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The Importance of Homework

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1. Introduction

The first step to understanding the importance of homework is to look at school without homework. Many students would cringe at the thought of no more homework. They would not have to worry about getting it done on time. Grades would improve because students would have more time to spend on the work that is to be done in class. They would have less stress and have a much better understanding of the information that was discussed in the classroom. It is said that a student should spend at least 10 minutes per grade level per night on homework. For example, a fourth grader should spend no more than 40 minutes on homework. The amount of homework assigned to a student should be varied because it is said that an excessive amount of homework would lead a student to cheat. This “10 minute rule” should follow a student throughout his or her academic career. If a teacher were to continuously use this rule to plan homework for his or her students, they would be getting plenty of review. Homework is very beneficial to students because it helps reinforce what they learn in class. This is called spaced repetition and it is a proven successful method of learning. Another important factor of learning that is very much encouraged through homework is self-initiative. Assigning students to do something outside of the classroom that is educational and not have it be an issue is exactly what we need to see more in students today. Homework is very beneficial to students, and it can be a major factor in whether a student understands the content. Homework provides a link between school and the real world. This is very effective because a school is a built-in learning institution. The real way to see if you understand what you are learning is to apply it in a real-life situation which can be done by homework. The overall purpose of homework is to improve knowledge, reinforce what was learned in school, and apply the skills learned in real-world situations. By doing this, the student not only gets a better understanding of what he or she learned but also gets a better understanding of how to use that information. All of the skills learned from homework greatly improve the students’ test scores and grades. This is important because it gives students a long-term goal to strive toward. By doing all of these beneficial steps of homework, we can be sure that our up and coming generation can have the brightest future.

Have you ever wondered who was the person who invented homework? Shouldn’t some genius have thought of a way to get all the benefits of homework, but not have to do it out of school? What is the importance of homework? Did you know that more and more often elementary schools are requiring their students to complete homework each night – and that there is a great deal of controversy surrounding it? Homework is defined as an out-of-class task assigned to students to help them practice and prepare for their future. Homework comes in various forms such as completing an assignment, preparing a PowerPoint presentation, finishing a science report, or reading a book and writing a summary on it. What is the real purpose behind homework? Is it an effective use of time? Is it really necessary? This essay will hopefully persuade you to realize the importance of homework and the positive effects that it has on the general public.

2. Benefits of Homework

Homework provides the bridge between school and home. Through homework, the school is able to engage the co-operation of the home in the matter of learning. Although we cannot generalise about what “the home” is like nowadays, we have to assume as is reasonably possible, that a child’s parents are his first educators and take a natural interest in his achievement at school. The ability to set parents to work so that they will assist their own children with enthusiasm is a great asset in teaching someone to read, write, do arithmetic and have a quality of understanding a body of knowledge. This also, however, has to be done efficiently and whether parents know it or not, the method of teaching is not as simple and often is not the same as what they remember of their own schooling. Homework allows a member of school staff to guide a pupil in the direction he is taking with an increased probability of carrying out the task correctly.

One of the most difficult things to convey to someone who does not actually teach is the message that the time required to learn something is an essential ingredient for children. Without a capability to guarantee that learning will take place during out-of-school hours, there is absolutely no way of making sure that the necessary time is going to be devoted to teaching, and classroom learning is a seriously inefficient way of using teacher time if it could be replaced by work at home.

3. Strategies for Effective Homework Completion

-Set a schedule for homework completion. If possible, set the same time every day for homework and avoid postponing it for later. Plan some leisure activities after completion or some kind of relaxation. This motivates the child to complete homework sooner. Develop a homework timetable by which you can know how much time an average child would take to complete his assignments. Do not continue working on the same assignment for more than 10-15 minutes. This will help stay focused and increase productivity in the long run. -Establish a good study area. A good study area is that which has a table or desk, a chair, good light, and all necessary supplies within reach. Always make sure the kid has enough space to spread his books and notebooks. Keep the study area free from clutter and try to maintain it that way. -Begin with the toughest assignments. The most challenging task should be tackled first. The tougher assignments come with the most energy-draining and these should be finished first. Get the difficult topic out of the way early as the student will be more mentally alert at the beginning of the session. Easiest tasks should be saved for last when the student is tired. This approach will decrease the stress level and also build confidence in the kids. -Take short breaks in between assignments. A short break will help the child escape the stress and mental flogging of a tough assignment. The break will help refresh the kid and he will be more attentive in the work to come. These short refreshments can either be used for a healthy snack, exercise, watching television, or a chat with a friend. Try to avoid games or TV shows that are on for a set period of time because it is very tempting to continue watching TV instead of going back to work.

4. Overcoming Homework Challenges

The key to overcoming homework challenges is to take it a step at a time. First, understand what you’re being asked, then brainstorm possible approaches. If the assignment is a term paper, you might start with your best heading and then write an easy outline to break it down. If you’re required to write a poem, be sure you understand what kind of poem is required. You might then try jotting notes in verse form, and shaping these into the required style. Sometimes it’s useful to help with these steps. If, for example, you have to read several chapters and answer several questions, ask a family member to read you the questions aloud and check your answers. Or, they might listen while you explain the book in your own words. This can make even hard tasks more doable and prevent a child from getting stuck. One common source of homework challenge is inattention. This might seem like trouble with memory, organization, or understanding, but it is often the result of trying to process information too quickly, being bored, or feeling pressure. In casual work at home, the child might not have as much trouble, and the exact nature of the inattention can give guidance to the solution. Tuning into the child’s version of the homework task or adapting learning style can even eliminate some learning problems. It is often helpful to stop work and provide a “sensory snack” and regular breaks, incorporating movement or relaxation activities can improve focus.

5. Conclusion

Limiting the analysis to whether or not homework benefits learners must consider other factors, such as the time frame for the effects identified and the quality of the assignments. Class, ethnicity, parental attitudes, employment and a host of other factors affect a student’s ability or willingness to complete homework assignments. Comparative research as well as anecdotal may be helpful in identifying optimum amounts and kinds of homework. It is important to recognise the value of homework across the differing age range of learners and to make meaningful adjustments to homework policies and practices for learners at different developmental stages and with differing needs and expectations. Finally, in addition to identifying the effects of homework, it may also be more beneficial to study the differential effects of various types and amounts of homework. In conclusion, the case for homework needs to be placed within the context of education reform and equity in learning. Considering the differences between children based on learning ability, style, and living conditions, there is no guarantee that a specific way of teaching will help the entire hold in succeeding. But by knowing that the teaching methods may not be as important as the time spent on task can still give homework its greatest asset – the burden that places all responsibility on the learner.

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