i do my homework before dinner in spanish

i do my homework before dinner in spanish

Importance of Learning Spanish and Doing Homework

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i do my homework before dinner in spanish
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1. Benefits of Learning Spanish

Heath suggests that “being able to communicate in a second language exposes students to cultural diversity and different ways of thinking and viewing the world” and that through paralleling a language with school subjects such as “history”, provides a “double benefit” where the student gains understanding in both subject areas. Cognitive benefits aside, studies have shown that the ability to speak a second language has extensive benefits in the workforce such as giving people an edge in the job market, to being able to perform better once hired. With our increasingly multinational society, the demand for multilingual employees is higher than ever as businesses seek those who can communicate and understand overseas clients. Coghib, the largest children’s hospital in Canada is but one example of this, as earlier this year they sought to hire Spanish-speaking employees and stated that anyone applying for this job “must be fluent in English and Spanish”.

After speaking to various indigenous community members on the topic, it is clear that the goal is not to keep the Spanish language, but the culture and traditions that go hand in hand with such. In learning and understanding the Spanish language, we can gain a better understanding of the Hispanic culture and the people; their customs, values, beliefs, and the way they live. In doing so, it allows us to be more accepting of a society where people do things differently, and also allows us to realize that there is no one way of doing things. This cultural awareness is an essential stepping stone to the development of a genuine respect and acceptance of others. In an increasingly global and multicultural society, it is essential to equip people with the tools necessary to interact with those from other cultures, to do this it is necessary to try and understand people, which is often best achieved through learning their language.

2. The Value of Homework

B. Spanish is a large subject that encompasses a variety of different skills: grammar, reading, listening, speaking, and writing. With only 3-5 hours of class per week, it can be difficult to develop a balance of these skills. Homework often allows each individual to set their own pace and cater to their own needs within the language. If a student feels they need extra practice in a certain area, they can devote more time to a particular type of exercise. High achievers can go beyond the basic classroom content, and those struggling with certain skills can spend more time consolidating their knowledge.

A. Memory work is of great importance in learning a language. When learning Spanish, you will be introduced to a great deal of new vocabulary, and you will need to understand and retain this vocabulary in order to build a foundation for your Spanish studies. By committing to doing homework, you ensure that you are returning to the vocabulary learned in class and attempting to use this new vocabulary. This reinforcement of knowledge improves retention. In doing homework, you are forced to take the vocabulary and constructs you’ve learned and apply them in a practical manner. This is essential in language learning. Language learning is not purely about substituting words from one language to another; it’s about using new constructs to understand and convey a different idea. Homework provides a crucial bridge from the class to the real-world application of Spanish.

3. Strategies for Doing Homework Effectively

Make sure your child does it on his own. Your child should do his work on his own. He may ask for help only after he has tried and is unable to understand the problem. He should not wait for you to guide him throughout the homework. This will help him develop self-confidence and a positive attitude towards his studies. He can, however, discuss the instructions/problem with the teacher the following day.

Choose a quiet place. The area where your child does homework should be quiet, well-lit, and distraction-free. Distractions such as TV, loud music should be kept to a minimum. Materials such as paper, pens, eraser, glue, and scissors should be kept handy for your child.

Set a regular time for homework. This should be a time when your child is relaxed and alert. For some children, the best time is right after school, for others, the best time is after dinner. Having the same time each day will give your child a sense of structure. Although your child should have the freedom to take short breaks in between as the mind will feel fresh and will concentrate more.

The sole purpose of doing homework is that the students can learn and understand the concepts they have learned at school. If the homework is not done efficiently, the purpose is lost. Following are some of the general strategies to help your child have a positive approach to homework and that will help improve their grades.

4. Creating a Homework Routine

When you learn a new skill, it is automatic that learning new information will come with it. A great way to retain this new information is by doing homework. Homework allows you to practice what you were taught and does so much more. In the subject of Spanish, there is an unlimited amount of material to be practiced. To nail down the information taught in Spanish, it is crucial to develop a homework routine. Homework routines help you to be consistent with the work you are doing. This is important in learning because the more consistent you are, the more accustomed you will be to the material. When the material is fresh, it is easy to learn, but when it is not revisited often, it can become stale and, in turn, harder to learn in the future. Practice makes perfect, and that is a direct result from doing homework. Doing homework gives an individual valuable practice to be better at what they are doing. The ultimate goal of learning Spanish is to be able to understand and speak the language effectively. Through practice, homework will lead to an individual being able to do just that. Another positive of homework is that the problems an individual has can clearly stand out. In class, it is not always apparent what we may not understand, but through the homework process, it is easy to determine what is easy and what is difficult. This allows students to ask the questions necessary to get a clear understanding of the subject. Homework has the possibility of being the most productive source of practice. The skills learned can be immediately put into use to see if they work. If they work, there is a sense of accomplishment, and if they don’t work, that is something that can be learned from. Practice is essentially trial and error, and error is something beneficial because it sets up learning a new method. When homework assignments are complete, Spanish students will have a great feeling of satisfaction. This is because the assignments will be well understood, and the fact that completion of the assignments is truly an accomplishment. There are many positives and minimal negatives to doing homework. With the method of consistency and practice, it is a sure way to learn Spanish effectively.

5. Conclusion: The Rewards of Bilingualism and Academic Success

To successfully apply any learned skill or information, preparation is key, and the aim of all homework assignments. The students find that homework increases their understanding of an assignment. The completion of this task brings success and a sense of accomplishment. The outcome of achievement will build character and self-confidence which are essential in the working world and their future. There are key components to the process of doing homework that will lead to the various forms of success. A common goal among people is to gain knowledge and exceed in what they do. By doing homework, students have proven to increase knowledge and be the best in what they do. Homework helps students learn valuable time management skills and the discipline in taking responsibility for their work. This, in all, will benefit in the overall development of the students, whether it be learning life skills, simple tasks, or reaching for a high aspiration. Gone are the days when speaking more than one language is looked down upon. Today and in the future, becoming bilingual holds heavy importance and value in the world. It is quite obvious that learning Spanish and doing homework will lead to academic success. Evident through the thorough process of learning a second language and studies done on students who do homework, the skills and knowledge will be retained with students and is guaranteed to be beneficial at all times in their lifetime.

In conclusion, the results of learning Spanish and doing homework are rewarding. The students participating in this learning model shall learn the benefits of being able to speak two languages. They will acquire the skill of code switching, or transferring (interchanging) from one language to another in a particular conversation or social setting. Code switching is a skill that is learned naturally and by knowing another language, one can become more conscious of different ways to talk. This will inevitably lead to enhanced language and word usage in their native tongue. The students will also find that learning a second language helps to raise listening, memory, and cognitive skills. This will be an advantage in that they will perform better in other academic subjects areas. Spanish can also help in a career or job. More and more employers are beginning to look for persons who can speak more than one language. Building on that, later down the road when it’s time to find a career or job, studies show that being bilingual comes a long way in earning a higher paying job. The skill of language will open the doors to Hispanic communities and other cultures in the United States and other parts of the world. By doing homework, the students will participate effectively in different stages of learning including preparing, applying, understanding, and retaining information and skills.

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