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The Benefits of Doing Homework Independently

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1. The Importance of Homework

It is true that study is getting harder and harder each year. Mental stability is also beneficial. Students have less time to think and relax. With so many things to do and less time to do it in, they can get nervous and it can affect their health. Taking some time out of your day to do homework and maturing yourself challenge the mind can help both mental and physical health in various ways. Self-esteem is also vital while growing up as a child. Doing homework can have a positive effect on your child’s academic success. Helping your child with homework and school assignments can be difficult as a parent, but your involvement in your child’s education can have a long-lasting impact on your child’s success. When children do well in school, it can boost their self-esteem causing them to become wise; people also have the tendency to admire intelligent people, thus causing your child to have a better influence on society. Homework helps your child learn to use resources, such as libraries, reference materials, and computer websites to find information. It allows your child to extend learning by applying skills to new situations. This will involve the probability of your child thinking critically, for example problems in math contracts are very challenging and in some cases can take up multiple strategies to solve. This generates a long-lasting skill within your child. Homework allows your child to take responsibility for his or her own learning, which can be a great attribute in preparation for college. And lastly, homework can show your child that learning takes place outside of school, that it is continuous and the responsibility and discipline are important. These are all very useful character traits to possess.

2. Enhancing Personal Responsibility

Reality Check #2: Ask your child if there are subjects or topics where it makes sense for him to lean more on his teacher for support. Maybe a class is difficult and the teacher is more than willing to help – then that might be a good time for the child to learn the importance of asking questions, seeking clarity, and self-advocating at a higher level. If the child has been doing homework and it’s still not making sense, should he keep doing it alone or stop and utilize resources available to get clarification? Realizing that there are times to persevere and times to seek help is an important step towards self-awareness and self-advocacy. Developing Balance and Self-Awareness: Homework is an excellent way to start developing responsibilities. Children whose parents feel they have too much homework are more likely to ask teachers for help and complete their assignments. Homework can also foster independence, responsibility, and initiative, and it can help children cultivate self-regulation, manage time, and develop a sense of autonomy. Upon completing simple tasks, children are often proud to have done a job that was their responsibility (e.g. bringing home assignment book, completing a worksheet, etc.) and their success boosts confidence.

3. Developing Critical Thinking Skills

Homework is a perfect example of an assignment that would require the student to think critically. The student is given a task which may be a couple questions or a large assignment. They must read, understand, and absorb the information in the assignment in order to complete it successfully. Their end result will reflect their thought process in the assignment. For example, a student who is tasked with math homework which requires them to answer a few questions will only be using simple math skills to get the assignment done. If the student attempts to critically think and understand what the questions are asking, they will be more inclined to use a more advanced math skill in order to complete it. The student will later realize this and possibly change the answer to a better one. This is just a simple example as to how students will benefit by doing homework. The results will be very noticeable as it will reflect on their test scores and overall academic grades.

Critical thinking is crucial to academic success. It enables students to absorb information and begin to understand it on a deeper level. They will begin to understand the how’s and why’s of the subject and will spark a genuine interest in the subject matter. Once a student becomes interested in a topic or subject, the sky is the limit to their potential.

4. Fostering Time Management Abilities

The last thing to say in the implications concerning motivation is that independent work nurtures time management skills. Although pupils will moan and complain about how there is not enough time to complete certain tasks which range from doing their homework to doing the laundry, time management is vital. In reality, there are plenty of hours in the day (24 to be exact); it is just the way we choose to use them that can either build or break the habits of a successful person. High school kids fall victim to bad habits of procrastination such as snacking and watching TV prior to doing homework assignments. These tasks can often lead to giving up on homework for the day and just doing it in school the next day. When these kids are assigned less independent tasks in less independent subjects in college, they will lack the drive and discipline to complete their assignments. This is sadly mistaken that there is some inherent trait that evokes with age – a false statement used by students to justify a lackluster effort. It is an issue of a learned behavior that needs to be introduced in high school years to fully be built in college. Time management and discipline are essentially cognitive level behaviors displayed by a student to complete a task. Cognitive level education is the most important type of learning and retention is the best when behaviors become habit forming. The more pupils do independent work and form these good habits of discipline, the more inclined they will be to take the initiative on tasks in the future. This result is a change of mindset that will essentially make time management an afterthought and success a reality.

5. Building a Strong Work Ethic

It is possible that the most important issue facing youth in America today is the recapturing of high expectations for “good, honest work”. Independent homework provides a child with a wonderful opportunity to develop a strong work ethic. Because there is no educator to constantly remind the child of his responsibility, the child must take up the responsibility fully on his own. Alright, this is a toughie, but tough is good. In the real world, there will be no one looking over his shoulder to make sure the task is done. Homework gives children the firsthand experience of taking up this kind of responsibility. If we assume that the child has the intelligence to do the homework, then we should also have the expectation that he is capable of taking on this work without hand holding. He may need to learn through trial and error, but this is how the toughest lessons are learned, and once something is learned through one’s own error, it is not soon forgotten. There are few things more satisfying to a person than the pride of a job well done. With independent homework, the child is able to experience that feeling. This is also a great opportunity for educators to teach the old adage, “work smarter, not harder”. When we do a task that is not simple, we find a greater feeling of satisfaction in having completed it. But if there is a way to avoid the extra difficulty, we learn to take that way. This is learning, and learning through homework is the best kind of learning there is. A child who consistently maximizes his efficiency in completing homework will learn the value of free time sooner than most. This is an invaluable lesson that will be of great use to the child later in life.

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