dissertation help service nursing

dissertation help service nursing

The Impact of Dissertation Help Service on Nursing Education

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1. Introduction

Nursing education is one of the most applied sciences in the educational process and may be regarded as essentially measures to provide the learners with the knowledge and skills needed to practice nursing effectively. Currently, in our country, among academic nursing staff, a master’s degree or doctoral degree appears to be almost an essential aspect. It contrasts sharply with only a couple of decades ago when nurses passed on their clinical knowledge through an apprentice type of system. Students are required to run the extra mile now that needs to be competency in knowledge synthesis, conduct research, and disseminate it. A journey towards a higher level of education for a good cause emphasized the demand of students to complete their dissertation as an ultimate requirement to acquire the knowledge. Based on conversation with colleagues and through personal experience, it shows that some college or university students had difficulties in the initial stage of understanding, preparation – whether it is in writing the proposal or choosing a right kind of research. This proves to be a serious issue since the quality of research depends on the effectiveness of the preparation. Throughout the years, there are also several complaints regarding the service given by the supervisor. One of the reasons was due to a supervisor taking on too many students at a time. This will result in a lack of time to spend with each student. Some found it difficult to locate their supervisor, and this will lead to postponing their progress. Then there are students that managed to meet their supervisor but felt that there is insufficient advice given during the consult time. An ideal situation will be having continuous and constant support from the supervisor throughout the research period. Last but not least, there were students that, due to various reasons, do not have a local supervisor to monitor their progress. This will definitely increase the level of difficulty in completing the research.

2. Benefits of Dissertation Help Service in Nursing Education

-Initiates clinical inquiry Clinical inquiry is an important aspect of nursing. Mandating an EBP assignment in a nursing curriculum and providing students with resources, either within the library or through the librarian, creates paper assignments without an environment of inquiry. Hurd and Meleis (2008) discuss how today’s nurse is a knowledge worker. They further elaborate that EBP knowledge only becomes useful when it is applied to practice. In order to apply EBP to practice, nursing students require an environment that encourages questioning and investigation of practice problems. By engaging in a process of inquiry to search for answers to the questions that they have identified, nurses develop new skills in an attempt to find best practice. This process of inquiry should take place throughout the entire assignment, from question identification to literature evaluation. Professional nursing education preparation involves more than the learning of information and how to perform specific procedures. Nurses must be prepared to work in an ever-changing environment and thus necessitate the need to develop a variety of skills, including inquiry and analysis. EBP assignments prepared through a DNP help to facilitate the development of these skills. -Promotes the translation of EBP knowledge to practice Knowledge only becomes useful when it is applied to actual practice problems. However, it is quite easy for students to complete an EBP assignment in which they have evaluated evidence, and not remember their initial purpose, which was an attempt to find best practice. This may be especially true today as EBP is sometimes being taught in a method that is fragmented from actual clinical utilization at the bedside. Teachers have expressed problems with a gap existing between the research conducted in an EBP assignment and the actual utilization of research findings in a clinical setting. Dobbins et al. (2007) discuss a gap being recognized between the rigor in which a systematic review is conducted and the subsequent rigor of applying these findings into practice. This research utilization lag means that there is a likelihood that there will be an inappropriate application of evidence or the evidence found will be forgotten and not remembered when it comes time to revisit the practice problem, grimacing in the belief they did not find any evidence supporting a better solution. The translation of findings at the DNP level EBP assignment to actual practice is critical. It is desired that nurses who graduate from a DNP program are leaders who can apply solutions to practice problems that are based on the best evidence available or initiate changes to practice that are supported by solid evidence. This may be a difficult task for today’s nursing students, yet it is one they must learn to accomplish. This act of translation of evidence to practice may best be facilitated at a DNP level EBP assignment in which DNP faculty mentors can assist students through the translation process. DNP students often maintain a practice role or are in upper-level management and can serve as key players in change at their current organization. These students may eventually serve as mentors to a staff nurse who is new to EBP. Therefore, DNP-prepared evidence must be able to be translated by students into guidance for staff nurses new to EBP. This is an ideal translation situation with a favorable outcome.

3. Challenges and Limitations of Dissertation Help Service in Nursing Education

The main challenges and limitations are firstly the cost of obtaining the help from these services. They can sometimes be expensive and difficult to fund through educational programs, especially due to the economic crises and cutbacks in funding for education provided by government agencies. This can lead to a discrepancy of services between students from different countries or institutions. For instance, a study conducted by Pearsall (2007) from Victoria University discovered that American students were more likely to engage in plagiarism than their Australian counterparts. The reason for this being that the student did not fully understand the depth of what was required, leaving it too late and being time poor, trying to balance work and study commitments. Pearsall (2007) also found that this was more likely to happen for people from non-English speaking backgrounds. Finnish (2011) suggested that the reason for this was that these types of students felt that they were “more at risk” and would gain more value from the help. Unfortunately, the more at-risk students are often the most vulnerable and cannot afford the service, increasing the likelihood of receiving a suboptimal grade and leaving them feeling more troubled. These types of people would benefit more from a system in the education and curriculum that enabled students to help themselves (Finnish 2009). This option does not exist at the moment for any nursing program.

4. Strategies for Effective Implementation of Dissertation Help Service in Nursing Education

To implement an effective dissertation help service, a comprehensive approach is required. One model that has potential is a 4P marketing approach. This is used in the commercial sector to sell products, identify consumer needs and wants, and promote consumer loyalty. It involves looking at the product, the price, the place, and the promotion of a service. This model has potential in the educational sector by adopting the 4Ps to suit educational needs. For example, a product becomes the NHS workforce and nursing graduates, the price is free to the consumer (the student), and the service aims to improve students’ knowledge, understanding, and skills in order to increase employability. Hence, the payoff for the students is increased when they enter the workforce. The place becomes any higher education institute with a nursing degree, and the promotion is aimed at students and faculty staff. The idea with this approach should be to save the health services with the future workforce. If we are to save the health services and prevent its demise as described in the Francis report, then we need to ensure better preparedness of nursing graduates to enter the NHS. This can be achieved through the improvement of nursing education with the 4Ps model of implementation for dissertation help services.

5. Conclusion

Our concern in this paper has been about the impact of nursing education on the process of dissertation writing in Saudi Arabia and the role of the professional writing service in the process. We have noted the changes in education in the Kingdom as part of the King Abdullah scholarship program, and the increased likelihood that Masters level education will be undertaken part-time by mid-career professionals. This is a level of education which is likely to be the most difficult for the services at university to support, and is therefore likely to be a growth area in nascent and less formal systems of support. This presents something of a dilemma; in the Kingdom itself there is a strong push not just to globalize higher education, but also to elevate the quality of research and to improve publication rates, a sine qua non towards engaging with modern knowledge-based economies that are less reliant on hydrocarbons. At the same time, there is a shortage of Saudi nurse educators with a substantive research record, capable of inspiring the next generation of nurse researchers. The King Abdullah program itself is a conscious effort to ameliorate what has been diagnosed as a knowledge and innovation gap. It is required that the nurse educators are included in the program, and thus the likelihood of research and writing is increased, as is garrote for those struggling with the English language.

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