elf application writing activity

elf application writing activity

Crafting a Compelling Elf Application: A Guide for Aspiring Applicants

1. Introduction to Elf Applications

Becoming an Elf isn’t easy: You must prove you’re ‘Elf material’ by setting an example here on the site, and to do that, the Elf application has some very high standards. We understand that the requirements may seem tough. There are a lot of people who want to be Elves, and many of them deserve the title and follow the rules. Who makes finding them a very tough decision. Competition for it is especially high. To be an Elf, you need to be a member for at least 12 months and have all of the activities. You should be respected and helpful to new members and active in our community. And you gotta prove that you’re smooth and polite, too.

We’re delighted to see that you’re interested in becoming an Elf! It takes a mature and professional kind of glitch that wants to be on the lookout for misbehaving members and others who need help. Elves are the most dedicated and flat-out best members on Glitch! They protect our community by ensuring that everyone follows the rules, and model extraordinary behavior to boot.

2. Key Components of an Elf Application

Technical Expertise: Nerds On Site is a technical support company for users who have issues with their computers. As duties and responsibilities increase, there are more layers of technical requirements that need to be met. In order to identify talent and then develop and bring capable employees up through a system that can support the prospective employee in a growth role, we need to know the technical capabilities and potential of each of the helpers. Our current set of certifications are the best objective metric that we use in order to measure competence with the core technical skills that are required for day-to-day troubleshooting or administrative responsibilities. Because this is known and broadly understood by the majority of our end-user clients, if they see a certification banner on the helper’s avatar, they recognize that the person helping them has performed some demonstrable level of commitment. In countries where we have clients, this results in some immediate validation of skill and trust in relation to the helper.

In-game Experience & Knowledge: MMO players who are seeking assistance have a set of unique needs relevant to their particular experience playing an MMO. This kind of support is different from the type of non-game specific assistance found in general-purpose help communities. For this kind of support, only those with the relevant in-game expertise can help. Therefore, the more time you’ve spent playing the game reveals a connection to and respect for the communities within the game. Selfishly, NAS also needs employees who have a deep understanding of and passion for the game we all share. Those who have advanced beyond the beginner experience can more easily empathize with other experienced players and therefore effectively help those in the community who might be around the same level. Also, many MMO players come here seeking help with the particular MMOs which have become an important part of their lives. The more magic Dusty the Rainbow Unicorn robot or Android Dragong is helping with those games, the happier I am.

Below are the key components that are crucial to an effective elf application:

3. Writing Tips for a Standout Application

Tip No. 3: Deconstruct the Prompt Admittedly, we’re more interested in content than we are in style. But for the various questions in the online application, they are also a rare chance to examine your thought processes. An applicant’s answers to the questions in our online application provide some indication as to the thought you bring to the table, as well as a few insights into how you communicate. Any question that we ask, from the seemingly silly to the strictly professional, is important for us to help build a complete human picture of your candidacy. Each of these questions helps us evaluate your communication skills, as well as gain insight into your thought processes – to identify people who are insightful, inquisitive, and thoughtful. When you respond to these questions, highlight your history, your passions, your inspirations, and your creative problem-solving skills. Give them some thought and try to answer honestly, openly, and creatively.

Tip No. 2: Professionalism Goes a Long Way Being authentic does not mean your application should be treated casually. Keep in mind that all submitted content is visible to SCLA staff and is evaluated for professionalism. Your résumé, as well as all verbal and written exchanges with SCLA staff (this includes all email communications), should be professional, respectful, and free of typographical or spelling errors.

Tip No. 1: Stay Focused The most effective applications stay focused on profile information that is most closely related to the skill and ability areas that we are evaluating. These skill and ability areas include: communication skills, transferable skills, technical skills, volunteer experience, employment experience, professional aspirations, and insight into the profession. Keep wizards and spells at a minimum and get straight to the juicy stuff. Note: this also goes for the written response in Question 20 (why do you want to be a winter elf?).

In many ways, we get out of your Elf application what you put into it. Below, find our tips to writing a compelling application.

4. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Elf Applications

As with most roleplay applications, your greatest chance at acceptance will come by answering questions thoroughly and in a manner that encourages expansion and roleplay on the part of others. Aim to highlight your synth’s personal interests, queries and traits, and illuminate the reasons why someone whom your synth approaches would want to RP with them. Potential ‘buddies’ need to be given strong reasons and motives for not only maintaining conversation, but for potentially setting about adjusting their own goals and lives to include a synth as their friend, ally or antagonist. Please understand that it’s not our intent to say the answering of questions is ‘wrong’ or ‘bad,’ but progression into an immersive and focused roleplay experience is easier for all – and more rewarding! – when an application contains a philosophy of invite.

Not Enough Information: On the other hand, plenty of applications don’t include enough information. We restate: we want to know interesting things about your character! No synths are ‘drab people’, and your application shouldn’t be drab either. Don’t give us perfunctory answers! If something is important to your synth, it’s worth talking about in depth.

Lack of Focus: This is probably the most common mistake we see. As we’ve said in the past, we’re really not interested in your character’s personal history. What we need to know when reading the application isn’t what she’s done in her past, but about what she does now and what interests are likely to foster new growth. Our best applications are focused on your character’s current interests and skill sets instead. Write from the perspective of one of your synthfolk’s friends, and talk about your character: what does she like, what’s she like, what sets her apart? We want to see your character’s personality come through in the app. Don’t list her skills unless they are unusual or indicative of her personality.

Of course, this wouldn’t be a guide without advice on what to avoid either. We want to know about the best aspects of your character! On the other hand, you want to let these things shine for you, instead of their being hidden in a mass of text that we have to wade through to find them. To help out on this aspect, here are the most common mistakes that synthfolk applications make:

5. Conclusion and Next Steps

We thank you for your interest in the program and your willingness to contribute your time and energy in a meaningful way. The overview presented in Part III and the detailed breakdown of the application in Part IV should help you craft the most compelling Elf application possible. We hope this guide serves you well and leads to a smile on thousands of children’s faces this winter. Keep in mind what makes for a successful candidate and highlight collectible-relevant assets you possess such as leadership experience, communication skills, and tactical projects in your answer submissions. Please take your time in writing your responses, keep them neat, and always remember that the number of applicants increases every year so double-check your work and feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you and good luck with the application process!

Part IV covered the basics of the Elf program, including details of the position itself, the skills that the most successful Elves possess, and the application form and subsequent interview process. Specifically, we explained the responses to the Qualifications questions of the application. It is now time to dive deeper into the behavioral questions, address each one individually, and provide the prompt with context provided, a star result, and a breakdown for all components. We close the experience with a conclusion and recommended next steps.

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