communication skills classes

communication skills classes

The Importance of Communication Skills Classes in Higher Education

1. Introduction to Communication Skills

There is constant pressure from all corners of society for outcomes in practical and worthwhile terms. Education is thus viewed as a service and not as a route for a professional visit to the temples and cathedrals of learning. As far as higher education is concerned, we have immense scope and potential to include these programs as it would promote self-confidence, esprit de corps, attitude towards life and problems encountered in life situations, better inter and intra personal relationships, and would make the fructification of knowledge and skill possible. An organized and cumulative effort in this direction may help in gathering fragments of growth, resources, and generation to enrich the total educational experience of the learner at this highly impressionable age.

Communication skills occupy an eminent position in the personality of an individual since their accomplishments are carried forward right from the cradle to old age. It enables an individual to make a first and everlasting impression. We live in an age where professional success is a direct result of effective communication. Colleges, being the hub of intellectual activity, must also act as the primary spot for grooming prospective adults. When viewed from a practical perspective, formal education at the college level is no longer adequate for smooth professional development. Communicative competence is, therefore, regarded as the conspicuous quality for a qualitative change in education. The role of education is no longer viewed as just a channel for acquiring knowledge and attitude, but the emphasis has been laid on developing requisite skills.

2. Benefits of Effective Communication in Academic and Professional Settings

Prospective students from homes with few educational resources are at a serious disadvantage when faced with the process of understanding the implications of choosing a suitable course at an acceptable university in a foreign country. One of the aims of providing inquiry facilities on the Internet is to break this communication barrier and disseminate information widely, so that potential students can be more informed. One of the partners in the course selection process must pay particular attention to the integrative non-academic cultural and social skills that require nurturing on a shared communication platform. It is not only the student who is at a disadvantage by reduced communication. Universities need the benefits of responding to increased competition, staying ahead with advancing technology, and improving quality. Being able to communicate with potential students in a foreign country, to connect with foreign universities to share resources, competences and skills, immediately provides additional channels for problem-solving valuable information.

Certainly, having the ability to communicate effectively does more than reflect good skills. It also has a profound effect on the quality of our lives, education being no exception. The world is getting smaller and demands action whenever international problems arise. This situation is echoed in our universities where internationalization programs are increasing rapidly – new universities are being established, existing universities are expanding, and numerous bilateral links are growing. Therefore, it is imperative that communication should become an integral part of international educational programs.

3. Key Components of Communication Skills Classes

Emotion, together with empathy, positive and negative politeness can also benefit greatly from the feedback that is generally provided by the instructor, that orients the student in the direction needed for growth. In fact, perception of emotioning can be trained by receiving feedback on the intensity and quality of responses: proactive instructor-connectedness and interest indeed foster stronger commitment, enhancing reliable and valid assessments of performance appraisal, since they promote more revealing channel-specific interactions. Furthermore, feedback may have an immediate impact on physical, rather than emotional, arousal and facilitate effective social support, which pertains to providing empathetic behavior and helping to relax the speaker.

Multiple factors contribute to the teaching of advanced communication skills. First and foremost are experienced communication professionals who are sensitive to student needs, willing to share knowledge and models, ready to provide social support to those who want to acquire the pros of professional communication behaviors and verbalize their doubts, and not afraid to exert authority in the classroom. It should also be mentioned that, while some barriers such as outdated training programs and/or old-fashioned faculty are industry-related, many are related to the university curriculum or to cultural issues which could be partially overcome if training and cross-training were carried out.

4. Incorporating Technology and Digital Communication in Communication Skills Classes

Professor Mason is not alone in recognizing the importance of technology and digital communication in communication skills classes; researchers such as Chen (2010), Eaton (2010), and Ventura (2012) echo his argument. In their studies, these researchers demonstrate that infusing communication skills classes with technology will encourage digital natives to engage in critical thinking and promote the transfer of knowledge across their college courses. According to Svinicki (2011), the incorporation of technology also promotes a greater range of student activities in the college classroom, described in the professional literature as “multimodal pedagogies.” In this article, I build upon these ideas by arguing that the inclusion of digital communication in basic communication skills classes should be used to build student confidence in their professional identities; the teaching of e-mail etiquette, which is paramount to a student’s job prospects, is both an incentive and a recipe for effective persuasion.

In his 2014 article for Presentation Magazine entitled “Incorporating Technology and Digital Communication in Communication Skills Classes,” Dr. Austin Mason, assistant professor of Communications and Rhetoric at Cazenovia College, describes how different types of communication skills courses can introduce students to the growing world of digital communication. He argues, “Contemporary communication skills instruction should not only help students develop the ancient skills of ethos, pathos, and logos, but also incorporate new skills relevant to our digital age: visual rhetoric, social media, data analysis, branding, website design, business writing, and e-mail etiquette.” Mason notes that students know what they want to learn when they come to the classroom, as they understand the invaluable role that digital technology plays in securing jobs in a competitive economy.

5. Practical Exercises and Strategies for Improving Communication Skills

Exercises for Basic Oral Communications Course. In this section, our focus is on basic oral communication opportunities and activities that, when appropriately exercised, build confidence and competence. They are designed to familiarize students with the principles of effective oral communication such as audience perceptions, speaker characteristics, and considerations of the context or occasion of a communication act. The exercises, then, are designed to extend these principles to a variety of practical contexts such as informative, persuasive, and ceremonial communication settings. Actively speaking and listening help students become more comfortable in their communication abilities. The aligning course focus is to support the essence of what we say to the requirements of effectively communicating who we are, especially within the confines of the class-environment. Attend to these principles, and your course design begins to take on a comprehensive shape capable of encompassing the full range of practical and life experiences that oral communication provides.

The next chapter in this book looks at practical teaching exercises that you may want to incorporate into the classroom, be it a traditional, blended, or online one. You may also adapt these exercises and refer to the theoretical underpinnings. Overall, our goal is to make sure that your classes are dynamic, interesting and interactive. We focus on general educational strategies promoting quality education. Our intended focus is to provide communicators for contemporary society. This society requires its professionals and citizens to be strong communicators if they are to succeed and have vital control over their personal, social, economic, and political destinies. Upon entering the higher ed environment, we need to understand and act upon the reality of experience. Our heritage is in teaching experience as well as in our students’ rich educational and life experiences.

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