history essay structure

history essay structure

Exploring the Impact of Key Historical Events on Modern Society

1. Introduction: Setting the Stage for Historical Analysis

History has no practical application: it cannot be forecast because there are no general laws underpinning it. The discipline allows for the fewest structured generalizations and constructs the fewest scientific building blocks from which erudition can be derived. Ideally, history should be taught as a discipline that is essentially scientific, but limited in its possibilities for practical application. The worlds of archaeologists and many historians are not entirely in coherence with the laudable aims of the history classroom. Nonetheless, the discipline requires individuals to engage in problems and think historically, which should be at the heart of teaching strategies aimed at history education, which, in turn, should be an integral part of the overall education of the present and of future generations.

The exploration of the past is a necessary foundation for understanding the present state of society. It explains why the world is as it is today, and why cultures, languages, material circumstances, and human beliefs and behaviors take the varied forms that they do. Globalizing the history of societies under inspection provides the critical viewpoint: societies are not isolated islands. One can understand how societies evolved in different times, and what they have in common and how they eventually developed into a world where societies can be planets apart. Study of the past can also offer societies the ‘lessons’ of history: human beings make choices, although not always freely, the impact of which is heavily influenced by events when multiple choices were possible. This way of looking at choices can guide present and future actions aiming for a more inclusive society.

2. Historical Event 1: Causes, Consequences, and Significance

The most significant kind of technology was the combination of natural resources, transportation, and a marketplace. Then, the innovation of new technology cultivated new transportation – road, canal, and especially railway transportation. In terms of production, the application of the assembly line dealt a lethal blow to handicrafts, spinning, and weaving. Society and economic changes were the results of the advancement of new technology. Due to these technological changes, the world entered the era of economic growth. During this period, low-class people became the biggest contributors to society, and other concerns were handled by the country. In conclusion, the world entered the industrial era.

The Industrial Revolution, lasting from the 18th to the 19th century, was an era of growth and transition in economy, society, and technology. The main causes of the Industrial Revolution were economic and industry advancements. The reason why England was the first country to experience the Industrial Revolution was because England had the investment capability, transportation, and the technology and cultural vision advancements. As a result, England gathered all the advancements for the Industrial Revolution. These advancements promoted economic growth, and England became a very powerful country. In material terms, England became the richest country and was given the credit for starting the Industrial Revolution. The accumulations of these advancements were the results.

Historical Event 1: The Industrial Revolution

3. Historical Event 2: Lessons Learned and Legacy

We also learned the cost of ignoring economic instability, globally persistent mass poverty, unemployment, and the social unrest that follows by making only limited and temporary efforts to promote sustainable development. Improvement in world living standards was indeed required and the expansion of world output which followed the war seemed to offer unprecedented possibilities. However, attempts to achieve these gains were accompanied by uncertainties such as the faster inflation that often shocked limited resources into better use as long as there was a working international trade framework.

A key lesson learned from World War II is that forces promoting narrow national interest and antagonism among nation-states in search of regional or global dominance will eventually produce a global catastrophe that exacts a heavy human toll, a lesson that must continue to strike awe and fear. Thus, the relatively quiet and prosperous years following World War II are largely due to the fact that the world’s leaders (chief among them post-war American presidents) had experienced enough destruction and human suffering, endured the widespread dislike and distrust of the stronger, and had developed a vision of participating in worldwide endeavors to secure the opportunity for peace, human betterment, and development. A more integrated world then became the goal and escape route for both economic as well as moral and strategic reasons.

4. Comparative Analysis: Connections and Contrasts Between Events

Let us compare and contrast the PR systems under review. Public relations are understood as both an event-related urgent activity and a contextual disciplined system of communication of public authorities in the informational and educational sphere, since in the process of public administration both the public authorities and the broader public should observe such norms of behavior that exclude conflicts and crisis situations. The PR tradition as structured thought is formed during the reign of Peter I. The educational role of the ruling elite becomes apparent. Centralized planning is established; the planning and forecasting system starts functioning. Public administration acquires new capabilities: its own information and control systems have been formed. The administrative and territorial structure of the state transforms into political-territorial. The need for socio-political and socio-cultural transformations of the country and its population is defined taking into account their historical future. The conditions required for the modern development of public relations as a system of improvement of state governance are determined in public administration. The priority in the activities is determined by the understanding of public interests (socio-political, socio-cultural, and socioeconomic) by the social authority subject to responsibility. The public authorities come to an understanding that the acceptability of its operation arises from the objective inevitability of compliance with the public interests. The purposefulness of the process is formed.

The section is devoted to comparative analysis of the explored events. To conduct the comparison purposes of the section are as follows: changes in understanding the purpose of public relations, the role of public relations in society, functions, and models of public relations; the impact of terrorist acts on the purposes, models, and functions of public relations. According to the analysis, a connection and contrast between the events have been shown. As a result of the research, it is substantiated that the key historical events have various impacts on the goals, role, and place of public relations. Proposals for further research for public relations professionals have been formulated.

5. Conclusion: Reflecting on the Enduring Influence of History

We can thus detect the fruits of celebrated spirits such as Alberti, Galilei, Descartes, and Leibniz in information society. Modern society opens a great number of services for the majority of the population, who participate in service exchange by reciprocal, negotiated service delivery; since marketplace and government services are designed to attract and maintain the socioeconomic abilities of households and organizations. These constructs lay the basis of the networked society. In modern society, modern networks are created with modern communication technologies and modern, organic infrastructures, which can be seen as a strength of the search for modern networks. The implemented capability to perform timely service remains an important issue of open service networks.

In this report, we have explored how two key historical eras, the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution, have influenced modern information society. Generally speaking, the Renaissance era serves as the basis for the move towards democratization and use-orientation in modern society, while the Industrial Revolution has appareled itself primarily in rationalization and functional curse in power structures and collected tasks. The influence of the historical periods on various aspects of modern society is thus comprehensive.

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