hello beautiful book review

hello beautiful book review

The Power of Positive Thinking

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1. Introduction

The treatment of a psychological problem should entail not only relief from a negative state but growth of a human being who, upon knowing more of himself, is enabled to act more constructively in the future. This book is a manual for the discovery and use of the powers of the mind. Those who have a negative opinion of themselves are sure to revere it, while the already strong in spirit will enlarge their potential in the world of work to a significant and as yet un-dreamed-of extent. In self-actualization, a word used by Kurt Goldstein to describe the reaching of one’s full and unique potentialities, are the seeds of the New Frontier. Today’s world cries for men who actually possess a sense of responsibility for the welfare of the entire human race. Step by step, Dr. Goldstein’s book takes us on a journey through his and the world’s discoveries about the mind.

There is a tendency in us to see difficulties as a source of frustration and to visit them monotonously while reiterating with greater and greater intensity – the unpleasant nature of the problem. Dr. Smiley Blanton, who through his psychiatric ministrations has helped numerous people to realize a richer, more satisfying life, says that the greatest obstacle to treating a patient is the despair that comes from identifying a negative situation too closely. In regard to the futility of despair, Dr. Blanton asks, “If anything can be changed by continuing to worry, then worry is justified – for the payoff warrants the cost. But if the thing cannot be changed, why take on a burden that will not only be useless but may cost you your inner well-being as well?” Go energy, into the living of life – that is my challenge he answers.

2. Benefits of Positive Thinking

There is no doubt that a go-getter who is having positive thoughts will be able to carry his goals out more effectively than someone else. This is true for every aspect of life, whether it is work, relationships, or health. Allowing patients to take part in an exercise intended to learn from the emotions of disgust and fun, it was shown that healthy adults showed the negative affect to be a demotion focus and positive affect to be a promotion focus (Mann, 2013). With a strong connection between positive mood and promotion systems, it is clear that positivity is treasured when looking to get ahead in life.

Contributing to our knowledge of outer discipline, Dr. Betcher’s works tell us that there are immense benefits to positive thinking. Betcher explains that optimists are higher in self-esteem, which has been shown to lessen the effects of stress and overall increase a person’s physical health and lifespan (Carver, Scheier, & Segerstrom, 2010). Carver, Scheier, & Segerstrom’s work on self-regulation of action systems says that those who are in a positive mood are useful if promotion is the dominant action system, the person will begin to make more progress towards their goals.

3. Techniques for Cultivating Positive Thinking

It is through the use of mental imagery that we literally “reprogram” our minds. Two kinds of mental pictures flash across the mind – image pictures and thought pictures. Image pictures are more powerful because they have an impact on the emotions, which in turn has a bearing on the physical body. For a moment, we can pretend to be pessimists just to demonstrate how the power of mental imagery works. Let us say that it is a rather cloudy day and we feel that it is going to rain. If we were to see ourselves going out on business or pleasure without raincoats, what emotion would that arouse? When we expect to be miserable, we are even less capable of conjuring up pleasant mental pictures. Pain and trouble are the common coin of mankind and we give them double currency when we are downhearted. Worry is a mental picture of the coming event coupled with a fear that this event is going to be hard to bear. A correspondent writes that he hears the postal rates are going up. “I see I’ll have to pay double for writing to people I don’t like and who don’t like me,” he says. The mental picture above all others which robs a person of his vigor is the picture of himself as an old person. The Japanese have the right idea when they denominate daydreaming of decrepitude as a “defeatist complex.” One should never think of himself as an old person. This is fatal. People “let themselves go” and the result is old age. The changed mental picture comes first. Improvement in physical condition and morale will follow. On the other hand, thought pictures, while less forceful than image pictures, are more easily controlled. A thought is the father to the deed and if we can control our thoughts, we can begin to control our actions. The simplest method is merely to turn the thought away. This is a proceeding with eviction orders. You do not just walk to a man who has been living next door to you and who you would rather not have there, and tell him to move out. You just become less and less cordial and sometimes a bit rude. The loud thinking method of changing words is a change in location or a change to another room and like the evicted neighbor, the thought will often try to sneak back but should each time be met with a firmer refusal.

4. Case Studies: How Positive Thinking Transformed Lives

This is a great illustration of positive thinking, and how it has the ability to make seemingly impossible situations become possible. Gene Autry was told of a plethora of serious health problems, yet remained happy, and eventually become better. Had he given into the bleak diagnosis given by his doctor, the outcome may have been very different. This case study clearly defines the power of positive thinking, and proves its ability to transform lives.

“Furthermore, you have the two kinds of rheumatism in your spine. You have a vitally serious liver ailment and you have tubercular infection in your left lung.” That is a lot of bad news for one person to hear at one time, and it is a wonder how someone could bear it. Gene Autry responded with “I sure am lucky you found me Doc. Up to now, I thought I was healthy.” Gene Autry was happy, even after being told about all of his health problems. His positive attitude lasted and he got progressively better, so much so, that the doctor ended up believing he had made a mistake in the diagnosis. He told Autry that “the last set of x-rays did not show the existence of the supposed lesions.” Gene Autry was so happy with this report, that as he left the doctor’s office, once again he broke into song.

The main idea Emerson is trying to convey in this passage is that you should always aim to look for the good in things, and if you do so, it will make a huge difference in your life. Positive thinking is extremely powerful, and if you maintain a positive attitude, good things will inevitably occur. In this section of the book, Dr. Peale uses very powerful case studies to illustrate the true power of positive thinking. One case study that I found very intriguing was that of Gene Autry.

5. Conclusion: Embracing the Beauty of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a skill that can be learned. Given positive thinking is such an intangible and indefinite topic, Dr. Peale has done an excellent job at making it feel real and possible. He’s accomplished this by writing the book with a core story, information and tangible outcome which revolves around the concepts of ‘faith’ and ‘prayer’ by the end of the book. The story revolves around the life of one of Dr. Peale’s patients by the use of case studies. The desired outcome of the book is refocusing the readers thinking into an optimistic and prayerful mentality that will yield success. This is incredibly ideal because successful thinking and results are always desired mainly from one’s actions throughout life and it creates a clear pathway of how that outcome can be achieved. This truly unstoppable positive thinking skill can change the bad into good, dreams to reality, and failure to success. Positive thinking truly is remarkable in how it can turn a person’s life around. In the book, the idea of changing pessimism into optimism and how it changes the way a person sees the opportunity and potential of all aspects in life is just absolutely amazing. This is due to the fact an optimistic person always sees the brighter side of things because they are looking for the best in everything, compared to the pessimistic person who already has the assumption that something is bad and does not believe it can be changed. With an optimistic outlook on life there will be less unnecessary worrying and a positive frame of mind always paves great results. This then leads to changing the character of a person. Dr. Peale provides various excellent prayers which guide his readers into calling upon a higher power to change their existing mindset and habits into new and approving ones. Last of all positive thinking brings a change in the environment around a person, pulling in the best of other people and situations to make life just that much more fulfilling.

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