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The Benefits of Doing Homework Yourself

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1. Importance of Personal Development

Guideline 3. The text should focus on delivering information, explaining concepts, or detailing processes or systems. Homework can be considered as the prime mode of self-improvement and understanding of new knowledge. It is rare that a teacher will check a student’s understanding of something learned in class at the exact moment that it was learned. Usually, there is a delay between the new knowledge being acquired and when it must be recollected. It is in the space of time between initial learning and the testing of the learned material where homework is done. The new knowledge is still fresh; however, there may be some forgetfulness of certain aspects of that knowledge. This creates the perfect opportunity to research on the said topic, in an attempt to understand it better and fill in gaps in the initial understanding. Any new knowledge learned will solidify the topic in the student’s mind, and thus the topic has been learned more effectively. The concept of now doing a better job than before at the same task can then be implemented, as learning new and better ways to do assigned pieces of homework will mean less time spent on it, and more time to do other tasks.

Guideline 2. Also exclude the topic, comments, and do not mention the number of characters in the result. With dedication to self-improvement comes a constant desire to gain new and better knowledge to affect our own environment. This has a snowball effect as it becomes obvious that the more knowledge is gained, the more there is that can be done to improve the current state of anything. It becomes illogical to try and fail at things when there is knowledge of a better way to perform a task. A prime environment to test new knowledge continues to be school, university, and other forms of education. This is a perfect segue to the concept of personal development – if more time is spent researching and understanding how to perform a task, once the task is actually performed, the knowledge gained will mean it is performed better. So with the realization of this concept, there is in fact no better place to apply personal development than at various places of education.

Guideline 1. Use a persuasive tone in your response. The future of our society is built on working towards a better tomorrow. It is the sole responsibility of each and every individual to participate in the act. Though this idea may seem over-ambitious and far-fetched, when applied to personal development, the relevance it has to everyone is unarguable. The objectives for personal development may be different for people but whether in a professional capacity or personal capacity, the overall aim is to improve yourself in some capacity. With that being said, a vital skill needed to enhance personal development is time management. This means prioritizing and organizing tasks so that they are completed throughout the day. This will allow for more free time and less stress. It also means that much time can be left to learn and reflect upon experiences to see what can be learned from them. Gone are the days of spending too much time doing something, doing a poor job of it, when it could have been done better in a shorter amount of time. This is especially the case with students as often, the part-time job equates to a large loan that has to be paid off. Money becomes a big incentive to do better and time management can allow for students to hang on to more money. By understanding the aims of personal development, and then utilizing them, chances of self-improvement become much higher.

2. Skills Enhancement through Homework

Homework also teaches students how to problem solve. When given a new concept, students are often confused and overwhelmed. Without someone on hand to explain it to them, often the student turns to their teacher for help. However, homework in which the student must employ the use of a new skill is a way to aid in understanding. If the student is able to learn through failure (i.e. getting the problem wrong) and self-correction, this will be more beneficial as he/she will have a better understanding of the concept and will be more likely to remember it in the future. Finally, the completion of homework can train students to use their initiative. Often, homework has a small percentage worth on the final mark. In cases where this isn’t too great a risk to the student’s overall grade, he/she may opt not to complete it due to lack of interest in the subject. If done consistently, this is a bad habit to develop and, if in the working world, the person may not complete tasks provided that it isn’t too detrimental to his job. Thus, homework teaches students to take the initiative and seek out new information for possible future understanding.

The completion of homework assists students to develop good study habits. The more independent the learner becomes, the more likely they are to continue to succeed. A student who develops good study habits at home will be better prepared to learn in the classroom. Good study habits help the student to learn and retain information at an efficient level. This is a crucial skill that will serve students throughout their academic lives and, in fact, the rest of their lives in general. This efficiency will also carry over to assessments. While student is accustomed to taking study notes to find information, they are also able to recall that information come test time. All of the skills mentioned here help student perform better not only in the classroom, but in tests and in their future.

3. Building Discipline and Responsibility

Daily homework involves collecting assignments given by teachers. Once the child takes responsibility for their own work, they can achieve better grades as they will have a better understanding of what is being taught. By doing your homework and turning it in when it’s due, you learn how to manage your time, a valuable skill to have in life. Homework can help you become a better student in several different ways. First, homework given in advance of a particular subject can help you make the most of your classroom discussion time. For instance, before beginning a discussion of a complex period in history, it can be very effective to read background information as homework the night before. Third, homework can help students develop good study habits and positive attitudes. By assigning effective homework, teachers can help students develop good habits and attitudes. Teachers assign homework for many reasons. Homework can help children to review and practice what they have learned. Whether or not homework helps or hurts depends on who you ask. Some parents and teachers say that it helps students develop study skills and better understand the material. On the other hand, too much homework can be perceived as being very harmful to students. A study in 2013 found that “math scores decline if students have more than 90 minutes of homework, but not if they spend less than 90 minutes.” Most students want to be able to have good grades without having to retake another bedtime over what went on in class. Forcing students to do an excessive amount of homework can be very stressful, and it can have adverse effects on their test scores, not to mention their mental health.

4. Developing Critical Thinking Abilities

Numerous researchers have found a strong connection between cognitive ability and homework, especially in high school (Keith and Cool, 1992; Keith et al., 1993; Kiewra, 1985). One of the most famous learning theories is Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956). This is a theory that was created with the use of teachers in developing well-thought-out lesson plans. The theory behind it is that the completion of one level of cognitive ability is a building block for a higher level of that same ability, culminating in learning, retention, and mastery of the subject matter. Bloom’s Taxonomy has been used to great effect when examining homework and its effect on cognitive ability. Keith and Cool (1992) found that in a study of high school students, the cognitive ability most improved by homework was comprehension, which is the second level of cognitive ability according to Bloom. Meanwhile, six years later, Keith and De Groot conducted a similar study of high school students using the same methodology and found that homework was most associated with achievement in the sixth and final level of Bloom, which is creation (Keith et al., 1993). More simply, homework was found to be a building block for cognitive ability at all levels, and all levels of cognitive ability are strongly associated with homework.

Without homework, students are inclined to take shortcuts. They do not tend to put a lot of thought or effort into their assignments when there is no instant gratification such as a good grade (Kiewra, 1998). When students are tasked with completing an assignment on their own, they are forced to think. They do not have anyone else to rely upon in order to complete the task. This is an important cognitive process. One must sift through many bits of information, deciding what is relevant and then present it in a cohesive form (Kiewra, 1998). By doing their homework, this is essentially what they are doing. Whether the student is aware of it or not, they are mastering critical thinking processes.

5. Preparing for Future Challenges

As every child who has seen the results knows once they finish their homework, this deed undoubtedly has a preparing effect for future challenges in its arsenal. With the concept of assignments being “work that students did at home to practice skills learned at school,” it is clear that doing any kind of homework—be it a problem set, a reading, or a type of project—ties in directly to the thing being taught. This will not only help them learn an invaluable lesson but also develop a good understanding in the topic that they are doing, which will then help to solve similar challenges in the future. With regular consultations on various questions and revisits to what he/she have learned, the child can prepare for future challenges, be it an upcoming test or even a quiz a few weeks later. For the more project or report-oriented works, the benefits are even clearer. In this technological era where the quest for information is at the grasp of our fingertips, children often fall into the habit of copying and pasting information off the internet such that the language of the newly acquired knowledge is similar to the written source. By doing these assignments with an extra step to paraphrase or for the more diligent, translation to their own words, students effectively try to avoid “plagiarizing,” which is a valuable skill to learn early in life and a mistake that is best made during an assignment than in the working adult’s future.

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