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The Benefits of Doing Homework

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1. Importance of Homework

Homework is also used as a link between what happens in school and in the home. It is a way to involve parents in the students’ learning process. If students know that the parent is going to see what they have done in the form of homework, it is going to increase the likelihood that they will want to understand the material to a higher degree. Often with work to do with literacy and numeracy, parent bookwork can be a direct result of class work where the child is expected to learn the material given, and this is a way to make sure it is happening. It is important that parents encourage the student to do their best and offer assistance in a way that will help them understand the concept and let them do it on their own. This will give parents some indication as to how their child is doing in that particular area.

Homework is used as an aid to promote self-discipline and time management. Many students are involved in extracurricular activities, and often homework can be too much to handle at the end of a busy day. Homework helps set a time and a place for this to happen. The responsibility of completing homework is left to the student, which helps in establishing accountability. This is a critical life skill that needs to be developed during the early years of education, so setting a routine now is crucial.

The need to do homework can be a matter of debate, and sometimes students may not consider it a necessity. Teachers have been pushing the importance of homework and its benefits for over a century. It is in the students’ best interest, as well as the parents’, to fully understand the importance of homework so they can determine the best way to ensure their child is getting the most out of it.

2. Enhancing Academic Performance

On the other hand, if a student takes their homework as a process of developing an understanding by questioning and research, it would be best to include them having discussions with peers and teachers to clear up anything they are uncertain about the topic.

Students who learn better through hands-on activities might find it a bit difficult to benefit from doing homework, as they might find it a bit tedious. But the best thing to do would be to attempt it. An activity that is sure to benefit them would be to write an essay about some topic that they have covered. Although it is a written activity, they can type it as it would make it more interesting and help them develop their computer skills. They can do this type of activity in an indoor or outdoor setting.

Students who find it easier to learn through listening would benefit a lot more as they can have quiet background radio music, which would enable them to do their reading comprehension exercises better and understand in detail what they are studying. It would be best if they were doing the homework after school. That way, the details about the things that they have learned earlier would still be fresh in their minds.

Students have different ways of doing their homework, which benefit them and their different learning styles. If a student takes their homework as an internalizing activity, it helps them a lot more because they can adjust the mood according to their comfort and read somewhere quiet where they can concentrate and almost find themselves in a better position to understand what they are doing and sometimes come up with some interesting ideas. Usually, those indoor quiet places are bedrooms, libraries, or study rooms. If a student takes their homework as an internalizing activity, it helps them a lot more because they can adjust the mood according to their comfort and read somewhere quiet where they can concentrate and almost find themselves in a better position to understand what they are doing and sometimes come up with some interesting ideas. Usually, those indoor quiet places are bedrooms, libraries, or study rooms (Zhou, pg. 1).

3. Developing Time Management Skills

Effective time management allows you to allocate your time and resources efficiently, as well as enabling you to make the most of your education. The various skills that are harnessed through doing homework have been proven to be of use in the eventual development of a student. There is a positive relationship between time management and homework completion with the development of 8 time management skills for homework completion, two of which showed an increase between the age of 12 and 13. Many of the learning skills and habits are developed though doing homework tasks, and can be transferable to future tasks. Time management has been shown to be of critical importance for students. A cross-sectional study examined the link between homework completion and academic success of students in the science stream. The study included students from different academic levels and revealed that effective time management skills played an important role in determining the academic achievement of students. Students with higher academic levels were found to be proficient in the use of time management strategies such as setting goals, allocating time, planning for contingencies, and monitoring their environment. This study confirms the importance of time not only in the completion of homework tasks, but the development of skills so that these tasks are completed to a satisfactory level. High academic achievers in comparison to low academic achievers spend significantly more time using cognitive learning strategies. This type of learning strategy requires students to plan and think about what they are going to achieve, with the completion of an assignment being ideal example. High achievers spend more time in homework using deeper learning strategies and less time in off task behaviour. Planning has also been shown to be a moderating variable between homework and achievement, with the more planning students engage in leading to better scores for the homework completed. This planning will not only affect the current assignments being completed, but it establishes skills that will be used for assigning and planning up-coming study tasks. With the importance and relevance between time management and homework completion, it is evident that these are key skills that should be developed through doing homework tasks.

4. Promoting Self-Discipline and Responsibility

Unit tests or other independent assessments of a student’s knowledge are situations in which homework has prepared a child for, by teaching the child to take information learned in a classroom setting and apply it in an unsupervised atmosphere. Hence, homework provides a strong foundation for life skills.

A child’s level of responsibility can also be determined by the way he or she completes homework. The child who is able to complete a task on their own, without constant supervision from a teacher, is likely to carry this method in later life. This is important because unsupervised work is a situation that everyone will be in at some point in their lives, whether it be later in their schooling or when they enter the workforce.

An effective time management method is to allocate a certain time in a day for a specific task; homework is a perfect example of a task that benefits from this method because it is broken into several parts spread over the course of several days.

The ability to manage a time constraint is an example of a skill that homework can teach. Homework often has a specific deadline which must be adhered to. Failure to meet the deadline results in undesirable consequences such as detention or a low mark – an experience that is vastly better to experience as a child compared to an adult working a job, where failure to meet a deadline usually results in a strong reprimand or firing. Thus, mastering time management at a young age through homework makes the concept easier to understand in later life.

Homework gives children the opportunity to take responsibility for their work. When a teacher gives out an assignment, it must be taken home, completed, and remembered to be brought back to class. Thus, this teaches children a very important lesson: the lesson of taking responsibility for their actions. This is quite a valuable lesson to learn, since self-discipline and responsibility are crucial life skills.

5. Fostering a Strong Work Ethic

A positive outlook on the work that you do can affect how you do in the future. When you embrace the work that you do, it can provide you with intrinsic motivation and a lot of self-satisfaction. Doing homework allows students to take what they have learned in class and apply it to their everyday lives. This takes learning to a step further, which fosters a sense of accomplishment within the student. Teachers are able to reinforce the things that they have taught to their students and are able to instill the importance of taking initiative and doing the work by showing how this applies to their everyday lives. Fostering a strong work ethic is definitely something that takes place when you do homework. As you grow older, you will find that the consequences of not doing well in school will affect you for the rest of your life. Unsuccessful students are not able to get into the college of their choice, get the job that they wanted, or make the kind of money they desire. Young students in elementary school will often not realize the effects of what they do in school now have on their futures. Nevertheless, doing homework is an excellent way to start fostering a strong work ethic. High school students may have to study and do homework for a few hours each night, and this may last until they go to college. By doing work at a young age, this will allow for students to have to work less when they grow older, as they will be able to succeed the first time through and not have to repeat mistakes.

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