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Tips for Efficient Homework Completion

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1. Creating a Productive Study Environment

<html> <html> <ol> <li>Creating a Productive Study Environment</li> </ol> <p>One of the most important aspects in having a completed homework. Students’ environment is a major deciding factor of whether or not it is going to be completed. Factors such as noise, uncomfortable seating and lack of resources can be reasons inhibiting a student from doing their homework. Another issue is motivation, and distraction stemming from either lack of motivation to complete their homework, or through doing other activities, say playing on the computer or sleeping. Thus it is vital for a student to be in a productive environment, for them to even attempt at doing their homework. Although topics such as improving motivation will be touched upon later, this section will solely cover on improving your study environment.</p> <ol> <li>Remove any possible distractions.</li> </ol> <ul> <li>Turn off the television, keep the computer out of reach. Anything that you think might be distracting for you, get rid of it, if only just for a bit. If you do not have a choice, say the television is a family fixture, relocate to another room or area, and explain why it is you are doing it to your family. If you have a study, use it!</li> </ul> </html>

2. Organizing and Prioritizing Assignments

This process may sound tiresome, but it is guaranteed that the overall time spent on homework will be shortened. It may be difficult for a student to estimate how long each assignment takes at first, but with practice it becomes an accurate skill. The ability to gauge the length of a task is a time management skill that will be useful later in life. Also, scheduling the hardest assignments for peak cognitive time is a great way to ensure quality work. Imagine a mood or food deprived student trying to do a calculus assignment. It is likely that after a tough, but manageable homework session, a student will have extra free time. And of course, better grades are a long-term benefit. In the case of a GPA is on the border of a 3.0, the difference in one letter grade is the difference of one quality point. This can have an impact on the jobs available after high school or colleges that can be applied to. Overall, using a work/study schedule to organize and prioritize completed homework is the best use of homework time.

Instead of randomly completing homework assignments, learn to organize and prioritize what needs to be done. Take the following steps to have a more efficient homework completion session. First, have a specific, uncluttered, quiet place to work on homework. This may allow you to be more focused and complete homework in less time. You may also be more accurate, which can earn you a better grade in return. When organizing homework, write down what needs to be done. A student should try to estimate how long each assignment will take. Then the student can plan to do the easiest assignments at a time when it may be harder to concentrate, and the tougher assignments when they are more focused. Use the estimated times to schedule the appropriate work time. Remember to schedule in small 5-10 minute breaks between tasks. This can be a good time to get up and move around, get a snack, etc. It has been proven that having a small break between tasks can improve cognitive function and overall mood. One should also plan to reward themselves with something they like after completing a hard task. This creates an incentive to finish the task, just like working adults are paid after they have completed their work. In this case, the better grades are the “tangible” reward, but an extra treat can provide additional motivation. Finally, the most important step is to stick to the plan. Procrastination is the absolutely worst enemy of homework completion. It is much easier said than done, but remember it takes about 3 weeks to form a habit. After 3 weeks of forcing a work/study schedule, it should become more natural for students to follow it. And eventually, it will be easier to get homework done, have free time, and get better grades.

3. Implementing Effective Time Management Techniques

Although the student knows the assignment completion date well in advance of its deadline, many students wait until the last minute to begin work on the assignment. Procrastination can have bad effects on student’s homework completion. Procrastinating students usually have more incomplete assignments, worse grades, and low self-esteem. Also, they see tasks as more aversive and less controllable. Procrastination leads to hurried preparation the night before the task is due. This prepares students to do poorly because success on the assignment is contingent on allocating sufficient time to plan and complete each stage of the task. Inadequate time allocation is a major factor in poor assignment preparation. Time management in the students’ change was the result of self-monitoring in the form of daily and weekly planning. They understood that effective time management is crucial to successful assignment preparation. They also noted that changing their time management behaviors involved developing a clear awareness of how they were currently using their time and then being taught effective planning and time allocation strategies. With consistent practice and use of these strategies, they were able to reduce the incidence of procrastination and allocate sufficient time to achieve better results on their assignments. This shows that with time management training, the student can increase the success of assignment preparation by reducing procrastination and adequately allocating time for task preparation and planning.

4. Utilizing Helpful Resources and Tools

Think about the various assignments you’ll need to complete in the course of your education. Very far off, isn’t it? A simple way of taking the advantages out of them and complete each assignment efficiently is by having efficient homework time management. Here’s one example of how to manage your homework time. Imagine that your goal is to complete your math homework, which consists of 10 word problems. You have math class every afternoon, so you need to complete the assignment the evening before it is due (It’s always good to work ahead in your math class, they assign a lot of homework). What precisely is your target? How far will you get into the assignment every day at previous to the due date? This is a great way to do it. Now, let’s say your first attempt at word problem #1 is a struggle. If you don’t have a teacher to consult with until a class the next day, stop and move on to correcting your error at the point when it becomes a struggle. In the meantime, post your error and the problem you attempted to solve on an online forum or a site like Facebook geared at your class, and ask for someone to share input or solution, the Greek word for solution (I advise you to try to get a little help with Greek; math is all Greek.). This counts as help resource, a resource to utilize is anyone or anything to help you solve a problem. The more resources you can think of for each problem, the less effort you will need to spend if/when you get the right answer, strangely enough. The less time and effort you put into the assignment, provided you are still keeping your “Aptitude per assignment” level constant, the further you are pushing back the slope date. Get back to the problem at a later time the same day or of the next day, and the odds of understanding what was a struggle become higher. If time and struggle is minimal and understanding is high, there is no need to visit this problem a second time, although selective word problem review is always great practice.

5. Developing Effective Study Habits

Effective study in time management is a skill. As a high school student, you might complete homework in the afternoon, at night or even after midnight. It never seemed to be the right time. The study environment plays a big part in the time it will take to complete homework. A positive environment with few distractions makes homework much easier and much quicker. Having everything you need present before starting avoids those time-consuming trips to fetch that ruler, which means you get caught up in conversation with your sister and forget about the homework. Of course, it is very likely that you will find much more desirable things to do other than homework, and the sooner you finish, the sooner you will be able to enjoy doing those things. Almost every student wishes there were more hours in a day. A good way of managing time is to break up study time into manageable amounts. A concentration span varies from student to student, but taking short breaks will help you stay focused on the task. When reading notes from a book, use the technique SQ3R. This is an acronym for the words Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. Survey the chapter and form a mental question on what the chapter is about, then read the chapter, recite the information to check if it answers the question, and finally, review the info and question. This is an effective method for understanding and remembering information. Try setting and achieving short-term goals. For example, if the TV is a distraction, set a goal like “I must finish reading this chapter by x o’clock, then I will watch TV for half an hour.” Once you have achieved your goals, the satisfaction of knowing that you have not succumbed to the distractions will make the TV time all the more enjoyable. Failure to complete homework on time means lost privileges and low grades. These are both dissatisfying things. By remembering the end goal and benefits of effective study and time management, it is more likely that it will become habitual. Two final points, avoid all-nighters and cramming before an assessment and get into the routine of reviewing class work on a regular basis. This will save an enormous amount of time when it comes to assessment or exam time.

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