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essay writing experts

The Art of Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Guide for Students

1. Introduction to Essay Writing

The writing of a simple, logical essay closely resembles the act of thinking on a given subject, and is a greater aid to clear, consecutive thought than is generally understood. Essays are not only valuable as expository writing but as mental training. They are philosophical, statistical, historical, and economic; and by means of essay writing, through self-expression, the students must study literature and many other subjects.

Few students seem to realize that the simple form of the essay is perhaps the most perfect method of training the mind, and the easiest and most effective means of discovering whether a pupil has been studying with anything like profit. Examinations cannot be depended upon relatively to what is expected from them as a means of showing what a pupil knows, or how much he has thought; for the questions are often leading questions, and the paper that has the highest mark on it has not necessarily been written by the clearest thinker. One must watch a pupil while he is expressing his thoughts before he will be able to understand the kind of mental energy he has been applying to his work.

2. Structuring Your Essay

By knowing how to structure your essay, you can gain substantial advantages with the markers. Nearly all this book is about gaining full marks, and these secrets of the trade involve you in the various strategies. However, we devote this chapter to considering the best overall structure, to help your marker recognize many of these advantages even before they get to the details. The overall structure of your essays which we recommended in the first edition is inevitably a ‘one size fits all’ approach. You should use your initiative and adapt the structure to suit the material you are writing and the context: the length of the essay, its level of formality, and your own stage of learning. For the most formal essays – usually those planning to be published – you might want to forget all of the shortcuts, and use much longer headings. It will keep your essay manageable for the reader, and good writers use headings as freely and as frequently as they need. Explore and use the framework which suits you.

Most high school essays involve some kind of analysis of the essay’s topic – whether it’s some aspect of the material studied in a subject, or an issue debated in the media. If you have strong views on a debate topic, you could find this structure difficult to use, because it largely leaves your personal views out of the argument. Since your beliefs are important to interest the reader, you need to think carefully about including them, and handling them in a way that supports the other material in your essay. You might decide to include them in the introduction, or in the main body of the essay, provided that it’s well ordered, and that you use evidence and logic to persuade your reader.

3. Developing a Strong Thesis Statement and Argument

The claims made in an essay are usually presented formally in the introduction, and in the essay’s argument, the claims are then defended or qualified. These claims are advanced with the help of the argument’s propositions, which should be structured according to the type of support required, and in the conclusion. The structure of the essay will have a direct bearing on the nature of these possible components of the argument, and so must be considered carefully. As we want to avoid the inconsistent use of one or other mode of defense, we need to be able to say what types there are. We then illustrate these with examples and provide indications as to when they should be used.

Extensive practice in essay writing suffices in most cases to obtain the desired end: when the student is proficient in their subject, the ideas flow freely. Motivation is usually also high, as the student writes on a subject with which they identify. Although one can provide guidelines and advice, much of the art of writing is imbibed from the environment where it is most likely to be dispensed – university departments. All we can do for students is to show them the path and outline the pitfalls – they are then on their own.

4. Effective Research and Citation Techniques

Whenever you use other persons’ words, facts, or ideas in your written work, even paraphrased, the sources of the original material must be cited appropriately. Usually, the only time you do not need to cite a source is when the information and ideas are common knowledge found in at least six different sources. Consult your instructors about anything that is not common to your class discussions or knowledge. There is no definitive list of what falls into the category of common knowledge, so unless you literally know of at least six sources containing the exact information you want to use, you should be cautious and give yourself a ready to cite source.

Why cite sources?

Citing your sources correctly and accurately is an important and necessary part of writing original and any sort of analyzed work. If you do not credit the authors of the materials from which you gathered information for your essay, you are potentially stealing their original ideas. Moreover, when you are writing an academic essay, you are participating in an academic community, and part of your responsibility as a participant is to acknowledge the scholars who have contributed to your own work and understanding.

5. Polishing Your Essay: Editing and Proofreading Strategies

A well-structured authentic essay reveals your intelligence, power of reasoning, creativity, and critical thinking skills. The employed application of specific argumentative techniques, a legal aspect of technical language, and a consistent structure give your essay leverage, making it persuasive while laying a solid foundation for your essay. After writing, apply these efficient tips and get your essay right, clear, and considerate.

Publish your final version in Microsoft Word or a similar app that not only checks every word but also permits you to activate or turn off any grammar checks individually. Then you can review your final essay without having to worry about irritating corrections. Remember that it’s much easier and time-saving to correct mistakes through a computer than to edit an entire essay individually. Before opening the document, activate the “track changes” feature in Word. This will block any chance of acceptance in order to perform an overall document analysis.

When proofreading for grammar and punctuation, analyze sentences to ensure that each word is relevant to the point of your essay. Spell checkers can be useful for identifying misspellings, but they won’t catch words printed correctly. The best way to review this grammar is to proofread digitally and then go back over your essay again with a printed copy.

When proofreading, you should first read and write a list of any unclear parts, repeat points, or sentences that are difficult to read. Take note of editing issues and problems even if they appear to have been solved.

Proofread with the utmost care. Triple-check your content. Think about the details. Cross-check dates, names, and other specifics with sources. Check the organization. Be sure the essay is divided into meaningful sections and that the sections are presented in a logical order. Double-check your source materials.

Don’t rely on too few sources. Your point may appear too subjective or biased if you cite only a couple of examples to support an otherwise wide concept. Also, don’t rely on a single perspective, especially if you are formulating an argument about a complex human question. A broad consensus will ensure a more effective argument.

Eliminate repetition. People have a limited capacity to remember what they read. Each time you point out a fact or offer support for a claim, you take up a portion of your reader’s memory span. Hence, avoid offering the same support twice.

Be sensitive to jargon and cliches. If you include any words or expressions that seem pretentious or shop-worn, consult a thesaurus for a better term.

Check spelling and grammar. Increase your reader’s confidence in an essay by using standard English free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Verify that all the information you provide is necessary for supporting your essay’s main idea. If not, revise out irrelevant points.

Review your introduction and conclusion. These should be concise and clearly written. Your conclusion should do more than merely summarize your essay. Suggest larger implications of your subject, give instructions for readers, or make predictions.

Verify that all the information you provide is necessary for supporting your essay’s main idea.

Check the organization. Be sure the essay is divided into meaningful sections and that the sections are presented in a logical order.

No essay, no matter how complete, should be regarded as finished until it has been thoroughly and repeatedly reviewed. The following points will help you polish your essay:

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