graduate essay editing service

graduate essay editing service

The Importance of Graduate Essay Editing

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1. Understanding the Role of Graduate Essays

Graduate essays, whether intended for coursework programs or as applications for graduate study, are a major element of your education and career – and they cannot be taken too seriously. A lot of potential grad students consider them a hoop to jump through, when in fact it is the most important application tool in your arsenal. The value of graduate essays is that they represent the total package of you. In an age when your grade point average, class rank, and test scores are seen as numbers and nothing more, the essays take on added urgency. By presenting yourself as a unit and by speaking directly to the faculty in your respective department, you create an identity that will supersede that created by mere test scores. This is a critical element, as it is this identity that will determine if you are a fit in your program of choice and if you will be successful pass your qualification. The margins for acceptance into any graduate program are smaller than most people think and they become still narrower when money and assistantships being factored in; at that point individuality becomes a high commodity, and the essays represent the chance to cash in. For the rest of your grad school career the essays will serve as a gauge, or a 4-dimensional photo of you in the fifth dimension. Always a yardstick, statements made in your grad essay can be contrasted with things said during grad qualification or during your thesis, and the essay will reveal either consistency or growth in those areas. The essay should also reveal your commitment to your field of study and your depth of thinking. Any student not passionate and reward seeking in their field of study, or one incapable of using abstract reasoning is simply not grad school material. Both students and faculty know this, and for a marginal or non-existent student to slip through the cracks ends up being a disservice for the person and financial loss for the department. Finally, essays are a lasting testimony to who you were upon arriving at grad school. With varying degrees of cringing, many a grad student has turned back to the essay of his glory days in undergrad and compared how they phrased something which they now understand much better. It is a reminder of from whence you came and a point of contrast to see if your faculty and peers have brought you where you wanted to go.

2. The Benefits of Professional Editing

Naturally, the benefits of a professional editor are vast. A good editor will be a fresh pair of critical eyes to pick out mistakes that you may have overlooked. He or she will not be restricted simply to correcting grammar and spelling mistakes, but will provide constructive criticism on the structure and flow of your discussion. This is essential yet difficult for you to do on your own. You are overly familiar with your own work and can easily skip over gaps in information or jump between unrelated topics. A professional editor acts as a mediator between you and your reader and can explain whether your logic is sound and your arguments convincing. This feedback is an invaluable part of the editing process and can often motivate an individual to rewrite entire sections of their work.

It is a little known fact that errors in your writing indicate to the reader about your attitude towards the piece of work. Glaring grammatical mistakes and shabby presentation give a bad impression and can even lead to rejection. It is hardly worth the agony to have slaved away for countless hours only to lose marks and waste time explaining the errors rather than discussing concepts and ideas.

Your academic qualifications and future career prospects are too precious to throw away. So, it is very likely that you would want to have your dissertation or essay gleaming with perfection before final submission. Undeniably, every mistake you lose valuable marks, and more importantly, you lose the opportunity to convey your ideas clearly and coherently.

3. Key Elements of an Effective Graduate Essay

Planning, preparation, writing, and completion: The four stages of producing a customized and impressive graduate essay can be daunting. This project accounts for the majority of student time and human resources. When you have invested an extensive amount of energy, money, and time into a website, you would feel very disappointed if the project was compromised by weak communication. So is the case for the graduate essay. Editing is so often the Achilles’ heel of graduate essay production. When writing a graduate essay, you are the salesman looking to sell yourself to the university. In order to sell a product, the target audience must understand what it is you are trying to sell and appeal to the product’s value. The same logic applies to the graduate essay. An effective essay presents and sells the product, you, to the target consumers, the university selection team. Editing acts to clarify, emphasize, and present information in the most efficient way possible. This essay aims to explore the significance of effective editing as well as outlining key areas of the graduate essay that should be addressed. The effectiveness of the graduate essay is often dictated by an applicant’s success in conveying a clear, concise, and persuasive message. All essay writing should be deemed successful if the reader can say “this is well written. I understand what the candidate is about and I like it.” So how does one achieve this outcome? It comes with the ability to comprehend the task at hand and its requirements, brainstorm and plan content, and execute an organized and articulate write-up. This process represents the fundamental foundation of the effective graduate essay. Editing serves to take the foundation and build a structure. This is about refining work already done and piecing elements together in the most logical and effective way. The result will be a clearer understanding of the candidate and a stronger representation of the candidate’s suitability for the task at hand, studying in a particular field at the said university.

4. How Our Editing Service Enhances Your Essay

After you have used our services to create the first draft of your essay, it is imperative that your work is reviewed by a professional. The essay writing process is a long and arduous journey, and a large portion of this involves essay editing. It is the way to go through every stage of the process, from the brainstorming to the final stage, in order to ensure that your essay is free of errors and provides strong arguments. Given the personal time taken, it is surprising that the essay editing services are often overlooked by many students. For those who have little experience writing essays or still learning, graduate essay editing can be very useful. This is the best way to learn to produce successful essays and will allow you to gain confidence in your writing abilities. For many writing assignments there are multiple interpretations of the information, or perhaps more than one acceptable answer. Quite often students will misconstrue the question at hand or make an argument that is not well supported. This is all part of the learning process, and it’s not uncommon for university students to become disheartened by their marking due to an understanding that they have failed the task. This is the area where they can benefit the most from our graduate essay editing system. By posting your assignment to a qualified individual you can have a new set of eyes review your work and critique its quality. This in turn can help you to avoid misinterpretations and poor arguments and hopefully improve the grade on your assignment.

5. Success Stories: The Impact of Edited Graduate Essays

“Thank you so much! You have no idea how much you improved my husband’s confidence about his essays. He is so relieved now. I also had a chance to read all the copies and the changes and improvements are fantastic. We feel the investment we made in the work done on his essays will have a huge return in the quality of the essays and W’s chances of getting into a good school.” – Mrs. J.H.

“They wanted to accept W but were concerned about her writing ability, which they saw as a result of her learning disability. The edited application essay that your editor worked on convinced the school that she has the writing ability to succeed in college, so she was admitted before any of the other learning disabled.” – Mrs. W’s mother

Many of my students got into their reach schools, and I believe that their essays were the deciding factor—especially at the Ivies: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT and Cal Tech as well as the most highly selective liberal arts colleges. The students I work with also go to great schools that are not as selective: UMICH, Wisconsin, Penn State, UCSD, and UC Berkeley. The combination of excellent essay quality and support greatly raises their chances of acceptance. – Dr. Elizabeth Gritter, College Consultant

– Customer rating: EssayEdge was some of the best money I ever spent. My editor’s comments were so insightful, they really pushed my essays to the next level. Thank you for all of your help! I am so happy with my essays—they would have been impossible without you!

– Customer rating: EssayEdge was some of the best money I ever spent. My editor’s comments were so insightful, they really pushed my essays to the next level. Thank you for all of your help! I am so happy with my essays—they would have been impossible without you!

The following testimonials provide proof of the positive impact that an edited essay can have on your career development:

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Our essay writing service is designed for students at all academic levels. Whether high school, undergraduate or graduate, or studying for your doctoral qualification or master’s degree, we make it a reality.