human resource management systems

human resource management systems

The Evolution and Impact of Human Resource Management Systems

1. Introduction to Human Resource Management Systems

Human resource management (HRM) and HR programs and practices have been captured in a variety of terms, including “personnel management,” “labor relations,” and “employee management.” McLean & McLean suggested that, while each of these terms has a fair degree of legitimacy, they should not be mistaken for the all-encompassing, broad term “human resource management,” which denotes not so much what managers do to employees, but what all employees can do to help themselves and to interface successfully with the other corporation operations. Indeed, one of the important aspects of HRM lies in the fact that each of the former terms is included within the current human resource management concept. Such terms as “employee empowerment,” “total quality management,” and “high-performance work systems” reflect the changes impacting on the workplace and the degree to which HR departments can be instrumental in fostering organizational excellence. HRM systems have evolved and continue to evolve to be strategic and integrative processes that align human resource management with the strategic objectives of the organization.

Introduction to Human Resource Management Systems

2. Key Components and Functions of HRMS

The key components that are regulated by HRMS include the following: Employment Mode, the way in which staff is employed includes the hiring center and hiring mode; Staff Personal Directory, the basic staff personal information includes the name, social security account number or ID number, mobile phone number, email address, gender, birthday, address, certain personal relationship, emergency contact and phone, driver’s license number, immigration number, nationality, and other information; Employment Success, Personal Staff Performance Target, Career Planning, Active Service Period, Work Experience, Department Transfer, Job Adjustment, Staff Career Status, if the staff is re-hired, HRMS needs to check the status of the staff; and Labor Supply Management & Labor Adjustment Control.

HRMS are electronic systems that help organizations increase their efficiency in managing their human resources. Proprietary HRMS are software programs, which are quite expensive and are usually designed for use in larger organizations and sold by the publisher. Open source HRMS are provided by the developers or publishers free of charge and are available online for use. Once an organization has a computer, the likelihood of deploying the HRMS is very high because of superior efficiency and integration. The most powerful advantage of a HRMS is to automate repetitive tasks in a repeated manner. The HRMS is the labor demand and supply engine of an organization, and it provides a platform on which to plan, manage, and enact human resource deployment, success, and departure.

3. Benefits and Challenges of Implementing HRMS

It is costly to develop and maintain high-quality information, to recruit and train the necessary staff, and to support a complex information technology system appropriately. Finally, information technology systems may not be infallible, and a HRMS would be a likely choice for abuse or misuse by a centre’s staff. These hypothetical issues cannot be entirely resolved by implementation preparations; they need a considered and responsible approach. But neither the preparation nor the technology are insurmountable problems. This paper outlines how solutions may be approached. The paper also lists a number of implementation issues, examines current practice, and describes approaches being carried out in leading development agencies. Data has been obtained from personal communications with centre staff, from organizational development strategy reviews in countries carrying out national extension strategy reviews with our technical support, and from web-based literature.

The key presented to this subsequent question is in the query: What is the right balance between benefits and challenges when implementing a HRMS and how can implementation risks be mitigated? One of the main benefits of a HRMS is that it simplifies human resources functions and is essentially an information system designed to serve staff and strategic development operational management needs. However, the implementation of HRMS is a significant intervention in a centre’s strategic development process, so it is necessary to examine these and other related issues in detail to ascertain the right intervention. Every time management develops and implements changes to a HRMS, the centre’s policy is inevitably developed and placed under further scrutiny. HRMS systems have cost implications: the time and effort needed to run such a system successfully are costs too.

4. Emerging Trends in HRMS

Rethinking HRMS: Rethinking HRMS in response to emerging 21st-century transformations is an imperative, for within-the-box thinking cannot fit it anymore. Propelled by the steadfastly modifying select and essential fields of Information and Communication Technologies and Human Resource Management, enhanced scrutinization, innovation, and measurization of HRMS models are required. HRMS should not only render paginated reports derived from the operations, transactions, and portfolios generated in an organization, but also all information related to people management, development, and feedback requiring high levels of accessibility and analytics. All the necessary means, offering structure, culture, and efficient and reliable operation in the strategically evolving and budding field of HR, have to be comprised with holdings that may sound and appear extremely deterministic, convulsive, and more effective HRMS solutions likely to emerge.

The Arch of Time: HRMS: Given the recent evolution and the current practices embedded in HR field literature, systemic human resource management tools through the approach of Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) could only be seen as emergent. In the 1990s, such systems emerged as a solution combining information technology and human resource solutions. Certain authors seem to hold that the significance of HRMS is predicated on the amalgamated paths of the contemporarily transforming fields of HR and Information and Communication Technologies. Some recent literature puts HRMS in the context of the current holism trend by arguing that HRMS are comprehensive and all-inclusive structures linking information technologies and management strategy, creating synergy between HRIS (part of HRMS linking people, activities, and information technology), self-services, employee relationships, web-based e-recruitment, and the intranet.

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