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The Importance of Homework in Academic Success

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1. The Benefits of Homework

They then go on reassuring a stressed-out student that it will be good for them in the long run. Also, some teachers give too much homework thinking it will be beneficial, when in reality the student will not benefit at all. Teachers should always take into account the students and assign homework based on their individual needs and capabilities. So, is homework helpful? When will it be helpful to the student? I found a survey taken by the U.S. Census Bureau which serves to answer this question. The census found that homework can be a positive experience for the student, and that homework has been linked to higher scores in mathematics, reading, and other subjects. This is especially true in the upper grades. The word “positive” involved aspects such as homework being helpful in teaching a student self-discipline and time management, and these habits will be very beneficial in the future. If homework is establishing good life habits, then it can be considered good homework. But if we think back of why homework may be more beneficial in the upper grades, it is because there will be a higher standard of content that the student will have to understand. In lower grades students are becoming a little too preoccupied with the word “homework”. If we look at the tradition of homework and its actual positive effects, we need to rekindle in the children’s mind that homework is an extension of learning and it should be interesting and beneficial.

2. Strategies for Effective Homework Completion

Create a suitable environment: Establish a homework zone with the necessary supplies. The area should be well-lit and free from distractions; avoid the television, radio, or noisy siblings. Set up a homework schedule: Many children are in a sport or activity which occupies a great deal of their time. As a result, they are often tired and unfocused when homework time rolls around. Discuss the best time for your child to do homework and try to keep to a regular schedule. Coming up with a plan using a homework planner is effective, make sure your child sticks to it. Make sure your child is well-rested: Children are more likely to be able to concentrate and do well on homework when they are healthy and receive adequate rest. Work closely with teachers and school: Ensure that you understand the homework policy. Ask how much and what type of homework is to be expected. Negotiate with teachers if the homework load is excessive. You do not need to know all of the subject matter in order to help with homework. Answer questions your child may have missed in the directions of an assignment. Talk about the assignment, break it down, and develop a plan. After the homework is completed, find out from the teacher if it was done effectively. Break it down: If your child is struggling with an assignment, decide if it is too difficult or too lengthy. Some problems can only be solved by meeting with the teacher. A parent can let the teacher know if an assignment is consistently taking too long or seems to be over the child’s head. If an assignment is too difficult, it may require parental involvement to get the student back on the right track then gradually release the child back to independence. If the assignment is too lengthy, it may be necessary to only do a portion of it. On a given night, 10-20 minutes per grade level is recommended. Anything beyond this can be counterproductive.

3. Overcoming Homework Challenges

Task matching student abilities to the demands of the task is a term known as “homework-task fit” and is also a common issue. A large number of students will believe a task is too difficult for them. In this case, teacher and student beliefs of the student’s capabilities can conflict. There is the potential for actual learning benefits if the teacher pushes the students to complete tasks believed to be just above the student’s capabilities, but the risk of “loss of positive beliefs about ability” or self-esteem may negate this potential benefit.

Unspecified task accomplishment criteria not only confuses students but can also lead to plagiarism if the teacher makes use of assessment as part of the criteria marking, which he/she has not made clear to the students. One way to combat this issue is to use formative assessment with a focus on improving student achievement. Assigning low stakes homework practicing certain aspects of the criteria (e.g., answering specific exam questions, doing a reading or a set of comprehension questions) and using assessment to give feedback to students can give both the teacher and students a clear picture of what parts of the criteria the student has achieved.

By far the most widespread challenge a teacher faces in giving homework is convincing students to do it, and in the case of large-scale homework assignments, this can be difficult. It would be useful if students were given a clear homework goal self-concordant on the basis of the task at hand. For many homework assignments, it’s not uncommon for students to express that they’ve had difficulty determining what exactly the homework task is. In cases where the teacher’s goal is to have students review a particular topic, it’s imperative that the task be self-concordant. If the teacher’s goal is to develop an understanding of the topic, then providing an opening activity related to the topic would be a useful way to determine students’ understanding. Another issue a teacher faces when setting homework is specifying task accomplishment criteria.

4. Creating a Productive Homework Environment

The essential point of making a productive homework environment is to eliminate all the distractions. Distractions can really negatively affect the effectiveness of the homework that you are doing. Suggestions to create an environment like this are to have a designated room for homework. It is much more effective to do homework in a single designated area, such as a study or the dining room. Doing homework in your bedroom is very counterproductive as there are likely to be many distractions such as televisions and video game systems. If you must do it in your room, make sure all of your entertainment items are turned off and/or put away. This is to establish the mindset that when you are doing homework or studying, you are doing just that. Keeping the environment that you are in comfortable is also very important. You cannot be effective in a place where you feel uneasy or nervous. Temperature and lighting are two of the biggest factors in the comfort of an environment. The temperature of the room should be on the cooler side and there should be plenty of light in the room. Now with a comfy environment set up, the next plan of attack is to have all the necessary resources that you will need for your assignments or studying nearby. This includes textbooks, notebooks, pens/pencils, and paper. This is to avoid having to get up and search for these items, and risk the possibility of becoming sidetracked and unproductive. All video game systems, iPods, and other recreational items should be powered off and stored away, or even better yet, not in the room at all. These items are huge temptations to procrastinate. A good song or two won’t hurt, but too much music can be a distraction. If music is required to concentrate, listen to something simple and calming, or play instrumental music so that it’s not the main focus. Now that the mood is set, we are now ready to begin the homework.

5. The Role of Parents in Supporting Homework

It is important for parents to show that they value education and homework. This can be done through good communication with the school and demonstrating a positive attitude towards homework. Parents may wish to keep in contact with teachers to inquire about the type of homework that is set and how they can best help. Often, older pupils will be set coursework deadlines, and it is important that parents help their child work out a realistic schedule for completion. Sit students down with a timetable or planner and guide them to plan how they will complete their work. Encourage him or her to make good use of gaps in the school day, getting work done on the bus or in free periods, to lessen the work that will need to be brought home. You may need to provide guidance here, explaining how you plan your own work schedule and prioritize tasks. It is too easy for poor time management to cause work to build up. A student should learn to have a balance of work and not attempt to do too much too soon. A history essay is not good stress management for a 15-year-old who has 3 months to do it. They will end up doing a poor job and will pay the price for it next study session, piling an extra load of work on top of what they already have. Plan a realistic schedule considering the nature and number of tasks to be done and space them out evenly. Manageable goals are an important precursor to motivation.

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