government phones

government phones

The Impact of Government-Issued Phones on Society

1. Introduction to Government-Issued Phones

The concept of government-issued phones first gained public attention in 2011 when the FCC announced that the program would be upgraded so not only could the low-income get reasonable mobile phone service, but they could also get smartphones with more advanced features. Liberties at Work derogatorily referred to the smartphones as Obama Phones, and the term stuck. Since then, the Lifeline Assistance program has weathered some controversy, and this article will explore the pros and cons of a government program that provides free cell phones to low-income families.

Government-issued phones are often referred to as Obama Phones, which is how they began to be known early in Obama’s presidency. The program that provides government-issued phones is called the Lifeline Assistance program. The program began in the 1980s to help low-income families access low-cost or free phone services. In the 21st century, access to cell phones became more and more important as landlines slowly started to become obsolete. In order to keep up with the times and make sure everyone has access, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) expanded the program to include cell phones. Now, low-income families can apply for a free government phone, or phone service, on the basis of financial need.

2. Benefits and Drawbacks of Government Phones

‘Government Phones’ also called Safe Link Wireless is actually the part of communication facilities, a mobile phone which can be utilized by the population who are below the level of poverty. It is understood that in the present world communication facilities are very essential. The service was free from any kind of hidden costs, charges for activating, charges for the facility of cancellation. Considering these considerations, the service was volunteered by a lot of companies in the current scenario. Even though the service has many pros and cons while providing it to the individuals of the country.

Government phone service was initially started with the aim to supply communication facilities to the people of the United States of America in order to get in touch with each other. The service was made for the people of the USA. The people who have economic limit, and people are residing in areas which are inside the foreign boundaries are included in the individuals list of the populace of the United States of America. The service was initially started in Ohio State Territory (Province) of the USA country. Currently, this service is prevailing in 31 states of the United States. However, the service plans differ from state to state. If we categorize the individuals from the economic front, then this facility can be availed of by the following individuals. The individuals who have higher rounds of economic poverty. Individuals or families who are already getting the government qualify plans i.e. Lifeline, Food Stamps Qualify Plan or Medicaid, Public Welfare and so on.

3. Privacy and Security Concerns

A technical solution to the privacy issues curtails the potential abuse, but carries other negative implications as well. Responses commonly adopted in addressing potential abuses of surveillance include password protection that can be unlocked only by the physical owner, the ability of a user to wipe, or send commands if the device has been lost or stolen, and a hardware feature that physically unlinks the battery and tower access when so desired. These capabilities, however, render the phone unsuitable for the crucial emergency message and telephone call functionalities. A physical off switch adds significant capability to eavesdrop on private behavior, both on the part of the government and of the patient.

Given the potential capabilities of a government-issued phone, citizens may be inclined to worry about what the government would do with the information. Some of the specific concerns raised by teachers in focus groups included the government’s ability to track individuals in near real-time, the increased risk of identity theft by making hacking one phone the key to vast amounts of personal and financial information, the potential loss of text messages and postings as first amendment issues, and abuses and spying by local governments, police, and school administrators.

4. Case Studies and Examples of Government Phone Programs

Voice identification was not available and is not commonly used. This system relies on a level of identification that cannot be detached and is literally at the fingertip. The program is available to 900,000 potential recipients. Conveniently, nearly 4,000 eligible recipients live within a close range of the program’s 225 live-scan terminals located within the state. Eligibility status. Furthermore, users are charged $1 per call to offset costs. This program is self-supporting. However, those users regarded as simply wanting free access may dial an emergency telephone number to reveal themselves to the local authorities. A new permit is then issued to users if this action is repeatedly exhibited.

We have highlighted three government-issued phone programs. In short, these programs have helped the elderly receive and handle health concerns. Furthermore, they have potentially eliminated fraud in the welfare system. The welfare identification program in Kentucky utilizes a biometric fingerprint reader technology. In Florida, the elderly NOVA program utilizes button phone technology, which allows the elderly to be connected to the 911 operator and to be protected from the potential threat of crime. In general, welfare programs require identification of a recipient. Currently, the main method to verify the claim is to require the recipient to have in their possession one, a driver’s license, and two, a birth certificate. These materials are subject to being lost, stolen, or technically separated from the claimant. However, individuals seldom go without a phone. They often obtain a cellular phone for personal, business, and/or convenience use. It is widely known that an individual’s voice is unique, as unique as a fingerprint. In order to ensure credibility and eliminate fraud, the Kentucky welfare biometric fingerprint reader system was developed.

5. Future Implications and Recommendations

This study is significant in that it offers government officials valuable insights for the successful development and use of government-issued mobile phones. Further studies are warranted to explore effective government-issued mobile phone custom settings effectively leading to more productive and efficient interactions with positive results for democratic countries. Understandably, these continuing future research studies would be a step forward in trying to understand government-issued mobile phones through exploration, training, educational etiquette, and custom setting control. This recommended research will indeed contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of mobile phone usage in the work environment.

This study has some future implications on mobile phone research and government-issued mobile phones in particular. For one, the study provides a model for researchers willing to replicate the study or further provide and refine specific parameters on possibly related variables. Specifically, areas of special interest include the impact of government-issued phones on anxiety/stress derived from government notification services and knowledge of mobile phone-issued capabilities to track employees’ movements. It would be beneficial to explore gender effects at a greater magnitude. Additionally, a reasonable sample size comparison can be done between private sector workers and government workers using university legal contacts for comparative research results.

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