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can you do my homework for me

The Importance of Completing Homework Independently

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1. The Benefits of Doing Homework on Your Own

Not only that, being a study involving numeracy and literacy targets and Self-Regulated Learning strategies of pupils in primary school, the pupils working on their own were shown to be using more elaborative and organizational processes. Elaboration is a beneficial process as it helps make better connections between new and existing knowledge. This is achieved when the student tries to relate what he has learned into the homework and expand on what he already knows about the topic signifying a better understanding. An example of this would be a recent test grade of mine for mathematics, where a slip of the pen cost me to lose a mark. Upon realizing this mistake and completing this piece of math homework again but now with the correct answer, it showed that I had understood what had gone wrong the first time and took the mental effort to rectify the mistake and remember the correct method in future. With organization, it helps structure information in a more coherent and systematic way. This is done by planning out what is to be done before starting, separating the work into different sections, and later checking work done. This also shows a better understanding when a student can link the organization of homework to the homework itself for organization plays a part in understanding the relationships among different elements of the information to be learned.

When students are doing their homework on their own, they tend to be less likely to get distracted. Hence, they leave an undivided attention to the task at hand and accomplish it to the best of their ability. This shows the student’s capability of being able to work “smart”. By this, it is a general observation that when doing homework alone, the time taken to complete the homework would be shorter. And this is proven so by a research article conducted by Keith S. Topping that students in upper primary level take about 42 minutes to complete a given piece of homework. And when completing it in a shorter period of time, it shows that the student is able to understand the topic well enough to the extent that it does not take too long to have doubts on what the question is asking.

2. Developing Time Management Skills

Students who work independently on homework are developing essential time management skills. We all know that practice makes perfect – if a child practices time management for school work and learns to organize time and prioritize job tasks and avoid procrastination, it will help him in his future career and adulthood. Developing time management skills now will help your child manage their time well throughout their life and better manage tasks throughout their careers. Time management can be best taught as a habit, and the earlier it is taught, the better. Unfortunately, in some cases, it takes people most of their careers to master the art of time management, and some never learn it. Learning it late in life can result in redoing tasks multiple times, which takes longer than doing it right the first time, as well as added stress due to cramming work into tight deadlines. So teaching good time management skills during homework will help to avert the foregoing scenarios. Coming back to the issue of dependence, the majority of the time a child spends checking assignment details with a parent or asking a parent to just sit with them until the work is done is time spent avoiding doing the actual homework. This is what leads to procrastination – if a child is used to depending on someone else, they won’t know how to do the work when left to their own devices. And often times, parents who are involved in the educational careers of their children want to help with homework as much as possible because they perceive it as productive and beneficial time spent with their child. While the intentions are good, it does not provide the quality one-on-one time between parent and child that parents seek, and the time spent helping with homework can really just turn into frustration for both parties. It is really a lose-lose scenario.

3. Enhancing Problem-Solving Abilities

By dealing with homework on their own, trainees can proactively enhance their problem-solving abilities. If trainees are not able to keep in mind or use exactly what they’ve discovered at home, chances are it might slip their mind during test time. This is due to the fact that family involvement in academic activities of young children has actually been shown to positively associate with children’s achievement. Children whose parents are more active in their learning are more likely to have the ability to solve complex problems on their own. Showing students that are real problem solvers. By providing that legitimate problem they could apply what they’ve learned in different ways, possibly discovering different approaches or solutions. This ensures generation on the student’s part and might create new methods of doing things, as well as set the performance for continuous critical thinking in future academic undertakings. Students who’ve got the problem-solving approach will be more successful in the workforce of the future. The skills and knowledge students are expected to learn and display continues to improve every year it seems. As business and work teams become more dependent on technology, there will be increased demands put on employees to keep up with technological advancements. Future workforce will be expected to solve a barrage of complex problems using increased problem-solving abilities. The most reliable way of acquiring those skills is through continuous and accurate practice. Homework is the perfect vehicle for enhancing these desired problem-solving abilities.

4. Building a Strong Work Ethic

Receiving some assistance and guidance on a task is beneficial, but children should also learn persistence and the ability to work hard for something. The completion of homework is a clear indication to a child that they will need to set time aside to do a job properly and to take responsibility for their best attempt. Developing a strong work ethic is essential if we want children to be successful learners and homework is key to achieving this. Walker (1995) states that the heaviest involvement in learning occurs in out of school hours activities; it is the combination of homework and free reading that contributes to academic achievement. This homework will be most beneficial to a child when parents provide a supportive, encouraging environment and the necessary resources to get the job done. This provides the optimal opportunity for the child to work independently and to learn from their mistakes.

When children have to complete a task, they usually want a lot of adult support in order to do it. This is called de-skilling the task, where the child is not actually working independently (Walker, 1995). Completing homework independently teaches a child to learn the best way that they can, without someone else providing them with the answer. This is an important life skill; we want adults to be able to think for themselves and make well-informed decisions. We want them to be confident and successful. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to give them responsibilities and challenges and then trust them to do their best. This is the message that homework sends to children and ultimately, it is the message that will help them to be successful in their future.

5. Fostering Personal Growth and Learning

Are students motivated to learn from mistakes, or do they simply copy them to get their work finished as soon as possible and to avoid any further effort? (Cooper et al, 2001, p.18). This is a very pertinent question in the current society in terms of whether students are cognitively developing. Completing homework independently is an excellent tool for encouraging students to do just this. Assigning homework with this level of autonomy means students are encouraged to learn from sources other than the teacher, such as textbooks, reference materials, the Internet, or from peers. They will make an attempt to grasp the content to the best of their ability, and when students make an attempt to express and apply what they have learned, their cognitive development is at its highest (Marton and Saljo, 1996, p.105). It is this process that is the most beneficial aspect of learning and results are of lesser importance. According to Marton and Saljo (1996), the aim of the teacher should be to try to get the student to understand how and why something is, not to just get them to understand what it is. Unfortunately, too much teaching in New Zealand does not have this aim in mind, and homework does not provide an opportunity for the students to learn autonomously. Too often, homework is a tool used with the mentality of ‘more is better.’ Although there are many reasons for this, which will be discussed later, the final result is that little is accomplished. Teachers must understand that there is a limit to the effectiveness of homework. Homework can be an extremely effective tool for bringing about student understanding, but only if it is meaningful and has a definite purpose. If it is busy work, it has little value. Homework with a high level of autonomy is more likely to be meaningful, but the teacher must have a clear intention in mind. Teachers and students need to regularly engage in discussions on the reasons for doing homework. (Walker, 2006, p. 77). All in all, the agreed belief is that the most beneficial learning is student centred and homework with autonomy is a prime example of this.

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