disaster management essay wikipedia

disaster management essay wikipedia

Enhancing Disaster Management Practices: A Comprehensive Analysis

1. Introduction to Disaster Management

In many disaster relief programs, the problem of providing adequate information has been found extremely important, especially in the initial phase of the operation when gaps are found in the damaged area in various communication and information exchange channels. Effective disaster management is essential to reduce loss and leverage disaster victims back to normalcy. So such systems have to be designed and implemented in a socially responsible manner, taking into account the economic implications.

Disasters are unpredictable events which can be natural, man-made, or a combination of both, resulting in large-scale devastation. These events cause human suffering, losses, and damages. Losses caused by disasters can often be reduced by good preparation and coordination in responding. There is a need to see disasters as a part of the spectrum of emergency situations each community can face and to organize for them. This way of doing things would not only contribute to preparing for a potential large disaster but would also be an aid to face the small-scale crisis each community may be looking for.

2. Key Principles and Strategies in Disaster Management

– Inadequacy of response.

– Communication gaps.

– Proceeding on a practice grounding.

– Incompetent decision-making as well as actions.

– Failure of imagination: The events had never been clearly conceived although proven possible.

Execution of these strategies may be observed through role movement laws, public health programs, mass education and training viz., drills, workshops, etc. These, in the long run become the main elements of search part management work-sharing agreements and contracts. While the first part—the agreement—may be signed, even in haste, provided one trusts the foreseen partner; the second part, the contract, should be signed leisurely and should be monitored slavishly during the partnership. The real time to support these efforts might come after another disaster—when the second labeled agreement contact might be signed in leisure. All formations in disaster management have to be made-depth, as success strategies are top passwords for safeties in management works, drills, workshops and simulation exercises. Similarly, the aspects of mass education and training that include all are; adequacy, multiple criteria… QStringLiteral for the failures in disaster management are:

– Involve quick and sustainable rehabilitation strategies by utilizing latest technical knowledge and market research information.

– Formulate both the long-term as well as short-term relief measures following the disciplines outlined by National Disaster Management Authority of India, under the guidance of Dr. C.P. Gupte, former Indian Railway Board chairman.

– Involve application of technology for creating optimal state of reduction and affecting timely evacuation and impact on countries not particularly efficient in managing the disasters.

– Depending on both preventive measures as well as emergency management. The preventive measures may be further classified as particularly or generally affected by present disparity in economy while the prevention-processing are generally important not particularly.

The key principles for effective disaster management may be drafted by considering the weak pointed areas during the responses to the past disastrous happening. Scoping through these deficits, few key points which the Asia Pacific should emphasize upon collectively are ombudsman to channelize excess foreign funds to the countries, set up of facilities for riggerless deployment of foreign search team, test a mechanism for reprogramming non-performing regional structural framework for natural disaster reduction, insurance schemes for soldiers, and finally a non-discriminatory quick reference writing. The strategies for enhancing the disaster management process may be outlined in four components, being:

3. Technological Innovations in Disaster Management

Researchers have been exploring the utilities of different technological innovations at different stages of disaster risk management to understand and operationalize the operational effectiveness of parallel actions. From localization through early warning and emergency response to risk mapping, technology promotes advances in knowledge and practice, bringing about profound transformation into disaster risk management. The focus of the present chapter is to review some of the technological innovations along with their utilities, real-time demonstration, and limitations. Researchers argue that, while navigating the potentiality of technology, there is a need to ponder whether the community really matters for effective adaptation before a disaster experience or human distress matters or disaster rescue and immediate relief. Whether the utilization of more data and sophisticated techniques can provide complete assurance of reduction of disaster uncertainties and an accurate guide to any potential actions requested from hazard events. A techno-minefield in disaster management innovations is explored.

The rapid advancement of cutting-edge technologies is revolutionizing the conceptualization and real-time exposure of hazard impacts. Smartphone users are significantly empowered to harness the potential of hardware and software components to utmost capacity believed to contribute to the enhanced vulnerability, capacities, and exposures of smartphone applications proposing interactive and operationally effective adaptation methodologies. They are threading the strings of applications into the fabric of highly adaptable communities to engage in preparing for and responding to disaster incidents. The prime objective is to support community notification and decision-making capacity prior to, during, and after the occurrence of potential hazards.

4. Challenges and Opportunities in Disaster Management

A notable exception is an emerging econometric literature that has, in essence, performed a cost-benefit analysis of natural disasters and the desirability of investment in impact prevention. This cannot constitute a comprehensive approach, however, since its narrow focus is strongly skewed by the paucity of data about nonfinancial impacts. Comprehensive disaster management (CDM) has recently developed through the linking of disaster risk management approaches with disaster preparedness systems and through research agendas on disaster planning, which address the most severe capacities to cost problems concerning the pre-disaster phases.

The challenges of formulating appropriate disaster response policies are substantial because all manner of events need to be considered, from minor accidental fires to full-scale terrorist assaults. The very large numbers of people involved mean that there should be a substantial useful econometric underpinning for predictions about costs, benefits, and responses. Yet although work in companies, organizations, the military (which has an underpinning body of literature), strategies for terrorism, theories of risk and changes in the marketplace and organizations have been very well studied, the economics literature on disasters has only looked at some discrete topics and phases of disaster management response. In addition, virtually all of this literature is extremely parochial and historical and provides no systematic explanation of possible future market failure, public good provision, or likely development of theory and IP.

5. Conclusion and Recommendations for Future Directions

One of the findings is the establishment of a complete model to solve the recovery problem. It is believed that current approaches miss several significant aspects. An initial preparatory module is used to personalize the basic model. The operations section personalizes emergency plans. For business processes, backups and recovery procedures are executed. Following-on work will include further extending the complexity of the model with the aim to minimize complexity so as to allow efficient use in a live emergency. Further details of the experimental complexity and demonstration of the model can be found in the references. We have shown which technologies serve which components of disaster management, and we have proposed various measures and rules to help with the development of such technologies. Emerging information technologies should be persuaded to contribute more to enhanced responses and accelerated recoveries from natural disasters. The long-term objective of obtaining greater and more widespread physical preparedness for such disasters has also been stated.

Natural disasters are occurring with growing frequency, prompting readiness initiatives. A greater challenge for current/emerging information technologies is more effective support for proactive strategies, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery phases that are needed also for the preparedness stage. Developing and establishing such information technologies in the field of disaster management is the main goal of this paper. We have presented comprehensive coverage of where and how information technologies may contribute to disaster management. We propose a conceptualizer for facilitating complete, unique recovery models for all enterprise layers using a simple approach. Expanding the complexity of the associated models in an emergency is suggested as future work.

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