part of your studies, and the extent to which you can demonstrate the skills of writing and learning will be reflected in your marks. Perhaps no other form of examination is as closely tied to the examiner’s preconceptions of what constitutes a ‘good’ student. In your essays, this will be determined by how closely you can meet the mark scheme, matching criteria in a formulaic pattern reflecting the principles of either common law or statutory interpretation. Your essay or problem question may just be a part of a wider paper which sets collective questions spanning the entire syllabus. If this is the case, separate your answer into sections, each with its own heading and sub-heading, to make it easier for the examiner to identify where the marks are and for you to follow the sequence of logic. If it is a past paper you are answering (and you often should attempt these under timed conditions), find out what the questions were actually worth in terms of marks, and adhere more or less to this in the time you spend and the space you provide to each question. It is an unfortunate reality that you are marked more on how well you have fulfilled the specific requirements of the question than what you may have learned in class or during your own reading.

5. Conclusion

The best coursework is the product of genuine contemplation, and the relaxed student can manage time well. However, it pays to begin considering the requirements of coursework early on in the day, and it is not uncommon for a good piece of coursework to take between two weeks and a month to complete. Time should be budgeted to ensure that the coursework can be done comfortably; a rushed piece of work is always easier to spot, and generally always of a lower quality. Step one is to analyse the question, effectively to understand what is required. This may sound obvious, but not taking time to grasp the coursework requirements is an error that is made surprisingly often.

The purpose of this work has been to outline the importance of law coursework writing and to demonstrate the process by which it should be undertaken by the student. Coursework is an essential part of a law degree, and it is vital that it is done methodically, meticulously, and with an eye to certain specific requirements. Any student who is serious about succeeding in his or her studies should develop the ability to write a good law coursework. Failure to do so can result in leaving marks on the table and even failing to achieve a degree if a student is unable to raise his or her overall grade to a pass level. This guidance is intended to help developing law students at universities or colleges into higher quality coursework, and to help tutors in the assessment of said coursework.

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