history essay

history essay

The Impact of Historical Events on Modern Society

1. Introduction

Influential events have played significant roles in the way modern-day societies function, such as the discrimination towards the Jewish population, the Holocaust, colonization, both world wars, and the unfair treatment of Aboriginal Australians. It is the absolute worst that reminds us of the danger and impacts of disasters and tragedies of the past and therefore protects and acknowledges their historical value. Especially significant events with catastrophic outcomes act as evidence of what can occur without proper response or understanding, and therefore society can apply their power of preserving knowledge, remember tragedy with dignity, learn from significant tragedy, and serve the many victims with continual care. In essence, society as a whole should not and must not forget historical events, such as those of the Jewish population, especially in the last century which led to the Holocaust, as they may only be stories of the past, but their impacts are inevitable and continue to influence society in a meaningful way.

When reflecting on historical events, it is evident to acknowledge the significant impact they have on society today. Formed as memories which time has created, events such as the Holocaust, colonization, both world wars, and treatment of Aboriginal Australians not only act as reminders of the past but have played extremely influential roles in the way many societies have formed and continue to live today. Historical events are significant as they either reinforce the power of leading groups or inspire thoughts of change. Their impact is reliant on the social structure of the time and leads to debates and often sacrifice from those who believe these effects are unjust. Ultimately, the significance of a historical event is not equal across all levels of society and may only have a personal meaning to individuals still living and a historical context to those that are not. Nonetheless, they are extremely significant, and whether direct or indirect, it impacts all of society today.

2. Key Historical Events and Their Consequences

Through the efforts of a vagabond organizer named Frank Keeney, and the charismatic Mother Jones, the miners of Appalachia formed the UMWA. At the heart of the miner’s demands was a call for the right to collectively bargain with the coal operators. In the spring of 1920, the UMWA negotiated a contract with the operators in the central coal fields. The terms of the agreement included a pay raise and a pledge to adhere to a minimum tonnage treatise. The new agreement however did not include the benefits meted in the previous peace pact or seniority protection for northerner miners displaced by the returning veterans after the war. Panic rules the company towns in the summer of 1920. The coal operators saw the new contract as the longing embrace of socialism. They refused to recognize or enforce the new terms. Positions hardened.aldwin-Felts “detectives”.

The early 20th century was characterized by optimistic exuberance, technological innovations, and political reform at the federal level. But beyond the Seven Sisters, socio-economic disparities were deepening. In the coal fields of Appalachia, more than 165,000 miners toiled 10 hours a day, seven days a week. They subsisted in company towns where the coal company owned the houses, the general store, the doctor’s office, and the church. Conditions underground were deplorable. Mine explosions were frequent, and vermin infested air shafts. Medical treatment was limited to a family doctor paid for in scrip. Miners died in the shafts because they had to dig coals in cramped working spaces in the damp underground. The coal industry was America’s economic engine and a powerful political force. The mine owners were in business to make a profit and they used bought politicians to keep the unions at bay.

3. The Evolution of Societal Norms and Values

Much societal change, and how people think about things like work and leisure, has been developed over the years. Because we want to give everything a name, we refer to this as a norm. If we write down the great number of things that people do in the same way and believe in the same way, we can define a norm as the average of many actions and beliefs in a large social system. We think that over time, as societal values evolve, how things are important to a culture also evolves. Behavior changes may require a period of time, but fashion will probably change more quickly, changing the time relationship and reducing the difference between our behavior and that of the norm. As we become more informed and sophisticated, it is interesting to us that some countries have similar cultural norms, but some countries do things very differently. People feel their country of origin’s culture because it has helped to pass down the norms that people still act upon today.

The development of societal norms and values also deserves mentioning in terms of historic influences on modern society, as they accumulate over time. Norms and values influence the behavior of individuals, as well as society as a whole. Many societal influences, such as family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers, play a part in how people develop their values. However, how much do we think about how the development of race and ethnic differences are a result of history? People living in a culture that is different from their parents’ culture face difficulties that the old culture does not face. Those people have developed new values and norms that, while having some characteristics of their home culture, have different behaviors and thoughts. They need to do that in order for change to occur.

4. Technological Advancements and Their Historical Roots

Since the earliest of historical developments mankind has struggled with understanding and perceiving the vastness of space on a massive scale and carrying loads of material great distances. The growth of man into technology provides mankind with the flexibility to understand and easily manipulate vast amounts of energy and matter to convert what was once considered fiction by Homer and Hesiod into the physical. In the course of this intellectual and spiritual development, concepts deemed the supernatural combining incredible technology can bestow upon rare elite men both physical or supernatural powers, these ideas of a governing power are projected from the supernatural to include all of the natural gods, and in turn making themselves as large as deity gods. The consequence of this act, the creation of doing so is by creating the gods in their own image, thereby attempting to establish and maintain a power greater than themselves. These new deities represent nature’s forces and exist 1000 – the superior or divine nature of the two powerful elite does not need in any way worship or regard the gods who then demand worship or appeasement support from its nature or humanity. In consultation, humanity serves and religions are established, with charismatic leaders serving as god’s chosen mouthpieces.

Technology has directly and indirectly advanced throughout history. Historically significant advancements include those that magnify human abilities or significantly alleviate human weaknesses and those that pull the rest of humanity closer to what is generally considered divine. The concept of the deity can be examined as the foundation from which mankind finds its ideas of perfection and truth. As the technology associated with meeting those criteria improves and progresses, this magnifying or supporting technology is also responsible for humankind reaching technologically, inputs on concepts in philosophy and religious thought. Forgetting meantime, such advancements, this is conceptually troublesome, especially where the belief resides in the old fashioned concept of – ‘life starts at birth’.

5. Conclusion and Reflections

The study of the great events here declared to be the most momentous in our century seems essential to any understanding of the political process. They provide invaluable data concerning the process and lend us some clues to a coherent and general explanation of political and policy-making behavior. Even more important, handling these events enables us to exercise for biography an additional theme and possibly to make some contribution to the time-old problems of governance – those problems of classic and permanent significance. These great historical events reveal a wonderful public aspect about the heights and the depths, the strengths and the weaknesses of men’s natures. They permit courageous leaders to show and ordinary citizens to strive for the potentialities of true statesmanship. The lessons of these events may better prepare us to do what is necessary in seeking, finally, the political Omega.

The time has come for me to draw some conclusions from the study of what I feel are the most momentous historical events of our century and to share some of my own feelings about the study and the events themselves. The study has been conducted in the spirit of free and open inquiry, without ideological or financial restrictions. A long-standing commitment to this principle meant that it was the only attitude to take in dealing with such unusual events and their major preoccupation with the problem of war and peace. On the basis of this study, it is believed that our general understanding and sense of these events and also the state of our learning will become altered.

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