do my homework computer science

do my homework computer science

The Importance of Computer Science Education

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1. The Role of Computer Science in Today’s World

Computer science is a subject that has a large role in this modern world. The reason for the creation of this subject was for the purpose of simplifying work and making work more efficient. Computer science has brought a big impact to the medical science. For example, computer performed X-rays which are manipulated by the software tools are used to view the specific part of the body. This is actually very useful because through computerized X-rays, the amount of radiation required to produce an image can be reduced by taking advantage of the computer’s ability to process the digital image. Computer science has also created what we call now as ‘Robotic Surgery’. This technology is still at its beginning stage. A surgeon sits at a console near the patient and guides the movements of the robot. Both master-slave manipulators and telemanipulators are considered part of computer assisted surgery. Master-slave manipulators are controlled by the surgeon. The robot is designed to mimic the movements of the surgeon’s hand with the actual instrument. Telemanipulators are remote controlled robotic devices. The robot is manipulated by the surgeon using a set of controllers that direct the movement of the robot on the screen, the robot then carries out the doctors commands using its own programming. Simulation is used to train medical professionals. This ranges from the simple use of computer controlled mannequins to virtual reality technology. This is actually a very good idea because the risk in making mistakes has been reduced with the use of robots and simulating the surgery that they are about to do.

2. Benefits of Learning Computer Science

Another field where computer science has made an impact is in the field of business. With the way the global economy is heading, businesses will soon be in need of fast problem solvers who can provide real-time solutions to global problems. This is where computer science has to come into play. With knowledge of a programming or scripting language, one can provide unique solutions to a problem by creating a formula that will automate parts of a solution; something that can be replicated by others and improved upon. An example of this would be a financial analyst creating a new algorithm for risk assessment. Another way computer science is helpful is in the creation of decision-making tools. These tools simplify a problem so that one may plug in information and get an optimal solution, very useful for decision making by management. Finally, every business needs to stay organized and manage large amounts of information. Knowledge of how databases work is an invaluable tool for somebody looking to store, retrieve, and manipulate large amounts of data.

There are many different ways to apply knowledge of computer science. One of the major areas where computer science has had a significant impact is in the natural sciences, and computer science has its own subfield within this subject. The use of simulation is becoming an increasingly popular way of conducting scientific research. With knowledge of a programming language, one can write their own simulations of natural phenomena. This is most commonly done using the method of agent-based modeling. Agent-based models are useful for testing the effects of different variables on a system. Computer science is also used in data presentation. With the large amounts of data produced from modern scientific research, knowledge of a programming language is vital in order to create custom data processing and data visualization tools.

There are many benefits to learning computer science. Computer science has significantly impacted many different fields. If one chooses not to become a computer scientist, it is still important for them to have an understanding of computing because computers have become so powerful and are used so frequently that they have general applicability. Being computer literate is an essential skill in the twenty-first century. Having a basic knowledge of computing is a requirement for most jobs. Many employers assume that there will be a certain degree of computer literacy from their employees. Knowing how to use a computer is one thing, but actually understanding how it operates and being able to create software is an entirely different story. Having knowledge in computer science will give one a better understanding of the way computers work and how they operate. This will open up many different doors for a person in the realm of employment.

3. Challenges Faced in Computer Science Homework

As the computer science education has now become a part of the schools’ curriculum, the students these days face a lot of problems in understanding the basic concepts of the field. This is because computer science is a vast area which is divided into a number of sub areas. These sub areas are the base of your computer science career and has further application in the practical life. For example, if a student is not familiar with the basic concepts of database, he would not be able to understand the working and the use of database in his practical life. This will also affect his academic performance and his grades. Now the main problem arises, if a student is not able to understand the basic concepts, how will he afterward complete his computer science homework? This has been seen that students face a lot of problem in the completion of their computer science homework. Homework generally is in the form of a question or a problem which the teacher gives the students to solve. The problem may be related to a specific topic or a sub area. The teacher gives some days to the students to solve the problem and complete the task. This may include thesis writing, solving a practical problem, making a project or even a power point presentation. This becomes a very tough job for a student who has not understood the basics of a particular area. It will become a kind of nightmare when the student will open his books and will try to understand the very thing from the start but still will not get any idea about how to complete the task. This is very demoralizing for the student and he feels very much left behind in the class. Another problem with computer science homework is that the teaching material is so vast that the teacher cannot give the proper guidelines to each and every student. This does not mean that the teacher is not doing his job well, but it is a fact the teacher also may have problems in understanding certain things. Now, as the student has not understood the thing from the start and his teacher does not have time to explain, it is not feasible for the student to go again and again to the teacher and ask about how to solve the task. The student will try to find books on that particular topic but still something will be missing. He may ask his fellows for an appropriate solution but all in no vain. Now after frustration, the student will try to find an online tutor or search for online help. But it is a matter of fact that no one at the net will understand the problem of the student and the time and money which the student is spending for all this is just wasted. The student will try many resources to find the solution but still the answer is no. He is having all the resources but still is not able to complete the task. Last but not the least, this may also happen that may be the student has understood the task and has the resources, but still is not able to solve the problem. This is because for doing one thing in different ways, you need a very good know how of that thing. The student when submitting the task to the teacher, it is generally not up to the satisfaction as told above and in some cases it is also copied. Now the student has landed himself into further trouble and will get no good grades. This is because, a task has some marks and the performance of the student in practical field has also some grades. If they both are not up to the standard, the teacher will deduct the student’s marks saying that your task was not up to the mark. This will decrease the morale of the student and he now try to leave that particular area saying that it is very tough and still will not get any success. These things build up in his mind and the student now has a very negative prospective about that area. These are some of the very common problems that students face in their computer science homework. Now it is necessary to find a solution of all these problems and create a better understanding of the subject.

4. Strategies for Successfully Completing Computer Science Homework

If you are not interested in hiring computer science homework help, but want to achieve good results in education, you will have to arm yourself with persistence and follow a systematic approach to get satisfactory results. The first thing you need to do in order to start dealing with the assignment is to analyze it: understand what the teacher wants you to do. Jot down the queries in your own words. This is not a one-step process and the mind takes several leaps before reaching a satisfactory result. It’s always better to write down your thoughts and draw a flowchart. Then it is a good idea to discuss your assignment with your classmates, as a group discussion tends to yield a better solution, as each member of the group brings a different strength. The next thing to do is to break the problem into simpler bits. This is the most important step to solving any assignment. If a computer science related assignment seems too complicated, you should always break it into simpler parts, and do each part separately. If you are still having trouble, the best solution is to get computer science homework help. Each time you attempt a problem, or every day at the end, review the lectures discussed in class. It will help you understand better the answer. Always make sure that you maintain your code and write explanatory comments for each code and your variables. This is the best and easiest method to understand the benefits of an assignment and to get help. If a peer or a teacher can understand what you are trying to do or what your variable means, there is a high chance that it is correct. Due to the increase in demand in the computer science industry, promotion of this subject has been given extra emphasis. This has resulted in very high competition for computer science students.

5. Conclusion: Embracing the Opportunities of Computer Science Education

At various places in the essay, you have heard my predictions for the impacts of computer science education on the next generation, and for those whose school experience is far behind. Once again, I will emphasize the sheer vastness of what a computer can do and will do once instructed by talented people. Presently, no field of study fails to be integrated with computing processes. Shall we predict that this trend of computerization will cease, or slow down, in our lifetimes? I have stated that the untrained will feel like immigrants in the 21st century. I assert that to be an optimistic claim. They will be more like the undereducated indigenous population in nations where their culture is threatened by modernization. All but the most self-sufficient among them will find it difficult to function outside their own culture without the aid of the new immigrants. How is a sociology, commerce, or English teacher to steer students competently through material which will be surrounded and often modified by technology? Working professionals who feel secure in their current levels of skill will soon realize that it is those beneath them rather than modern technology posing the greatest threat to their livelihood. The educated in any field must recognize the importance of teaching one’s skills and expertise to others. This is the best way to ensure that the computer’s influence on our methods will be a constructive one, and the best way to stunt the growth of the technology priesthood. The tools of the computer trade are those which transcend time and locale. Those who would most benefit from wielding them are young students, for whom we have briefly mentioned computer science education’s declining availability. This is not due to lack of interest. Rather it is the result of education administrators recognizing computer literacy as an informal skill, and treating it as they did typing 30 years ago. The next generation will suffer if that mistake is repeated.

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