do my math homework word problem

do my math homework word problem

The Importance of Completing Geometry Homework

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1. Introduction

Geometry can be a difficult subject for many to grasp. Students often take and retake geometry courses throughout their high school years in order to grasp the concepts and gain a passing grade. It is understood that there is a great deal of stress involved with geometry courses and homework. However, there are many benefits to completing geometry homework in a timely manner. By doing so, students increase their understanding of the subject, gain better test grades, and decrease the amount of stress involved with geometry. Many students often think that they grasp the concepts taught in their geometry classes. However, when they receive test grades back, they realize that they did not understand the lesson as well as previously thought. By completing geometry homework, students have an extra opportunity to understand the lesson. Doing homework problems reinforces important concepts. Often, those same concepts are evaluated on a test. Students who understand the concepts are more likely to attain better test grades. This is an immediate benefit from doing geometry homework. After taking the test, doing homework also can prepare students for future topics on standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT. Understanding the tested concepts now can save time and frustration in the future.

2. Benefits of Doing Geometry Homework

Better memory retention and mathematical skills: Many times students do not understand, so they memorize in a geometry class, or any math class in general. Memorization has been proven to help students remember things, and word association is the most common form of memorization. When a student does their geometry homework, they not only memorize what they did before, but they build a stronger memory connection from the word or simple phrase to the actual method or answer. This has been proven by The Algebra Project, a research study that shows more involvement in depth of subject leads to better understanding and more knowledge retained, as it follows: “We learn to do something by doing it. There is no other way.” This method of learning helps overall mathematical skill, and it also improves the student’s ability to memorize. Frequently, theorems and axioms are forgotten if they are not applied in a problem, so doing homework is a good reinforcement for that sort of material.

Improvement in problem-solving abilities: When a geometry student solves geometry problems, the brain produces several combinations of ideas to solve a problem. Those who study geometry are able to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In the business and technological world, a good solid answer is essential for success. That is why many employers seek employees with sound problem-solving abilities. Completing geometry homework on a regular basis is a solid investment in those careers.

3. Strategies for Successfully Completing Geometry Homework

Faced with the overwhelming and often confounding body of material in a geometry course, with the more formal logical and deductive structure of the material, and with the greater emphasis on trying out one’s understanding of the material than on simply memorizing or categorizing, it is imperative that one works regularly and steadily during the semester. For, with the best of intentions, cramming for the exams simply does not work in mathematics. It is certainly possible to fake one’s way through the routine, traditional, drill and practice, low-level geometry course by attending classes and passing the tests. But if one is aiming at understanding, retention, and the ability to use the material in future courses, such an approach will surely be self-defeating. So whilst the sort of “A-student” who is mainly interested in grades and has little time for understanding would be better off taking a different course, say psychology or home economics, if he/she is insistent on going through with geometry, would be well advised to drop it. Otherwise, to succeed and achieve a good grasp of geometry, it is important to be persistent and not attempt to take shortcuts. Some of the strategies which the serious student of geometry should consider are: Preparation, Regular Class Attendance and Keeping up with Homework, Analysis of the Material, and Seeking help when needed.

4. Overcoming Challenges in Geometry Homework

Why do I need a plan? The main reason is that since most students consider their assignment to be an insurmountable set of problems and since it is so easy to become stuck on any one problem for an indefinite amount of time, much geometry homework ends up being a random wander through problems with little achievement and much frustration. A well-executed plan minimizes time and frustration. But how to make a good plan for my homework? Step one is to look at the broader picture of what you are aiming to achieve with your homework, then assign certain tasks to be completed on certain days. This is best illustrated using an example. Suppose I have been given the following assignment due in one week… “Prove that opposite sides of a rectangle are equal and write a short essay demonstrating understanding of what properties of a parallelogram are shared by a rectangle.” This assignment also requires there may be some new learning involved, as it is one of the most basic proofs in geometry. A plan for this may be to do some problems involving drawing different types of rectangles and measuring their sides. This may give insight into the reasons why opposite sides of a rectangle are equal, as it may shed light on the fact this is a great way to determine if a shape is a rectangle. This should take one hour and be done on the day of the assignment. On the following evening, attempt the proof. If things are going smoothly spend another hour then write the essay, otherwise leave problems and proofs for the following night. This division of tasks limits confusion and frustration and the achievement of each task is motivation to continue. Note that more complex assignments will require further splitting of tasks and possibly restructuring of the plan. Always keep the tasks simple and achievable!

It sounds obvious to say that challenges need to be addressed before they can be overcome, but many students take on geometry assignments without doing enough advance planning. There are certain aspects of geometry which differ from many other maths topics and which make it more a matter of a prepared approach rather than an all guns blazing attack! First and foremost is the unfamiliar logical, abstract and rigorous nature of the subject. All maths keenos tend to enjoy and have success with learning series, algebra and calculus because they are in essence just massive puzzles. Geometry on the other hand, demands knowledge and application of theorems, corollaries and an understanding of rather complex structures and their properties. This can be an unsettling or undermining challenge to self-esteem for many students who are used to picking up and absorbing mathematical principles very quickly. Tackling this issue and other challenges geometry throws up as easy as possible is what this page is all about.

5. Conclusion

Based on geometry, there are theorems, postulates, corollaries, which students need to understand clearly. These are taught at school but never thoroughly explained by the teacher. Completing homework on geometry involving questions related to these topics would need the student to read through his theorems, etc. again or some students may ask others or refer to books to clarify it, which they would not have done if homework was not assigned.

Completing homework further helps the students to solve the entire problems in depth and can find out the shortcut in answering a question. Homework also has a positive effect on the grades. Based on a survey conducted by Harris Cooper of Duke University of 120 students in North Carolina in 1989, the correlation between homework and students’ performance was consistent. The students who did the homework were achieving at a higher academic level.

The purpose of completing homework is to help students consolidate what they have learned at school. It’s a revision of what they have learned during the day and a preview of what is to come the next day in class. Homework helps students to learn beyond the scope of their class. For example, on the topic of geometry, doing homework on geometry, the students will be faced with more geometry problems which help them understand the formulas learned in class in depth. It will help the students to remember those formulas and thereby apply the right formulas in the right questions and solve them. Geometry students also need to be skillful in the usage of protractor and compass. Practice makes perfect.

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