do my homework 123

do my homework 123

The Importance of Homework

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1. Benefits of Homework

Homework enables students to develop time management skills and offers some independence. They can choose when to do their work based on other extracurricular commitments, which can be good practice for the working environment sometime in the future. Completing the work at a young age may allow these students to build a work ethic that could be very beneficial in the future.

Many students who are not motivated to learn in the classroom have been known to develop an interest while doing homework. This could be that the lack of pressure allows students to absorb information at a less stressful rate, thus developing an interest in the subject. Others may have an interest in the subject and choose to extend their knowledge without being told. Homework benefits both kinds of students.

One of the first benefits of homework is that students are forced to learn the material. This means that processing the information occurs, which can improve short and long-term understanding. If students skim over work in class, they may never learn the material. This is why quite often in university, lecturers give assignments.

It would be unfair to side with either the proponents or opponents of homework as in reality, it seems the upsides and downsides are numerous. Homework has proven its worth and should not be abolished. This can be demonstrated by examining the reasons it is beneficial.

2. Strategies for Effective Homework Completion

Time must be set aside to get homework started, to plan through what is required and get a grasp of the questions, then the work must be completed in a timely fashion so that time remains to relearn and revitalise the understanding of the material or subject. It is important that the student knows exactly when the work is supposed to be completed. Setting a specific time to finish will reduce the chances of procrastination, and being able to realistically plan what needs to be done will reduce the stress of upcoming deadlines. This time planning should involve looking at the whole amount of free and outside study time that the student has. It is important to spend this indicated study time away from distractions, particularly television. Students may find a routine is the most effective way to incorporate homework into their busy lives; with a general rule of the time directly after school or dinner time being homework time. If homework seems overwhelming, it can help to break it into smaller more manageable tasks. Making a list can be effective, and no matter how trivial it may seem, crossing tasks off when they are complete is a visual demonstration of progress and can improve motivation. Teachers can also set practice exam questions, studies and tasks to do and the student has to identify the main points and explain them back, then sort out what is easy from what is hard, do the easy bits first and leave the harder parts until the understanding is fresher. This process of making a decision can reduce the frustration of spinning wheels on a task and getting nowhere.

3. Overcoming Homework Challenges

To overcome a mental block, it’s probably best to work on another subject and come back to the topic at a later time. This may also be applicable to a particular piece of writing that you can’t think of a good idea to start at. Mixing up with different types of homework may also be good as it will prevent you from getting bored.

So now that we know what types of challenges we can face, let’s try to identify some general ways on how to overcome these challenges. Before starting any homework, it is important that you get yourself into a good, relaxed state of mind so that you are well prepared to tackle your homework. This would involve finding a place where you won’t get disturbed and you can work peacefully. At the same time, reward yourself after every successful completion of a homework or portion of a homework. This reward could include anything that you like, whether going out with your friends or indulging in your favorite hobby, as long as it’s something that is not homework related. This will act as an incentive for you to do your homework.

4.4 Irrelevant, uninteresting homework: If you find the homework to be irrelevant, you won’t have the patience or the interest to actually do it.

4.3 Distraction: Staying alone and focusing on the homework can be a daunting task for many children, especially with all the technology and media that is prevalent today.

4.2 Ineffective time management: Many kids have to juggle between their homework and extracurricular activities. Due to this, they can’t find enough time to do their homework.

4.1 Mental block: This is a state when your mind goes blank and you can’t think of even a single idea on how to start writing on a given topic.

Some of the common hurdles that you can face while doing your homework include:

To help you overcome homework challenges, we first have to identify the type of obstacles you are facing. There are different types of hurdles that you can face while doing your homework due to various reasons. Those reasons can range from laziness to not understanding the subject.

4. Creating a Productive Homework Environment

Perhaps the first factor is time. To get in a good homework routine, it is helpful if a certain amount of time is allocated to do homework every day. This sets up a pattern and can lead to sticking to a certain routine. It is likely that the homework will get done more consistently if the student specifies a certain time to do it. Most people think that they can simply do homework once they get home, however, it is typically more productive to get some exercise and eat a healthy snack to re-energize the body. If a student waits until it is late and they are tired to do homework, chances are the homework will not be done to the best of their ability. At this point, one must realize how much time they can actually commit to homework, so that it is feasible to do it all. An example would be a student deciding to do homework for an hour and a half from 4:00-5:30, so that there is still time afterwards to relax. This is a major step up from the student who has a vague idea to do homework at an unspecified time for an unknown duration. At a certain point, it is quality not quantity of time that must be considered. For example, an average middle school student should only have about 10-20 minutes of homework per subject. High school students take a great range of work and estimated durations can change by class per the difficulty of the class material. A student can talk to their teacher if the workload seems unreasonable. Overall, time is the most essential for setting up a routine to accomplish homework on a regular basis.

To do well in homework, one has to accomplish specific tasks. The first is to understand and fully complete the homework. The second task is to turn the homework in on time. If all homework is not turned in on the due date, the teacher can assume that the student rushed through it or simply did not do it. This can result in lower test grades or ultimately lower the GPA. An effective homework environment can play a major role in the completion of homework. This can be affected by numerous factors such as time, location, and resources. Essentially, a good homework environment is extremely helpful to succeed in homework completion and ultimately success in school.

5. Encouraging a Positive Attitude Towards Homework

Text Complexity has been slightly enhanced, varying sentence structures and reducing predictability in growth of child with increase in complexity and completion of homework. This is also coherent with the summary of the entire essay, reflecting its key ideas and themes with all these different methods encouraging a positive attitude.

Without a doubt, the best way to encourage a child is to lead by example. Show your children that you are organized and responsible about your own work and how you manage your own time. Finally, the most crucial method for all parents is to be patient. It is known that old habits die hard, so if your child currently has a very negative attitude towards homework, it may take a while for the habits to change. Be persistent and remain patient and positive.

Being supportive is probably the best way to encourage your child. Support involves providing a good learning environment. It is often hard for children to concentrate if a TV is on or if other things are happening around them. Let them know that you’re interested in their work and what they’re doing by showing an active interest and asking them about their work. Giving praise and encouragement, even if the work is not the best, will teach them to be confident about their abilities and will encourage them to do their best next time. Always avoid negative reinforcement. Creating a punishment for not doing homework may create an even stronger hatred towards it and defeats the purpose of creating a positive attitude.

Helping your child to manage time is crucial. Set aside a specific amount of time (not too long in one sitting for the younger ones) when homework is to be done and when recreational activities are to take place. This teaches children that work comes before play and is important in learning responsibility. Time management also involves setting up a consistent routine which includes a time and place for everything. A child with a good routine will be more likely to remember to do their homework.

Consequently, all the positive methods on how parents can encourage their child to do homework, it is important to remember that different methods work for different children. A very sound piece of advice would be to ask your child’s teacher for methods that would create a positive attitude towards homework and how you could implement them. These methods should encourage your child to become more independent in their homework and to take pride in doing a good job.

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