cereal box book report examples

cereal box book report examples

Analyzing the Use of Cereal Box Book Reports in Education

1. Introduction to Cereal Box Book Reports

3.0 Methodology – I used this project as a fun book report for my students when I wanted them to read and explore the new and different formats of book reports, which could be oral traditions and discussions and still have their desired effect, which is to have the students read and present them to the class. There are several professional publications which include steps and templates of book reports that can be used by the teacher and students. These books can be referred to and adapted to suit the needs, values, knowledge, opinions, and beliefs of the classroom, individual, and state standards. The students had just completed an independent reading assignment. They then sat down to discuss what cereal boxes were and if they had seen a real one. Then I showed them an example of my own cereal box book report and explained the elements of the report and what they should include in their box. The following day, the students got into pairs and went to the library to find a book and read it in time for modeling and presenting. They were then given the weekend to complete it at home with their families.

Cereal box book report is a creative alternative to the traditional book report. Using a cereal box as the visual aid creates an exciting and interactive presentation as compared to the traditional one done with paper, copies, and reading directly from the paragraphs. The students can then boast to their friends on the message that was left on the book as they enjoy their breakfast cereal every morning.

Have you heard about the cereal box book report? This is an engaging book report ideal for students who are reading a chapter book independently. Students use the slogan “Top This” to share the main idea of the book by creating a cereal box project instead of a traditional report. This report works great with my book report outline and book report toolkit graphic organizers. Kids love this quick and easy project as they share information about their book in an engaging way, showcasing their creativity. This enticing project fits perfectly with a cereal box book report informational packet.

2. Educational Benefits of Cereal Box Book Reports

Parents enjoy this project because they are corporate partners with their child in designing the cereal box book report. As a result, parents become more active partners in their child’s educational experience. Classroom teachers and other staff members also enjoy this project because it is different and it encourages reading while providing an endless number of presentations. You never know what a cereal box book report will look like, but you will always know a book is inside the unique display.

Cereal box book reports are a fun and unique way for students to present information and the specific elements of their book. Projects vary as students share their creativity through their food and beverage projects. In the process of creating and designing, students can explore careers as a graphic designer or illustrator. In addition, students can learn how to apply art-related digital tools as they apply that knowledge and skill to create the display. It is also a great way for students to tell about the book they read while encouraging them to read a new book.

3. Examples and Case Studies of Cereal Box Book Reports in Practice

In the end, by having students create their own cereal boxes as packaging for a book they have read, the process of reflection has taken them from being rather impartial about the books they have read to becoming fascinated and sharing the story with their classmates in an engaging manner. It is an excellent means to encourage a number of cooperative learning strategies in the classroom. All too often book reports fall into a pattern of tiresome reactions by students, doing the minimum amount of work possible to discuss what they read. At the high school level, reluctant readers may select one of three tested ‘pop’ novels that are hastily abstracted from the Web rather than reading a full novel. If the finished reports are presented strictly as front and back, in effect only WD models, the project is not worth the huge amount of strategic planning that went into their design.

This chapter presents examples of the tried and true cereal box book report. It lists examples and categories associated with the activity and includes a sample assessment form. School and librarian Andrew Lein has put out a call to middle school and high school librarians to develop a “cereal box book report” in an article for the Oregon School Library Media Association Reporter. Box reports teach judicious selection of what is included in a report, sharpen students’ organizational skills, and provide an interesting way for students to share books with their classmates. They surprise students and teachers with the large amount of information that is included. Most of the students report that this is one of the most fun projects that they’ve ever completed. Finally, cereal box reports appeal to cereal companies as an advertising vehicle aimed at a group of young people who make specific requests for products they have seen advertised on TV.

4. Tips and Guidelines for Creating Effective Cereal Box Book Reports

Fourth, engage in three-dimensional marketing. Developing the three-dimensional elements of the cereal box makes the project more exciting for the reader. Fifth, incorporate shape vocabulary into the project. Word choice is very important in writing. To further enrich the learning experience, focus on vocabulary and writing while designing a visual project. Sixth, help stimulate students’ creativity. Demonstrate a completed cereal box book report. Then, allow students to examine several actual cereal boxes to look at the ways in which word choice is used. After students have been arranged into pairs, provide time for them to select a book which they will then read. Then, have them brainstorm words to use in the design of the cereal box design for the most books. Then, read over the parts of the Cereal Box Book Report. Finally, assign the letters and shapes to the design parts. To start, ensure that the correct size of boxes for which the assignment was set, a large size for rectangle-shaped boxes and small, single-serving size for square-shaped boxes. Then, turn the boxes on a flat edge so they are standing up like rectangles. At the top corner of each rectangle cereal box, fold down just the top inside flaps and secure them with tape. The boxes should open up like topless boxes. Next, use construction paper to decorate the two wide outside surfaces of the box including any images and text. Cut rectangles to cover any narrow surface of the box, which will act as the front or back cover. Cut flaps or shapes out of the remaining construction paper and decorate them. Be creative! Finally, glue the necessary shapes and flaps onto the front and back cover surfaces at the top and bottom edges. Use each shape to divide the box into quarters to represent the required parts of the Cereal Box Book Report.

You can refine the Cereal Box Book Report by taking several steps. First, think about how to put all the key elements of the book on the cereal box. Do not forget to include rating, summary, and character information. Also include a picture or model of the book’s setting. Remember to keep the design clean and organized. Second, know the cereal boxes well. To create an effective cereal box book report, conduct research on actual cereal boxes. Read the labels and try to mimic similar key design elements on your own book report, including cereal names and slogans. Third, find a partner who can be assigned to read the same book to make the project more exciting to the reader.

5. Conclusion and Future Implications

Incorporating CBBR into the language arts curriculum might also serve as an efficient method for helping educators to determine whether comprehension has occurred. Although literature circles and other types of book discussions are frequently used to provide evidence of understanding, many students are not willing to share their thoughts publicly. The CBBR can possibly counter this limitation by providing an alternative method of evaluation for students who are not comfortable talking about their books in front of peers. Cook and Noble found that the majority of students in their study agreed that the CBBR successfully communicated specific information about the book and that it was a fun project.

Despite the limitations identified in the study, the present findings offer practical implications to educators who aim to incorporate CBBR into their language arts curriculum. First, educators can utilize CBBR to align student interests and individual preferences to the required standards of their language arts classroom. From this, students become enthusiastic about their book report choices, which can result in increasing student engagement and motivation in literacy. Parents have the potential to play a complementary role in the student engagement process through encouraging meaningful conversations about the literature read by their children as well as by assisting in the construction of their cereal box design. Additionally, educators can provide time and assistance to promote this project by orchestrating classroom time dedicated to research and artistic design and by serving as a resource of support and extra help.

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