how to write a speech

how to write a speech

How to Write an Effective Speech

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1. Introduction

Every great leader, or even a good leader, whether a politician or not, possesses the ability to speak powerfully to their audience. Martin Luther King Jr. and Winston Churchill were both powerful leaders in our history, and they both had the ability to create a strong, powerful message that left a lasting impression in the minds of those who listened to their speeches. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is one of the most memorable speeches in the history of the United States and still is to this day. Churchill’s “Their Finest Hour” speech, delivered to the House of Commons on June 18, 1940, was extremely powerful and to the point. Now, you may be a future leader aspiring to hold a position in office, a current office holder, or just a normal person in our society. In either case, if you have a message or an idea that you strongly believe to be the correct course of action, knowing and having the ability to deliver a powerful speech to your audience is one of the most effective means of getting your point across and persuading others to believe in what you have to say. This could be applied to many aspects of our lives today, including a student running for student council, the president of a Fortune 500 company making an important decision related to the company, or the United States President speaking to the nation regarding the future of our country.

2. Understanding Your Audience

Audience analysis is a key component when it comes to writing a speech. It is very important for the speaker to take into consideration the type of audience that will be present at the event. The speaker must understand their audience in order to relay a message that is effective. The more the speaker knows about the audience, the more they will be able to tailor their message in a way that the audience will receive it well. Factors to take into consideration about the audience include: age, culture, ethnicity, gender, occupation, and many other aspects. A speech that is geared towards one group of people may not be received well by a different group. For example, a speech given to high school students about attending college will need to be geared in a different way than a speech about the same topic given to parents of high school students. The parents may be more interested in hearing statistical information about how many students go on to college or what the job market looks like for students who have not furthered their education past high school. A great way to get to know the audience is to try to relate to them. If the speaker shares characteristics with the audience, they may already have an understanding about the audience based on their own experiences. If the speaker is of a different culture, background, or age than the audience, it may be a good idea to consult with someone who is of that group in order to get a better understanding. This is especially important in avoiding any cultural taboos or saying something that may offend the audience. This type of situation may also require the speaker to explain certain things in the speech that the audience may not understand because of educational or cultural differences.

3. Structuring Your Speech

To do this, you must be well-prepared. First, make sure that you select a speech topic and goal that are focused. You will not be able to effectively deliver a speech about the “History of the Newspaper” in 5-7 minutes. Instead, narrow your goal to “the changes in the content of American newspapers in the last 20 years, with an analysis of their impact on today’s society”. This narrow focus is a lot to ask of a short speech, but it sets clear boundaries. You will be less likely to feel overwhelmed and deliver an incoherent speech.

When you write a speech, your audience is made up of listeners. They have only one chance to comprehend the information as you read it, so your speech must be well-organized and easily understood. In addition, the content of the speech and your delivery must fit the audience. Use the following guidelines to achieve these goals.

4. Adding Persuasive Elements

What distinguishes persuasive speeches from informative ones is a matter of changing listeners’ attitudes, values, beliefs, and behavior. While the speaker’s primary goal in an informative speech is to increase the audience’s knowledge with respect to your speech’s topic, the speaker’s goal in a persuasive speech is to influence the audience in some way regarding its topic. There are several methods of influencing others in some topic area. These methods are usually defined as types of persuasive speeches. A persuasive speech may be a speech of fact, value, or policy. Whatever the type of persuasive speech is, the speaker will want to generate substantial agreement for the topic. This can best be accomplished when the audience has a positive initial attitude regarding the speech’s topic. A persuasive speech can also be aimed at reinforcing a belief or changing the audience from a belief they currently hold to a different belief on the same topic. Still another aim of a persuasive speech may be to create a shift in the audience’s behavior. An excellent way to bring about change in either beliefs or behavior is through vivid, concrete examples and through testimony from a reputable source who has personal knowledge of the topic. This brings us to the question of how one can effectively support a point of view in a persuasive speech.

5. Conclusion and Delivery Tips

– Restate your thesis. – Summarize main points. (Appropriate length for a conclusion is no longer than 5-7% of the speech. As an example, for a 7-minute speech, your conclusion should be no longer than 30 seconds.) – Make it easy for your listeners to remember your key points by recapping them at the end of your speech. – Prepare your conclusion by preparing the last minute of your speech to be sure you have time to close effectively. (A deus ex is not effective.) – End on a strong note. Your delivery should let listeners know that you are coming to the end. Then your last point should be clearly stated. An effective way to signal the end is to go back to your opening, which also lends a feeling of completion to the speech. (Remember, the end of your speech is the part that will linger long after you’re done.)

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