college homework planner

college homework planner

College Homework Planner

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college homework planner
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1. Introduction

For this research work, it is important to describe the scope and constraints for which is the homework planner. When we talk about this app, the idea is to provide a tool to allow students to manage what the next steps are regarding their academics. The goal is to provide real solutions that will keep the student progressing each day that they are using Homework Planner. Homework Planner is used by university students to lay down their schedules for the terms. There are two different portions of the application (Front/Mobile and Back-end). The front-end is the actual aesthetic user interface that can be installed on devices such as iPad, iPhone, and Android phones. The back-end is the admin server that sends all data to and from the servers. Another section to consider for the back-end is all the requests sent and received from the database and algorithmic calculations. Depending on user activities and requests, the front-end app will request necessary data it needs through Java. When the back-end has received the essential data, it will execute all the scheduling management needs and then send the results to the front-end database.

In today’s world, students are consistently using technology to help them in all aspects of their lives. Even in an academic setting, technology has become an essential tool in allowing students to learn, plan, and manage academic responsibilities. Applications like BB Learn (Blackboard), Google Documents, and Webcourses at the University of Central Florida are making life easier and less stressful in academia. In discovering the benefits of modern-day technology described above, it has pushed and motivated students to learn and be successful both inside and outside the classroom. There has been one aspect of academics in which technology is not being utilized to its full potential, and that is planning and time management for academies. In chapter 2, we will discuss the problem, and then in chapter 5, the conclusions will wrap things up in a nice thought-provoking manner.

2. Features of the College Homework Planner

These smaller steps are called actionable items. These could range from reading two chapters and completing six practice problems, studying a section for a quiz, or stopping by office hours. Each assignment, test, or quiz can require multiple actionable items. After all, reading the information is usually the easiest step, however, the practice to internalize the materials is the most important. Also, visiting office hours or study help sessions are also very valuable to student’s success, so being able to assign those critical tasks to a specific day is great. After you have broken your assignments into actionable items, you can assign these actionable items to the daily or weekly schedules. This provides students with an hour-by-hour plan for accomplishing their academic tasks. Ideal time guides are also available to help students make the most of their study time. This entire space is designed to help ease the burdens of college assignments and to help students make the most of their time.

The main reason many students purchase a homework planner is to help them remember when each assignment is due. Indeed, a daily or weekly planner is very useful for keeping track of the due dates of assignments, tests, and quizzes. However, nothing is more frustrating than your planner telling you that you have four assignments due the next day, and you don’t know where to start. The College Homework Planner allows you to break assignments, tests, and quizzes into smaller steps and then assign those steps to a day of accomplishment.

3. Benefits of Using a Homework Planner

Another important argument is the reminders you can set, which will help you follow your schedule. Teachers and students can also use this information to communicate better. Last but not least, such an application can serve as a grade and an evaluation record, whether we are talking about schools or universities. This way, you can constantly keep your parents updated on your marks.

On the other hand, a homework planner application can run on a smartphone. First of all, it allows you to pack every necessity you have in one single place. The planner will make sure you never forget to write down an important reminder, since it will serve as a constant nag. Another important advantage in using an application as opposed to paper and pencil can be found in the fact that your plans will be constantly updated. And you do not have to worry that a dog is going to eat your “homework book”. This way, if you lose your phone, the data is saved on a cloud. This way, you will never forget an assignment at school, since all the information you have is in one single place.

A homework planner is an application you can use on either your smartphone or computer. Also, you can use a website to keep track of your homework, grades, and schedule. Traditional homework planners can only be accessed in written format, a book that is not connected to anything above. This is why we propose the use of a new method. If you have not learned how to use a similar planner until now, you can take the first steps using a piece of paper and a pencil. It may not look like very much, but you can get things done with it, slowly but surely.

You may have heard about homework planners, but you probably do not know what exactly they are. Therefore, in the following lines, we are going to describe the homework planners and their benefits.

4. Tips for Effective Use of the Planner

3. Make the planner visible. Put your homework in a visible place at home, and carry it with you in your bag so that you do not forget it at school. Place your assigned homework in the proper location, and immediately replace the planner with previously assigned homework. Leave your planner open to the current page to have a visual reminder, which is necessary because the planner is not used frequently enough.

2. Record and color-code every duty. This will help you make sure you buy all materials and manage time in order to complete every task in the time available. It might be helpful to use rating colors for homework, blue for school and community events, and black for personalized commitments, or another system that makes sense to you. If you have multiple assignments due on one day, use different colors or highlighters in order to make it easy to see what needs to be done.

1. Record assignments when they are assigned. This is a key step, as many students procrastinate on recording assignments. Set aside time at the end of each class, review teacher instructions for added details, combine all homework assignments in one place, and complete the “Daily Homework” and “Upcoming Homework” sections of the planner. Break down bigger assignments into smaller parts and add them to your planner so you can distribute work over time.

5. Conclusion

The project was completed with the support of the University of São Paulo, where each problem encountered during the development of the work represented an opportunity to learn how to solve it – a solution that could be arrived at differently in the market. This collaboration led to the creation, development, and validation of the College Homework Planner presented in this dissertation. This application was built based on the needs and difficulties faced by students when it comes to organizing their academic activities. In addition, during the development of the Planner, we counted on the feedback from future users to ensure that the software could meet its objective – bringing real benefits to students who use it. With the practice of continuous improvement and evolution, it is an objective of the authors to guarantee the contribution to society, taking into account not only the academic environment of the University of São Paulo, but there are a number of people – with different characteristics, difficulties, and needs – that can benefit from the product presented in this work.

Given the responsibility of students in higher education, they face the challenge of managing their time to keep up with classes, assignments, project activities, and evaluations. By following the definition given by David Agustin, “a software application is designed to support and improve the quality of life of users through automation of their tasks,” in this work, we present an application that can help students in this crucial task.

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