i will do my homework

i will do my homework

The Importance of Homework Completion

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1. Benefits of Completing Homework

Homework is an assignment given by the teachers to their students for completion outside of the class. It is an essential way to demonstrate children’s learning in a particular area of subject. It also aims to develop and consolidate the understanding and skills of the children. It is a good resource to help children in developing positive working attitudes such as self-discipline, time management, independence, responsibility, initiative, and self-organization. All these are skills required in the working world and in adult life. Although there are short and long-term benefits to participating in homework, some children might not understand what they are accomplishing and might try to avoid doing it. This might be due to reasons such as lack of understanding and difficulty in completing the task. This article not only encourages children to complete their homework but also persuades parents to motivate their children to complete them. Mentioning to parents who have watched television or read reports on the benefits of homework might encourage their children to do it. Many reports have been printed that state the benefits of homework, quoting that it benefits for growth of mind, character, and will and embraces more fully and deeply the life of a child. This is true in the context that the child is able to learn further after school hours and be more aware of the subject they are learning. This is helpful for the child’s future learning as they will consistently learn to be aware of things they are familiar and unfamiliar with. Another example is a cause and effect from two different sources, which is abstract but it can be noticed. A special education for exceptional children says that “homework creates a bridge from the learning at school to the completion of it at home, this is the first benefit of homework. Coming to a relationship between the homework, achievement, and academic performance says that both parents and students had a positive view on homework. This would be a good chance for the student to aim for better grades as they would be now given a chance for an improvement at learning.” Nevertheless, the fact is that the will or the act of doing the homework is not done but the child still needs to learn the concept that doing it leads to better understanding.

Benefits of completing homework.

2. Strategies for Effective Homework Completion

To help guide you through these plans, use a calendar and allocate specific tasks to be done on specific dates. Make the commitment, take into account deadlines and examinations, and do not schedule too much in one day. Make sure you do not fall behind and get tasks done as early as possible. This will allow more flexibility to deal with other incidents. Finally, try to get into the habit of estimating all of your activities by the amount of time each will consume. With practice, this can be a great time management tool.

At times when you do not feel motivated, have other study task options to avoid wasting time.

The next step is to make a list of objectives to be accomplished. This could be done on a weekly basis (e.g. what can be achieved this week?) or it could be long term, such as study habits being modified in order to reduce procrastination. This list should then be ranked by importance. A criterion to measure the completion of these objectives needs to be established. When doing assignments or exam preparation, make a detailed plan on what needs to be done. Then make a separate plan on the estimated time each task will take. Periodically check to see if you are still on track and revise your plans as needed.

2.1 Planning and Time Management: Organize effective study plans leading up to examinations that provide as much time as possible for revision. Adjustments to the plan can be made as the examination approaches to provide more time on the weaker subjects. Avoid leaving everything until the last minute. Set a routine time each day for doing homework. Sometimes it may be better to get harder subjects or work done early while more motivated, then leave the easy tasks for when you feel less motivated. This will allow you to enjoy the free time afterwards with less stress or guilt. Evaluate how you spend your time, including time spent on the phone, computer, and watching TV. Decide whether it is worth it.

3. Overcoming Homework Challenges

Convincing your child that there are certain forms of homework which are important and some which are less so can be a difficult task. For example, most teenagers do not see the benefit in practicing algebra for an hour when they could be earning £20 in a part-time job with that same hour. At a basic level, this individual hour of homework is less beneficial to this teenager than going to work. It becomes everyone’s different opinions on what is deemed valuable that makes homework an issue, and this is why you will hear many students saying that they choose not to do homework for a certain class because it is not worth their time. It is important to stress to a child that whether work seems worth the time to them is irrelevant – everyone must complete the same tasks while at school. A good example to use is a student disliking a certain assignment so much that they copy an answer from a friend so they do not have to do it. By explaining to the child that in later life there are often tasks at work which seem menial and unnecessary but must still be carried out, you can illustrate the futility of trying to get out of tasks in school. Another challenge in doing homework might be a result of a student falling too far behind in a class and losing motivation to finish assignments because they do not understand them. It can be difficult for a parent to make the right decision when faced with this issue. Many ask whether it is better for their child to continue with homework that they do not understand and most likely do it wrong, or whether the better option is for them to catch up by seeking assistance from the teacher. The best option is a mixture of the two, and it is better if the parent can encourage the child without providing too much help. A student requiring extra help in a certain subject should not spend too much time working by themselves, so that they do not reinforce mistakes and simply learn the wrong thing. It has been suggested that 10 minutes of homework per night in the first grade is appropriate, with an increase of 10 minutes per grade level. This means that a student of 7th grade should not be spending more than an hour on all homework assignments combined.

4. Creating a Productive Homework Environment

This section focuses on students’ reluctance to complete homework and the strategies designed to increase homework completion. Teachers can help students improve the likelihood of completing homework through assignments that are interesting, relevant, and challenging. Strategies to improve the quality of assignments are suggested in the handbook “Assignment Makeovers,” which provides guidelines for creating student and family-friendly assignments. To facilitate completion of homework, teachers can teach their students about the value of homework and the role it plays in learning. This can be done through direct instruction on the importance of homework and think-alouds where teachers share their thoughts about the importance of an assignment. Teachers can also encourage students to attend after-school tutoring and homework clubs. These programs provide students with help from their teacher, a quiet place to complete assignments, and sometimes an incentive such as snacks or an extra elective class.

5. Conclusion: The Value of Homework

The student will also develop effective study and work habits that will last a lifetime. When a student decides to do their homework the night that it is given, the student will then understand the importance of getting the job done in a timely manner. This is a very important thing to understand because when the student has a job in the workforce, they will be required to get a job done by a certain time or within a given deadline. Failure to do so could result in loss of job or a job opportunity. The student that had been doing homework all of the years up until the workforce will recognize the situation and be able to effectively manage their time and get the job done. Often times it is said that time management is a key to success. This student will also know what it is to get a job done right. The homework habit instills a sensibility to good work. A person always reaps the rewards of hard work done well. This student will realize that and be able to put forth hard work and do it right. So it can be seen that the homework habit has very favorable long-term effects.

A person spending long hours in the workplace can only get so much work done before fatigue sets in and diminishes productivity. On the other hand, a student spending long hours on something that he or she is interested in and is determined to complete well will be furthering learning in an efficient manner. Now we can ask what that long-term impact on learning is.

The student who starts the homework habit at an early age has a distinct advantage over the student who does not. The long term effects of starting early and working consistently are to a great advantage. By the time the student reaches the workforce, they will certainly have a distinct advantage over their peers.

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