do my homework math

do my homework math

The Importance of Math Homework

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1. Benefits of Doing Math Homework

Student’s roles in the construction of understanding mathematics: “I can do it myself” by Ricks, B & Vukelich, C (1995) LisRicks and Vukelich studied the types of assistance children request and receive from adults when doing mathematics homework. They selected ten first graders and observed the help they were given with mathematics homework for a period of six weeks. The students’ perception of their own needs and ability to do the work were a focus of the study. Information about the students’ homework experiences was collected through interviews, videotape recordings and work samples, with findings showing a positive relationship between the children’s perceived competence/autonomy and their mathematical development. During the study, Ricks and Vukelich observed and videotaped the children as they did their homework. These tapes were used to identify specific student behaviors and requests for help. Student perceptions of their ability and the ways they participated in doing homework in mathematics were followed up through interviews with the children and their parents. Ricks and Vukelich devised a conceptual framework stating that children’s perceptions of their own ability and autonomy as they experience adult help and the tasks at hand are likely to influence both the type and amount of assistance they seek and eventually receive. This, in turn, affects problem-solving progress and ultimate task success. They identified that a student’s perception of an assignment is determined by its difficulty, their own ability, and how the task is defined in teacher instructions. Using this framework, it was possible for Ricks and Vukelich to predict student help-seeking behaviors and inferences as they were playing out during homework episodes. They were able to compile and sequence the various factors that contributed to the help given and student task completion, making connections to show its potential effect on mathematical development. Through the observational, interview, and work sample data, Ricks and Vukelich were able to provide evidence of a relationship between children’s perceived ability and the task at hand quality of adult help and student achievement in mathematics. The result was a positive relationship; for when help was matched to student need, it had a positive effect on task completion, which was assessed through work samples and homework interviews. This, in turn, builds perceptions of success that act to bolster further maths task involvement and achievement.

2. Strategies for Completing Math Homework Successfully

A problem left undone is just as important as homework not even attempted – old math saying. Homework in mathematics classes is an attempt to make sure that each and every student is equipped with the required skills to successfully complete the course. Good homework assignments may take some time, but they should benefit students in the long run. The following is a list of useful suggestions for increasing the long-term effectiveness of this time-consuming homework (Andersen, 1990). Take your time. Rarely do students work together on homework. More rare is students being able to complete an entire homework assignment in one sitting. Expect to think about the problems over the course of a few days. It is often helpful to begin the homework in class, finishing the “beginning” in spare time in class, and completing the “end” at home.

3. Overcoming Challenges in Math Homework

Given these conditions, it is no doubt that math homework becomes something that is not fun for many children. Children will assume that math is a very difficult lesson and brings complicated tasks. The main problem is how to create a fun situation while children are doing their math homework, which can solve the problems faced by many parents. Below, we will discuss some alternatives or other ways that can motivate children to do their math homework.

Often, we have observed children facing difficulty doing their math homework. This is what many parents confess based on their experience in educating their children. For some children, especially those who are still in primary school, there are many who are still unable to do their math homework independently and accurately compared to other subjects like Indonesian or English. They still need help from their parents or teachers. When asked how many questions have been answered correctly by children, many parents are disappointed with the result. They are disappointed because questions that are considered easy and should be easily solved by children cannot be answered, or because questions were answered wrongly.

4. Tips for Efficiently Managing Math Homework

Thanks to a British study, high school math teachers have received hard data supporting the use of math homework. The study looked at 3000 students at seven high-performing high schools in upper middle-class California communities. At least two-thirds of these schools’ students (not including the ones with diagnosed learning disabilities) were enrolled in a year or two of algebra one year. Based on the study’s results, all the students experienced an increase in math scores and grade point averages. Additionally, the students reported they usually do not understand the homework problems. Given as take-home work, there wasn’t much incentive because such a small part was counted for a grade, and students didn’t know any of the solutions or methods for the problems, making significant progress tough. But the British study shows that homework can be an effective form of learning when it is heavily emphasized, frequent, and understandable. During the study, the average grade point of the “homework statistics” kids were .53 higher than the ones without homework. That’s about a B compared to a D. This group’s California Achievement Test (CAT) score was also a wide difference in comparison to the non-homework kids. A median of 65th percentile compared to 50th. Increasing homework is a proven method but it’s still tough to manage. This specific study focused on at-risk students, where there was significant improvement. Math achievement increased between 2 and 4 standard CAIT units when compared to groups that did not attend the program. Homework problems for the students had to be relevant to their material and level and this was the same case with the study. Class sessions and homework had similar content to test better ratio. Math achievement for intervention students was significantly higher than control both at the end of two years. This kind of increase is rare and should be taken advantage of. A highly performant and appropriate homework intervention is shown to improve math achievement and can still apply in some effective cases found in the US. Homework is a new game!

5. Conclusion: Achieving Success through Math Homework

Its importance. The importance of math homework and what it has on the education of the average student throughout the world has been a challenging and controversial topic for discussion. Math homework is seen as redundant and a waste of time by many, purely because it is often repetitive and not much fun. However, testing has proved that students who do extra math homework from a young age obtain higher mathematic achievement scores later in life. This theory is confirmed by J.J. Xu, who believes that the influence of homework on student achievement is much larger than that of the parent’s educational level or the availability of learning materials at home. He also states, “the finding that more homework students do, the higher their math achievement is remains consistent”. Xu’s study has been indirectly backed up by research from Charles et al. who described the type of homework which improved achievement in 17-year-old students. The 3 activities that were listed did not have a name but this set of activities can be replicated exactly by working on extra problems relative to the ones done in the classroom, reviewing mathematical skills, and studying mathematical concepts. It was found that these 3 activities are the exact same things that students who do extra math homework do. This alone explains why students who do extra math homework are often far more successful in mathematics.

With a new primary focus on the vital role of mathematical skills in the 21st century, mathematics education has never been more critical. In the following report, the significance of math homework will be addressed followed by an in-depth analysis of the content and comparing of math homework from differing countries around the world and the quality and standard of the math homework and finally a conclusive summary to address the thesis.

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